Friday, December 28, 2007
My favorite posts from 2007
I was back in the office today facilitating the Group Program Virtual Intensive. I've run two of the programs in the last few weeks and continue to be amazed at the results participants are taking away. Most participants have taken away not just one, but two, new group programs as a result of the six hours of structured focus and exercises the program offers. Most participants have said one of the most beneficial parts of the program is the coaching that goes with the program to keep them in momentum.
If you've missed the last two programs, don't worry, I've got another one scheduled for March 10 and 12, 2008 (7-10 pm EST both evenings) and I will likely announce another new session for those who want to get a jumpstart on their group programs in January.
Here's a list of my favorite blog posts from the Group Coaching Ins and Outs blog for the year. I hope that you will take a moment and click on over -- you are guaranteed to take away some new tips for your programs!
1. Group Facilitation Tip – Co-Facilitation:
2. 5 Ways to Use Index Cards for Your Group Programs
3. Current Trends in Learning and Development:
6 current trends from this year's ASTD International Conference in June 2007
4. Selecting a Venue for Your Group Program:
5. Dealing with Difficult Participants:
6. Group Failitation Tip – Debrief Exercises
7. Group Facilitation Tip – Preparation:
8. Best Practices for Group Coaching
9. Group Coaching Best Practices Part 2
10. Workshop, Retreat and Group Coaching Checklist:
What were your favorite blog posts here this year? Which ones did you find most useful? As always, please feel free to comment below!
Warm regards,
Jennifer Britton, PCC, CHRP, CPT
Potentials Realized
Group Coaching Essentials
Toll Free: 1-866-217-1960
Monday, December 17, 2007
Join me for my Annual Holiday Call - Thursday evening at 7pm(EST)

This year's call is entitled "Make Your Group Programs Great for 2008: 8 Essential Tips". If you want to launch your own workshop, retreat or group coaching program (or amp up your current offerings with some new golden nuggets), I hope that you will join me. Your only cost is your long-distance charges to connect to the bridgeline.
To join me for the call dial into (218) 486-1300, access code 503003 at 7pm (EST). The call will last for 1 hour.
If you'd like to benefit from a special extra holiday gift (which I will send by email) please send me an email with your RSVP/reservation to
I look forward to having you join me on Thursday evening!
Warm regards,
Jennifer Britton, PCC, CHRP, CPT
Group Coaching Essentials
Potentials Realized
Toll Free: 1-866-217-1960
Friday, December 14, 2007
My Top 10 Resource Books for 2007 - Group Programs
Program Design/Exercises:
The Trainers Handbook – Karen Lawson
Retreats that Work – 2nd Edition –Liteman, Campbell, Liteman
90 World Class Training Activities by 90 World Class Trainers – Elaine Beich
QuickSilver – Rohnke/Butler (Project Adventure - - still a classic after all these decades – one from my roots in the experiential education field in the 1980s)
Facilitation Skills:
Facilitator's Guide to Participatory Decision Making - Kaner et al.
Mastering Virtual Teams – Duarte/Snyder
Facilitating with Ease – Fran Rees
Building Your Business:
Get Clients Now! – CJ Hayden
Co-Active Coaching, 2nd Edition – Whitworth, Kimsey-House, Kimsey-House, Sandahl
Appreciative Coaching – Orem, Binkert, Clancy
Most of these books are available for purchase at the bookstore I host with Amazon – along with many more. Click on over to the bookstore here.
In a future post, I will follow with my top 10 list of books I’ve been recommending to clients this year. What books have been on your top 10 reading list? Feel free to comment below.
Warm regards,
Jennifer Britton, PCC, CHRP, CPCC
Potentials Realized and Group Coaching Essentials
Email: jennifer{at}
Toll Free: 1-866-217-1960
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
My Top 10 Favorite Group Program Tools and Tips for 2007
Copyright 2007 - Jennifer Britton, All Rights Reserved
This year has been a rich time for me to work with many group clients – from individuals and teams representing the virtual world, for profit, not for profit and global organizations.
Here are some of the tools and tips that have come in very handy for the year. I hope that you will find them useful too!
- – If you are looking to host your own conference calls and want to record them at no cost, this service offers it all for free! You can also convert your audio recordings into podcasts.
- Post-it notes: I don’t know how many dozen post it notes I have gone through this year with group and team programs but it’s been a lot! Post- its are a great tool for capturing thoughts for program design, vision work and also evaluation from participants.
- Printing Needs: VistaPrint. If you haven’t discovered Vista Print yet, I hope that you will check them out. They offer a wide selection of products you can customize – from postcards, to business cards and T-shirts. If time is on your side, you may appreciate the value of their products.
- Group Coaching and Training Checklist:
- MindMapping – I love using MindMaps with my clients. They are a great way to support people to think outside of the box! You can have groups create them, individuals create their own, draw them on paper or use a computer program such as MindJet ( What can you MindMap today?
- Co-Facilitation – When co-facilitation really works, it rocks! When it doesn’t, it doesn’t. Click here for some tips on preparing for your next co-facilitation : Looking to design your next co-facilitation? Book a 45 minute partnership alliance coaching session with me for you and your partner!
- Remember that 60% of adult learners are visual learners. What support are you providing them? For more info:
- Keep it Simple – Systems for your work and programs can save you a lot of time and headaches. Here’s a post from late 2006 on some of the systems you may want to create.
- Create a clear vision for yourself and the work you want to create and keep it close at hand. What do you want to create in 2008?
And of course….my favorite: - Less is more! If you haven’t heard me talk about this one before here it is. One of the greatest pitfalls for coaches and trainers is trying to fit too much in their programs. Think about the value you would be providing by taking out 20% of the content you hoped to deliver/cover during your program, so that you leave more space for discussion and participant exploration.
Your Challenge: Take out 20% of the content you want to deliver in an upcoming program and put it aside as the seeds for a new program.
I'd welcome your comments -- what were your top 10 group program resources this year?
Warm regards,
Jennifer Britton, PCC, CHRP, CPT
Itching to create a group program for 2008 before the end of the year?
I'll also be holding a special holiday Virtual Intensive on Friday December 28th from 10 - 4pm (EST) if you can't make next weeks. So if you are looking to take advantage of a quieter week -- here's your chance.
The Virtual Intensive will create the space for you to focus on getting your group program designed and initial marketing concepts in place, in a structured, supportive environment.
How it works:
Each hour of the Virtual Intensive will have a different theme/focus (design , marketing, implementation etc). We will be meeting for 15-20 minutes of each hour as a group to cover some main concepts related to the topics. The rest of the hour is yours to work on your own program at your own home or office. We'll connect again at the top of the next hour to discuss how things are going, any questions you have, and to fill up your toolbox with some new tools.
What some of the former participants have completed during the Virtual Intensive:
- Initial program design
- Marketing strategy and copy for their program
- Assessment of their ideal client for the program
- Their program's accompanying workbook
- Material for their website
The possibilities are endless -- what do you need to focus on to get your group program up and running?
What you'll receive with your registration:
- 6 hour virtual intensive
- Group Program Virtual Intensive Manual (packed with 25 tools, tips and resources -- we won't have time to cover most of these in the program but you will be able to take them away for the future use)
- Access to me during our group call time, as well as in the 40 minute "offline" time each hour
- A group follow up call at a time convenient for the group in January (1 hour)
Your Investment: $125 US OR $125 Canadian.
For more information and to register, please visit:
If there is sufficient demand, I will also hold a special one-day Group Program Virtual Intensive on Friday December 28th (10-4 pm EST)
Space is limited. You can also register by contacting me by phone toll free at 1-866-217-1960 or by email at .
I look forward to having you join us on Monday or on the 28th.
Warm regards,
Jennifer Britton, PCC, CPCC, CHRP
Group Coaching Essentials and Potentials Realized
Monday, December 03, 2007
Join me for the 2008 Biz Success Virtual Planning Retreat
Want to develop a vision for what you want to create with your business next year?
If you said yes, I hope that you will join me on Tuesday December 11th and Tuesday December 18th from 7-10 pm (EST) each evening for The 2008 Biz Success Virtual Business Planning Retreat for small business owners.
Participants will:
* Develop their vision for 2008 for their business;
* Explore or reconnect with their business values;
* Set their major Business Objectives for 2008;
* Develop a Business RoadMap for 2008;
* Develop their 2008 Marketing Strategy and Plan;
* Develop an operational budget and partnership strategy for 2008.
The Biz Success Virtual Planning Retreat (TM) will be of interest to new and seasoned business owners who are committed to conscious, intentional action and planning for their business.
Retreat participants will receive:
* 6 hours of structured retreat time (combination of group work and individual planning time)
* A virtual retreat manual with exercises, tools and templates for their business planning
* A follow up call in January
* Individual follow up coaching sessions (Gold and Silver packages only)
The virtual planning retreat is structured to give you tools that you will immediately apply to your own business planning. The program will be held by phone so you don't even have to leave your office -- everything will be right at your fingertips! We will meet as a group for the first 15 - 20 minutes of each hour during the retreat, which will then be followed by approximately 40 minutes of individual planning work.
Space is limited to 12 participants per session. As I mentionned last month on the blog, 10 minutes of planning can save up to 2 hours of unfocused effort. Imagine giving yourself the gift of 6 hours of focus towards your business.
You can purchase the virtual retreat as a standalone at $150 Canadian (about $150 US with today's rate) or you can bundle it with one or two hours of one-on-one business coaching with me (Gold and Silver packages).
For more information and to register please visit As always, you can give me a call toll free at 1-866-217-1960 to speak with me directly (and I will be in the office most of this week other than Thursday!).
If you really want to take your business from good to great next year (or even 0 - 60) I hope that you will join me. I've been working with small business owners for more than 4 years now, as a former Business Studies Faculty Member, and as a guest lecturer for many government sponsored small business programs. It is one of my passions (just behind group coaching!).
Looking forward to having you join us next week!
Warm regards,
Jennifer Britton, PCC, CHRP, CPT
Group Coaching Essentials ~Toll Free: 1-866-217-1960 ~ Email: jennifer{at}potentialsrealized{dot}com
Group Facilitation Tip: Quick and Dirty Evaluation
Copyright 2007 - Jennifer Britton. All Rights Reserved.
Evaluation is an often overlooked component of any group program. How do you evaluate your workshop, retreat or group coaching program?
Evaluation plays a key role in any group program, and can provide the following information:
1. What idd the participants like about the program?
2. What did participants learn from the program?
3. What changes may need to be made before the program is run again?
4. What is the value or benefits of the program?
If you are not yet familiar with the work of Donald Kirkpatrick, often called the Grandfather of Evaluation, I would suggest you check out his book " Evaluating Training Programs". This is seminal work in the area of workplace learning and development. His four levels to evaluation are:
1. Reaction - What were participant's reaction to the program? Did they like it?
2. Learning - What did participants learn from the program? Often measured pre and post program.
3. Behavior - How did participants' on the job behavior change due to the training?
4. Results - What business results were obtained due to the changes in participants' behavior on the job?
Many of you will also be familiar with a fifth level of evaluation - Return on Investment - ROI developed by Jack J. Phillips. This month's Performance Improvement Journal has a wonderful article by Jack on Measuring the ROI of a Coaching Intervention. An interesting read.
At minimum, whether I am running a full blown group program, or even offering a one-hour speech, I ask participants three questions:
1. What worked well?
2. What did you take away?
3. What should we do differently next time?
I hope that you will try out these questions with your next group. What impact did they have on your learning?
Have a wonderful week,
Jennifer Britton, PCC, CPCC, CHRP
Group Coaching Essentials
Toll Free: 1-866-217-1960
Email: jennifer{at}potentialsrealized{dot}com
Monday, November 26, 2007
Group Facilitation Tip: Creating Ground Rules with Your Group
I typically spend 5-10 minutes with each group I am working with in creating a group charter or set of ground rules which we will all follow for the time we are working together. It is very similar to designing the alliance in an individual 1-1 coaching session, however, in the group context it facilitates the design of a group alliance. I use this exercise with groups that are just forming, as well as intact teams that may be joining me for a half day program or longer.
I like to have the group come up with their ways of working - how they will be together. Some of the ground rules I will propose for the group to consider include:
* Starting and ending on time
* Respecting each other's ideas, thoughts and opinions
* Respecting confidentiality (so what is discussed in the room, stays in the room)
*Agreeing to play fully during the course of the program
It's also amazing to see what group's come up with as well -- often suggestions like only having one person speak at a time.
Some of these guidelines/ways of working may seem very basic, but people are people, and groups are groups. I will post the Group Charter/Ground Rules/Ways of Working in the venue setting so we can refer back to them as we move forward with the program. It's interesting to see how we sometimes need to refer back to them even six weeks into a multi-week program.
You can also facilitate this process in a virtual environment during teleclasses or teleseminars.
What are some of the ground rules you usually propose, or have seen with groups. Feel free to share your comments below.
Have a wonderful week,
Jennifer Britton, PCC, CHRP
Potentials Realized
Group Coaching Essentials
Toll Free: 1-866-217-1960
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
Team Building Resources
As I always say, the Web is a great resource for juicy team building resources. If you haven't checked out these sites already, I hope that you will -- they are jam packed with great exercises you can adapt for the different teams you are working with - whether you are wearing a coaching, training or facilitator's cap.
Teach Me Teamwork - Tom Heck's Amazing Site - Great site out of Australia -- I love the outdoor experiential slant as these are my own roots from the late 80s.
Business Balls - always getting updated, business balls has been a site I've enjoyed for the last 6 years -- always gives you some great ideas.
And of course I will be bringing in some of the great relationship systems coaching tools from the Center for Right Relationship.
What are some of your favorite team building resource sites? Feel free to comment below.
Have a great week,
Jennifer Britton, PCC, CHRP, CPT
Potentials Realized
Group Coaching Essentials
Sunday, November 11, 2007
Creating Time to Plan

Did you know that for every 10 minutes of planning you can save 1 hour of unfocussed effort? How often do you spend time on a weekly, or daily, basis making a list of what you need to get done and what's a priority?
As business owners it is pretty easy to get swamped by the juggling of multiple contracts and clients, and planning falls by the wayside. And what's the cost? To you? Your business?
As many larger companies are moving into their planning phase for 2008 (if it's not done already), how much time have you dedicated towards creating your Business Roadmap for 2008? What are your major goals for next year? How much will you grow? What will be your priorities?
I will be offering two different programs in the last 6 weeks of this year to help coaches and other business owners to focus on their business plans or group program plans for 2008.
Group Program Design Virtual Intensive (Monday November 19 and 26th from 7-10 pm EST both evenings by phone): For coaches, trainers and other professionals wanting to create the space to plan and act on their plans for 2008 group programs. Cost $125 Cdn. Includes the reteat, a group follow up call and virtual retreat manual.
2008 Biz Success Virtual Planning Retreat: A virtual business planning retreat for small business owners and solopreneurs. (Held by phone)
Offered over the course of two evenings:
Monday December 3 & 10 (7-10pm ET) OR
Tuesday December 11 &17 (7-10pm ET)
Cost: $150 Cdn or bundled with individual coaching sessions. Also includes a group follow up call and a business planning e-manual.
Imagine the payoff of 6 hours of dedicated time to focus on your business and its goals. At very least, I hope that you will take up the challenge of creating time in the coming weeks to close your door, turn off the phone and do some visioning of what you want to create in 2008.
If you'd like more information on these programs, I hope that you will check out the links, or feel free to call me toll free at 1-866-217-1960. Space is limited in both programs so please register early.
Have a great start to the week,
Jennifer Britton, PCC, CHRP, CPT
Potentials Realized
Group Coaching Essentials
Toll Free: 1-866-217-1960
Email: info{at} potentialsrealized{dot}com
Monday, October 29, 2007
Great magazine for Coaches - choice Magazine

To find out more visit Choice has had some terrific editions out lately including one on the important difference between coaching and therapy. Upcoming editions include Coaching and Youth, and Corporate Coaching.
Sunday, October 21, 2007
Join Me Friday for the Tips and Tools for Your Workhshop or Retreat Teleseminar
By the end of the program, participants will:
- Explore common challenges for group program leaders, and what to do to navigate them;
- Acquire a basic understanding of adult learning principles;
- Have a framework to "Know Your Client"
- Brainstorm ideas on marketing and promotion for your next event
- Learn how to not reinvent the wheel with your group programs and other service offerings
- Get ideas about engaging exercises to include in their group programs
- And learn about two of my favorite best practices
This is an interactive, intimate teleseminar, with space limited to 8. Participants are encouraged to bring any, and all, questions you have about group programs to the call. You'll also receive a 20 page workbook to take forward for your own group program development. The cost of the program is $45 US.
To reserve your spot and pay by PayPal, please visit: If you have questions or would like to register by phone, please call me toll free at 1-866-217-1960.
I hope that you will join me on Friday for an action packed hour and a half!
With best wishes,
Thursday, October 18, 2007
Action, Action, Action in Business
I am a real proponent for strategic action based in solid planning and vision for business owners. However, what often happens is that we get so caught up in the planning and visionning, that we don't actually move into the action phase. It may be because we feel we don't have enough information to get into action (ie. we need more education/more networking/more courses), we are not prepared enough, we're scared, we're not good enough. These are often the things we hear from our clients when we look at limiting beliefs.
What limiting beliefs are you setting with your business? What action are you shying away from? What excuses are you making?
On the flipside, sometimes we can't get into action, because there is so much on our plate. When was the last time you took time to strategically look at what your business priorities are, what's paying off, and what is becoming dead weight?
I would challenge each one of you to take a look at where you have been spending your time and energy, what the results are, and what might not be serving you any more. The "not to do" list can often be just as powerful as the "to do" list.
Lots of food for thought!
Have a great week,
Jennifer Britton, PCC, CHRP, CPT
Potentials Realized
Group Coaching Essentials
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
Having essence infuse your group program development
Both retreat programs I am working on right now are targeted to couples and as such draw on very similar concepts and exercises, yet have a very different feel. Last night we had a major breakthough with one of the retreats when we decided to look at the question: "What's the essence we want to create in this program? How is it different than other programs?"
To help us get really clear on what we wanted to create, we asked questions like:
* What's the energy we want to create?
* What's the ambiance?
* What colours come to mind with the program?
* What are some of the metaphors which would represent the program?
* What's the feel we want to create?
Keep in mind that we had already drafted the program and objectives. By getting really clear last night on the essence we wanted to create, it gave us a new strategic focus and made it really easy to start developing our marketing message. I have no doubt that the work we did last night is going to shorten a lot of processes in lead up to these programs, as well as help keep us grounded to what we want to create.
What's been your experience in coming from a place of defining your essence for a program in addition to defining your content? What results have you seen? I'd love to hear about your experience and any other questions you might want to add.
Have a great week!
Jennifer Britton, PCC, CPCC, CHRP, CPT
Group Coaching Essentials
Toll Free: 1-866-217-1960
Sunday, October 14, 2007
Two copies left of the Engaging Exercises for Teams and Groups Manual
The manual includes 25 exercises which you can use in your work with teams or groups, and covers essential information on different types of exercises such as icebreakers and closure exercises. For more information and to view the table of contents, click here.
In order to make space for the second edition of the Manual in 2008, I've cut the cost of the manual by 33% -- if you are one of the first two to respond to snap up the last two manuals in store, you'll get the manual for $20 US, plus $10 shipping (regardless of where you are located).
You can order and pay for your manual by PayPal here, or give me a call toll free at 1-866-217-1960.
It will make a great addition to your resource collection!
If you are looking for more than just the manual and want to hear about how you can really use the exercises, I will be holding a 1.5 hour teleseminar this coming Friday, October 19th from 12 - 1:30 pm (EST) on Engaging Exercises for Teams and Groups. Participants for the teleseminar will also receive an electronic copy of the entire manual, plus the opportunity to bring all of your questions to the call which I will answer. Space is limited to 8 and the cost is $59 US. I hope that you will join me!
To register for the teleclass on the 19th of October (12 - 1:30pm (EST)) you can reserve and pay online at or call me toll free at 1-866-217-1960. Feel free to also drop me a line by email at with Engaging Exercises October 19th in the header.
Cheers to an exciting week ahead of working with teams and groups!
Jennifer Britton, PCC, CHRP, CPT
Potentials Realized
Group Coaching Essentials
Toll Free: 1-866-217-1960
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
Last Call - Group Coaching Essentials starts Thursday at 8pm (EST)
If you are a coach who is looking to expand your work into the areas of groups or teams, the Group Coaching Essentials program covers:
* The Foundations of Group Coaching - What it is, how it differs from individual coaching, group process and best practices of group coaching
* The Essentials of Designing Group Coaching programs - tools, templates and ideas to make your own program design effective and tailored to your clients' needs
* Marketing Group Coaching - Tools and tips to ensure that you get your programs filled. Many of these marketing ideas are also applicable to your larger business
* Filling Your Toolbox with Engaging Exercises - We'll spend a week talking about exercises for your group coaching programs. I will share with you some of my favorites.
You'll also receive as part of the program:
* 5 x 75 minute group calls (maximum 6 participants)
* an 85 page Group Coaching Manual (sent as weekly electronic modules)
* Weekly exercises to move your group coaching ideas into reality
* Pre and post course 1-1s with me
The cost for the program is $250 US. To learn more or to register, click here. You can pay by PayPal at the link at the bottom of this page, or pay by Visa by calling me toll free at 1-866-217-1960.
This month's session will hold group calls on Thursdays from 8-9:15pm (EST) on October 11, 26, November 8 and 15th, plus a fifth call in December/January (date to be set by group).
If you can't make this month's sessions, our last class of the year will be held starting November 5th on Mondays from 12 - 1:15 pm (EST) on November 5, 12, 19 and 26th, plus a fifth call in January.
Now's the time to get your group coaching programs in gear for the end of the year and the start of 2008!
Here's what past participants have said about the program:
"Group Coaching Essentials is a wonderful laboratory for learning key concepts about adult learning, instructional design, group dynamics and more. Jennifer Britton's wonderfully organic facilitation style allows each session to be a flowing, dynamic group conversation that is rich in learning and personal insights! I recommend this program for anyone who wants to gain confidence, knowledge and resources in preparation for launching their own group coaching program"
- Erin Curran, CPCC,
“Thank you, Jennifer, for expanding my knowledge of group coaching immeasurably. I not only learned a terrific amount of useful, practical information, but appreciate the division of how you covered it. The pacing of the classes was perfect-- with time in between to practice what we learned. In my group coaching practice, I’ve implemented many of the tools and resources you provided to give further value to my clients.”
Ellen Schuster-Nastir, M Ed, CPCC,'s what a Heidi Micheals, CPCC, said about her experience of working with her first few groups after taking the program this summer:
"My learning: I understand much better what etails to pay attention to, what not to. Pay attention to having things settled and ready to go, have a map of what you want to accomplish...but let go of getting to the exact destination. Its' like being on a site-seeing are there to see something wonderful...but at the same time, there might be a beautiful bird that just landed, the sky is blue, or it starts to you take time to notice it and take it all in. Open the awareness to what turns up."
- Heidi Michaels, CPCC,
I hope to have you join us for an interactive and intimate look at group coaching. Please feel free to give me a call toll free at 1-866-217-1960 or email me at
With best wishes for your group work,
Jennifer Britton, PCC, CPCC, CHRP, CPT
Group Coaching Essentials
Potentials Realized
Email: jennifer{at}
Toll Free: 1-866-217-1960
Monday, October 08, 2007
Dealing with Difficult Participants
Copyright 2007 - Jennifer Britton. All Rights Reserved
How often do you come across difficult participants in programs that you run?
Difficult participants can come in all shapes and sizes -
- the bossy talker who likes to take over the group process
- the cynical silencer who sits with their arms folded and doesn't say a word throughout the entire program
- the corporate employee who states at the start of the session that they are sick and tired of another "useless waste of time"
-the "know it all" who has an answer to everything and knows more about the material than you do as facilitator
What if I told you there are simple things that you can do to avoid these situations or turn things around?
Here are a few suggestions to consider implementing to avoid some of the difficult participant traps:
1. If feasible, meet with participants prior to the start of a program. This is part of every process for me with group and team coaching programs, but may not always happen if I am running a workshop or facilitation session. Often "difficult participants" emerge if they feel that their voice is not being heard, or their needs being met. I typically spend 10 - 15 minutes with each participant before the start of a program (by phone) and find out from them what they want to take away from the program and how the program fits into their larger picture. It may sound like this is quite time consuming (and it can be) but it does allow me to start connecti with each participant to ensure that their needs are really being met. This upfront work allows for a more tailored program, and for some discussion on expectations even before we are together. It can save a lot of headaches along the way.
2. Have the group develop "Ways of Working", "Terms of Engagement" or "Ground Rules" at the start of every engagement (during the first session if it is a multi-session program). By having the group take ownership of their own process from the start this can allow for peer influence, as well as a reference point for future sessions.
3. Address any concerns individually with participants as soon as possible. This is one of those diplomatic skills you will develop with time and your personality and style will play a key role in how it plays out. If I notice behavior that is disruptive to the group process, I will speak to the participant at the first break about what I am noticing. Sometimes they are not aware of the impact their behavior is having. Awareness allows for choice.
If the impact that the behavior is having on the group is quite extreme, it may be a good idea to create an unscheduled break.
4. Get the difficult participant involved. Sometimes participants crave the spotlight, and if they don't get it will try to hijack the group process to get more attention. Could the difficult participant help with flipcharting? Distributing materials? Several years ago during a two week training program, a participant continuously challenged the process (which was designed by the organization), the situation turned itself around when I got her to undertake the flipcharting for some of the brainstorming sessions we held on a daily basis. All of a sudden, the group's greatest critic, became the greatest advocate for the process. A real turning point!
5. Put it back to the group -- How can we make this a really good use of our time? Once in a while you will come across groups that are highly cynical and feel that the process is a huge waste of their time (especially when it is a corporate mandate). I faced a situation like this a few months ago, and when I asked the group "How can we make this a really good use of our time" we were able to cover both the corporate mandated material, as well as address some of their concerns. I won't say that it was an easy process, but everyone did stay the full time!
I'd love to hear from you --- what were some of your most difficult participant moments and how did you address them? Please feel free to comment below.
Have a great week,
Jennifer Britton, PCC, CHRP, CPT
Potentials Realized
Group Coaching Essentials
Wednesday, October 03, 2007
October Program Line Up
There are a number of programs running this month that I wanted to alert you to in case you are interested in bringing your own group coaching programs, workshops or retreats in focus for launch later this year or early 2008. I would love to have you join me for one of the following upcoming programs:
Group Coaching Essentials teleseminar program: The ever popular Group Coaching Essentials program will start for a new session on Thursdays from 8-9:15 pm (EST) on October 11th (next week), 25th, November 8th and 15th plus a fifth call in December or January at a time convenient to the group. This program is for coaches who want to expand their work into the domain of Group Coaching. In addition to the calls you'll also receive an 85 page manual (delivered in weekly modules), pre and post-course 1-1s with me, and support as needed throughout the program. Space is limited to 6 coaches this month and a few spaces still remain. To register or for more information, please call me at 1-866-217-1960 or click here (PayPal payments). Cost: $250 US.
Tips and Tools for Your Workshop or Retreat - Thursday October 18th - 7:30 - 9pm (EST)
This one and a half hour teleseminar covers 10 essential tips and tools to make your next workshop or retreat extraordinary! You'll receive a workbook for future reference, as well as several tools to help you in your program design, implementation and marketing. I always welcome participants to bring their real life questions to this call -- so now is the chance to get answers to any, and all, of your workshop or retreat questions. Cost: $45 US. For more information, and to register, click here. Space is limited to 10.
Engaging Exercises Teleseminar - Friday October 19th: 12 - 1:30 pm (EST)
Are you looking for some new exercises for your next group coaching program, workshop or retreat? Look no further. During this one and a half hour teleseminar we will be covering a range of exercises to make your next roup program engaging, powerful and memorable. Participants also receive the 65 page Engaging Exercises Manual (e-copy) as part of their registration. Space is limited to 8. Cost $59 US.
I look forward to continuing to serve you this month and hope that you can join me for one of these upcoming programs.
With best wishes,
Jennifer Britton, PCC, CPCC, CHRP
Potentials Realized
Toll Free: 1-866-217-1960
Email: jennifer{at}
Sunday, September 23, 2007
Fall Cleaning Special - Engaging Exercises Hardcopy Manual
The Engaging Exercises for Teams and Groups Manual includes 25 exercises you can use for your own workshops, retreats or group coaching programs. These are some of my favorite tried and true exercises from my last 19 years of group work, along with a general overview of the different types of exercises you can use. The 65 page manual also comes with a number of extra resources including:
* 12 Golden Nuggets for a Successful Training Program
* Workshop Training Checklist
* Workshop Planning Template
* Workshop Design Matrix
* Session Plan/Module Outline Template
* Resource Bibliography for Further Follow up on Selected Topics (Web and Text Based)
The Engaging Exercises manual will be an invaluable addition to your toolbox.
I really want to find a new home for these manuals and hope that you are on the lookout for a new resource for your library.
The hardcopy manual has been available for purchase for $29.95 US (plus $10 shipping). Up until October 15th (or when all 7 are sold) you can purchase the manual for $20 US (plus $10 shipping).
You can purchase it at the special price by paying by PayPal here, or by calling me at 1-866-217-1960 (payments by Visa or personal cheque). For more information on the manual and to see the table to contents, click here.
I will also be offering a 1.5 hour teleseminar "Engaging Exercises for Your Teams and Groups" on Friday October 19th from 12-1:30pm (EST). Participants will receive an electronic copy of the manual and we will spend our time looking at tips for integrating exercises into your program, some of the exercises in the manual and other exercises you may consider using. There is a maximum of 10 on this call, so that we have time to address your questions about exercises. The cost for this 1.5 hour program, including an electronic copy of the manual is $59 US. You can register and pay by PayPal for the October 19th call here, or send me an email to Also feel free to pick up the phone and leave me a message toll free at 1-866-217-1960. I hope that you will consider joining us!
Jennifer Britton, PCC, CHRP, CPT
Potentials Realized
Group Coaching Essentials
Toll Free: 1-866-217-1960
Email: jennifer{at}
What's Your Biggest Challenge?
What's your biggest challenge right now related to launching or running your own program? What is one question you have that you can't seem to find an answer to?
Please email me with any questions you have related to group coaching, workshops or retreats. My vision is to dedicate 3-4 posts a month to your questions. So whether it is related to exercises, marketing, skills or tools, please send your questions to me at
Some of the posts I have planned for the next few weeks include:
* Dealing with Difficult Participants
* Backpocket Exercises
* Teleconferencing tools
I look forward to hearing from you! Have a great start to the week,
Jennifer Britton, PCC, CHRP, CPT
Potentials Realized
Group Coaching Essentials
Toll Free: 1-866-217-1960
Friday, September 21, 2007
Give Yourself Enough Time to Market a Program
The first place you want to look at is "Knowing Your Client". Who are your clients? What are their needs? How much time to do they need to fit new programs into their schedules? Are they paying for it, or can it be funded out of a professional development budget (which will always require more time to get the funding organized)?
In person programs usually require more time to fill than teleseminar programs, and multi-day programs more time than 1-2 hour sessions. In fact, in recent days I have been working on setting my in-person retreat dates for spring 2008 (April). Given that these retreats are outside major urban centres, participants will need to make arrangements for accomodation and travel.
Teleseminars or telephone based group coaching programs may have a much shorter marketing timeframe (2-6 weeks), especially if you run the program regularly throughout the year as I do with my Group Coaching Essentials program.
One last tip -- spend some time creating a marketing roadmap, spelling out exactly what initiatives you are going to undertake, any costs associated, contact details and of course timeframes. Refer to your roadmap on a regular basis and track your results. Which marketing initiatives are working better? Which ones don't seem to be netting anything? Remember, marketing is about momentum and getting the word out on a consistent basis -- it takes the average consumer 7-11 exposures to a message before they will even consider purchasing.
Have a great weekend,
Jennifer Britton, PCC, CPCC, CHRP, CPT
Potentials Realized
Toll Free: 1-866-217-1960
Email: jennifer{at}
Monday, September 17, 2007
Workshop, Retreat and Group Coaching Program Checklist
I developed a pretty in-depth checklist of things to remember prior to a program and wanted to share some of these with you today.
Here are some of the pieces of my checklist that has been tried and tested throughout the years:
* Venue Arrangements (see my separate post on this topic)
* Participant Materials
a. Make Sure you have sufficient copies of materials for all participants plus one
b. Copy of handout/participant material for yourself
c. Your own design notes
d. Materials required for any exercises
* Computer and LCD Projector
a. Necessary powercords
b. Mouse/Pointer as needed
c. All passwords as needed
* Miscellaneous training kit:
* Glue Sticks, Flip chart paper, masking tape, blue tack, index cards of varying sizes,
* post it notes, markers, pens, pencils, stickers,
* participant name tags or name cards
* Prizes for participants
* Clock/watch to keep the time
Some of these materials may be provided by the venue -- check with them, as well as what additional charges they may levy.
Are there any other items you add to your travelling training kit? Please feel free to comment below.
Have a wonderful week,
Jennifer Britton, PCC, CHRP, CPT
Potentials Realized
Group Coaching Essentials - the next Group Coaching Essentials program starts on Thursdays from 8-9:15pm (EST) on October 11th.
Toll free: 1-866-217-1960
Email: jennifer{AT}
Sunday, September 09, 2007
On the road again
I'm writing tonight from the beautiful Western city of Calgary. I'm on the road all week this week doing some corporate work here in Calgary, Vancouver and Victoria. I always find that travel brings a new perspective and when you can travel for work it gives a different view of the cities/countries you work in.
What's your favorite part of travel? Your least favorite part?
I must admit that travelling while running a business really puts your business systems under a microscope - especiallly when you are continuing to serve clients (by phone) and run programs by phone. This week will be a test for me -- the Workshop and Retreat Essentials program is starting on Wednesday evening from 8-9:15pm (EST). I'll be calling in from the road. If you have been sitting on the fence for joining me on this one, I hope that you still will as space still remains. The best way to reach me will be by leaving me a toll free voice message at 1-866-217-1960 or by email at jennifer{at} I will get back to you before the program starts Wednesday evening. I'll actually be off for the better part of Wednesday, working with my coaching clients by phone.
One system I developed a few years ago was a pretty extensive checklist for preparing for workshops and retreats. In my former life as a manager it was not uncommon to fly to other countries to deliver workshop and retreat programs. And there is no turning back to pick something up at the office when you're in another city or country. I hope to do a blog post on some of my lessons learned and my checklist, so stay tuned.
Hope that you have a great week!
With best wishes,
Jennifer Britton, PCC, CPCC, CHRP
Group Coaching Essentials
Toll Free: 1-866-217-1960
Email: jennifer{at}potentialsrealized{dot}com
Wednesday, September 05, 2007
Selecting A Venue for Your Group Program
Copyright 2007 - Jennifer Britton, All Rights Reserved
Selecting the right venue for your group program - whether it is a workshop, retreat or group coaching program - can be a time consuming and challenging process for those who are not logistically savvy. Here are some things to consider when selecting your next venue:
1.Ease of accessibility for your participants – Consider the needs of your participants:
* Is there parking?
* Is it free/at cost?
* What modes of transport will participants be able to take to get there?
2.The environment –
* What is the feel of the venue?
* Does it match the environment you want to create?
* Is there sufficient space for you to undertake the exercises you want to do?
* What changes if any will need to be made with the room layout?
* Are there additional rooms available if you need breakout sessions?
* What is their policy regarding participants using other parts of the facility – any areas out of bounds?
3. Room booking charges –
* How much will it cost to retain the space?
* Are deposits refundable? What is their payment policy?
* What is their cancellation policy?
* If numbers change near the towards the launch of the program, what impact will this have on pricing?
4. Insurance – Many facilities require that you hold sufficient liability insurance. What are their requirements? What insurance do you need to put in place?
5. Meals –
* What dietary requirements do your participants have? Food allergies?
* Can your needs be met by the facility? In your budget?
* What are their offerings/special packages?
* What are the exact times for breaks and other meals?
* What is the venue’s policy on ordering or providing lunch?
* Will there be sufficient time with your schedule to have all participants eat leisurely through the lunch period? What if numbers change before the program? Can meal amounts be modified? Up to what date?
6. Equipment Rental – often venues will provide certain pieces of equipment (flip charts, markers) at cost or sometimes free. Clarify what is included in the room rental, and what might need to be rented at additional cost. Also inquire what their policy is regarding bringing your equipment in from your organization – is this allowed?
These are some of the nitty gritty issues you may want to consider as you select your next venue. Are there other things you consider when selecting your group program venues? Please feel free to comment below.
With best wishes,
Jennifer Britton, PCC, CHRP, CPT
Group Coaching Essentials
Workshop and Retreat Essentials starts Wed Sept 12th (8-9:15 pm EST Wed by phone: Sept 12 and 26, Oct 3 and 10/07)
Email: jennifer{at}
Toll Free: 1-866-217-1960
To reproduce or reprint this article, please contact Jennifer at jennifer{at}
Tuesday, September 04, 2007
Group Facilitation Tip: Preparation
I often get asked how much time do you need to prepare for a group program. Industry standards in the area of classroom based training have often used a 40:1 ratio, that is for every one hour of classroom based training that is created, 40 hours of work goes into the development (including session outlines, facilitators guides etc). But does this hold true for group coaching?
One of the main distinctions between group coaching and workshops is the difference in who holds the agenda, which from my experience, seems to have a large impact on my preparation time leading up to either a group coaching session or workshop. In traditional training, the agenda or objectives are typically set by the organization, and often participants (in more participatory learning environments), according to the KSAs (Knowledge, Skills and Abilities) that the program is to achieve or improve. Preparation in this case involves setting the objectives, developing the sessions and evaluation structure, and really keeping the goals/objectives out front during the entire session.
Group Coaching takes a different tact and I find has a softer focus. In keeping aligned with the coaching profession, the coach/facilitator is there to hold the client's agenda (the client in this case being the individual members of the group). Practically speaking what this usually means for my preparation is a focus on getting to know the participants as much as possible prior to the group coaching session. For the more extended programs I run (1 month - 90 days) I meet with each participant by phone to find out more about their expectations about the program, what they want to acheive and take away. This then gives me an idea of the clients agenda, which we can dance with, within the context of the program.
I often get asked what's the balance bewteen structure and the client's agenda in group coaching. From personal experience, I tend to structure my programs along thematic lines (i.e. worklife balance, business success, leadership, organization issues), finding that this gives the group more tractiion and a common purpose. There is still lots of room for going in many different directions. While each week has a different theme there is still flexibiltiy in meeting the clients' agendas as we move through the session. Again, it's a softer focus and less reliance on a hard "schedule".
As a group coaching facilitator it's always a fine balance and dance between the structure, and meeting the needs and agendas of the clients in the hear and now of the session. It's about being unattached to the actual timeline of the session, while creating a framework for the clients to explore and move forward with their own agendas. Just as you will find as a coach each session is going to turn out differently.
I'm going to get into more practical preparation tips in future blog posts. What's your greatest question related to preparation for workshops, retreats or group coaching programs? Please feel free to comment below.
Have a great week,
Jennifer Britton, PCC, CHRP, CPT
Group Coaching Essentials
Workshop and Retreat Essentials starts Wednesday September 12th at 8pm (EST). Group Calls held Sept 12, 26, October 3 and 10/07, plus a fifth call in November. For more info or to register, click here.
Toll Free: 1-866-217-1960
Email: jennifer{at}
Monday, August 27, 2007
Post Retreat Bliss
Five months ago, Sharon and I met at an ORSC training weekend, finding out pretty quickly that we both had a passion for the Muskoka area (and interestingly enough family roots going back generations to the same village) and for bringing relationship work into the group context. The idea of the Relationships on Fire!(TM) retreat was born.
This past weekend, Sharon and I were very pleased to bring Relationships on Fire! into the real world, and had a wonderful time facilitating our launch retreat this past weekend here in Muskoka.
The Relationships on Fire! retreat is a one day retreat for committed couples, designed to enable couples to ignite, rediscover, explore and focus their relationship. We've had so many requests that we are going to bring Relationships on Fire!(TM) down from the North Country, and we will be offering a one or 1.5 day retreat in Toronto this winter. Please keep posted about upcoming dates.
This weekend was a reminder of how much I enjoy in-person retreat work. Many of you may know that a large part of my retreat work in the last year has moved into the virtual realm - also a real blast - but to me, nothing can replace the spirit and connectedness of an in-person retreat - hence the bliss I am still feeling a few days later.
If you are looking to launch your own retreats this fall -- virtual or in person - I hope that you will consider joining me for the Workshop and Retreat Essentials teleseminar program. This October will celebrate the 3rd Anniversary of the program (Wow! I myself can't believe it, either can the hundreds of alumni of the program).
The Workshop and Retreat Essentials program will launch on September 12th and will be held on Wednesdays from 8-9:15 pm (EST) on September 12, 26, October 3 and 10 (plus a fifth group call in November). The cost of the program is $250 US, and includes all 5 calls, an 80 page e-manual, plus support from me throughout the program.
Click the link for more details. I cover tons of details to get you up and running for launching your own retreat or workshop (in person and virtual). Space is limited to 8 to ensure maximum participation -- contact me if you'd like to reserve a spot! You can register and pay by PayPal at the weblink here.
Have a great week,
Jennifer Britton, PCC, CHRP, CPCC
Potentials Realized
Group Coaching Essentials
Email: jennifer{at}potentialsrealized{dot}com
Toll Free: 1-866-217-1960
Monday, August 20, 2007
How's your marketing momentum?
What marketing activities are you proud of accomplishing this month?
What activities have been left on the side of the road? Are they strategic activities? Do they need to be picked up again? If so, what do you need to do to start gaining some leverage on these again?
In many of my group coaching programs (90 Day Biz Success(TM), 90 Day Your Balanced Life!(TM)) I often talk about the 1% Rule. When faced with large goals we often move into overwhelm, thinking we have to accomplish everything NOW. What would it be like to change perspectives and look at marketing (or other big goals) in smaller chunks. What would happen if daily you undertook one action that moved you 1% closer to that big goal. Maybe that 1% is doing some internet research, making a phone call, sending out an email, drafting an article, sending out a follow up letter. What would it look like if you undertook this 1% effort consistently for 30 days? You'd be 30% closer to your goal, and I would suspect starting to get into that sweet spot of momentum.
I hope that you will consider applying the 1% Rule next time you are facing a big goal and just can't seem to get going on it. What's one quick thing you could do to make some inroads?
As always, I'd love to hear your thoughts, and experience with the 1% Rule. Please feel free to comment below, as well as any reports on how your marketing momentum is coming.
If you are looking for a more comprehensive booster shot for your business and marketing development and growth, I hope that you'll consider joining me for the next 90 Day Biz Success Group Coachingprogram which will launch on Friday September 7th from 12 - 1 pm(EST). We'll be meeting twice a month as a group by phone, and I'll be holding individual coaching calls once a month with each participant. Our final call will be held on December 7/07. There are lots more goodies associated with the program -- so click on over to get more details.
Space is limited to 6-8 business owners, and space is starting to fill. It's a real deal at $297 US for the program!If you are interested in learning more, please feel free to give me a call!
With best wishes,
Jennifer Britton, PCC, CHRP, CPT
Potentials Realized
Toll Free: -866-217-1960
Email: jennifer{at}
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
Group Facilitation Tip: The Skill of Bottom Lining
Working with your groups to be able to bottom line is an extremely valuable skill, particularly if you want to create an environment where everyone’s voice is heard – equally! How often do you run programs where one individual dominates the discussion? What’s the impact of that on the group?
Next time you are working with a group -- whether its been a long term engagement or the start – introduce the skill of bottom lining and see what happens. I did this recently in a program I was running and it was amazing how quickly the skill was picked up by the group. It helped us all get past the “STORY” intothe guts of the matter.
I also like to introduce this skill with a small hand gesture. Simply raise your hand, fingers widespread, and as you bring your hand down to your waist draw your fingers together (creating a funnel). Get group members to try this out and you might be amazed at how it enables groups to take on their own verbal management.
I’d love to hear your thoughts on the skill of bottom lining. Do you use it? When do you use it? What impact does it have?
With best wishes,
Jennifer Britton, PCC, CPCC, CHRP
Potentials Realized
Toll Free: 1-866-217-1960
Email: jennifer{at}potentialsrealized{dot}com
Thursday, August 09, 2007
New Evening Time for Group Coaching Essentials this month: 8pm (EST) on Tuesday the 14th
You can view full details of the program here, but in a nutshell, the Group Coaching Essentials program is going to give you tools, resources, exercises and best practices - a whole toolbox - to amp up or create your own group coaching programs. We'll also be spending a week on marketing for your group coaching issues.
I just finished our fourth call with the group that started in July and I have to say that it is quite amazing to see how much coaches can create in a month. All participants will be launching their own programs within the next 4-6 weeks. If you'd ever like to connect with a former participant to find out more about their experience with the program, and what impact it's had on their work with clients, and their business, please email me. A number of coaches (out of the 150 who have taken the program since it launched in Jan 2006) are eager to share their stories.
I hope that the new 8pm(EST/NY) start time may enable some of you to participate in this month's program. The time shift was precipitated by some new work coming down the pipeline very quickly. In fact it's been a situation of where I have walked the talk I am writing about this month on marketing.
If you would like to join this month's program (the cost is $225 US and includes 5 teleseminars, a 75 page e-manual, plus 1-1 support from me throughout the program), there are 3 spaces still remaining.
Register online, or give me a call toll free 1-866-217-1960.
I look forward to hearing from you!
Jennifer Britton, PCC, CHRP, CPT
Group Coaching Essentials
Potentials Realized
Email: jennifer{at}potentialsrealized{dot}com
Marketing: What will give you the most leverage and impact?
One of the questions I often ask business owners that I coach regarding marketing is "What activities will give you the most leverage and impact?".
This question is quite strategic -- Where do you want to be focusing your marketing efforts? What's the priority? You may have a list of 20 things you want to do, but which ones are really important?
Ask yourself, which ones are going to give me the greatest impact? The Pareto principle states that 80%of our results come from 20% of our efforts. That's true leverage. What 20% of your activities will give you 80% of your results? That sweet spot can give you further insight regarding your priorities.
So instead of asking, what are the ten things you are going to do this week regarding building your business or marketing, instead I will ask "What are the one or two things you are going to do this week which will give you the most leverage and impact?".
I'd love to hear your thoughts on how this question applies to your work and what impact it has on you - feel free to comment below.
With best wishes,
Jennifer Britton, PCC, CHRP, CPT
Potentials Realized
Email: jennifer {at}potentialsrealized{dot}com
The Group Coaching Essentials program starts Tuesday August 14th. Are you looking to lauch your group program this fall?
Friday, August 03, 2007
Group Coaching Essentials starts Tuesday August 14th at 12 noon (EST)
A new session of the Group Coaching Essentials program will start on Tuesday August 14th from 12 - 1:15 pm (EST). We will be meeting weekly on August 14, 21, 28 and September 4th, plus a fifth group call in October (we will schedule a date convenient for the group).
Here's what coaches have said about the program:
"Thank you, Jennifer, for expanding my knowledge of group coaching immeasurably. I not only learned a terrific amount of useful, practical information, but appreciate the division of how you covered it. The pacing of the classes was perfect-- with time in between to practice what we learned. In my group coaching practice, I’ve implemented many of the tools and resources you provided to give further value to my clients." - Ellen Schuster Nastir, CPCC, MEd, Focus by Design
"I have now taken two courses from Jennifer Britton and have been "blown away" by both the depth of her knowledge, her wide range of experience and her skills as a group leader and facilitator.
Her courses are highly informative, packed with useful resources and tools. In designing my own workshops and group coaching sessions, her detialed workbooks have become like bibles to me, a resource I can constantly refer back to.
She is warm, generous and an ethical coach and facilitator. What more can I say, but my ratings are *****+++"
Katie Curtin,Coactive Coach
The program covers:
* Best practices for group coaching, what it is and how it differs from 1-1 coaching, workshops and retreats
* Designing your group coaching program - tools and templates to make your design work quicker and fun
* Marketing your group coaching program -- the best group coaching programs will not get off the ground without participants. I'll spend a week on marketing strategies to make sure your groups get filled. This is one of my "pet" areas, given my own experience as someone who has taught marketing to business students and new entrepreneurs at the post-secondary level
* Exercises for your group coaching programs
The program will meet the needs of current coaches who want to expand their work into the domain of group coaching - for individuals and organizations, by phone or in person.
The program includes:
* 5 x 75 minute teleseminars
* A 75 Manual delivered in weekly modules
* 1-1 meetings with me, pre and post program (30 minutes) to discuss your particular project and learning needs
* 1-1 Support as needed throughout the program from me
The program costs $225 and space is limited to 6 coaches this month.
To register, and for more information please visit the Group Coaching Essentials page. A PayPal link to register and pay for the program can be found at the bottom of the page. Alternatively, if you would like to pay by Visa by phone you can contact me toll free:1-866-217-1960. I'll get back to you soon regarding our pre-course individual meeting.
I look forward to having you join me this month! Please email me if you have any questions.
With best wishes,
Jennifer Britton, PCC, CPCC, CHRP
Potentials Realized
Group Coaching Essentials
Email: jennifer{at}
Thursday, August 02, 2007
Want to be blogging yourself by the end of next week?
Andy Wibbels, blogger extraordinaire, and author of BlogWild!A Guide for Small Business Blogging is offering his fantastic Easy Bake Weblog intensive program starting on Monday at 8pm (EST). It's a four day intensive program, which will take you step by step to building, creating, and marketing your own blog (using the TypePad platform). Find out more here.
If you've been siting on the fence about starting your own blog or amping up your own, Andy's course will get you off of it! I've heard him speak a number of times and am always taking away some great information. If you are just starting out you'll be getting the goods right from the expert.If you have been blogging for a while Andy will be able to provide you with even more tips.
Check out his Easy Bake Weblog program and you will be blogging yourself by the end of next week!
Let us know how it goes ~
Jennifer Britton, PCC, CHRP, CPCC
Potentials Realized
Group Coaching Essentials
Email: jennifer{at}potentialsrealized{dot}com
Wednesday, August 01, 2007
Will August be YOUR Month for Marketing?
August is a great month to also gear up for the fall ahead. What's on your horizon for the fall? What still needs to be put into place for your business? How can you make use of what might be a quieter month (at least the first few weeks) to amp up your business efforts.
This month, I will be highlighting a number of more business type articles for coaches and independent professionals who run their business. Just as important as our skills as coaches are, so are our skills in the area of business. Up until earlier this year I worked as a part time Business Faculty member at a post-secondary institution, and having supported hundreds of business students through the process of laying the foundation for their businesses, I hope that you too will enjoy some of the posts I have this month. I also will be announcing the dates for the next 90 Day Biz Success Program I run for business owners, which will be starting in early September. Keep posted for the announcement!
If you are planning to make August your month of marketing, you may want to check out a great book I picked up last summer. Guerrilla Marketing in 30 Days, is a fantastic resource for business owners who want to commit to marketing for a 30 Day period. With a chapter and suggested exercises dedicated for each day, authors Jay Conrad Levinson and Al Lautenslager, break down marketing into bite-sized, concrte action steps. As they say in their preface, you don't have to do a chapter every day - it could become a roadmap for a 90 Day period or a 30 week period. The ISBN is 1-932531-29-7.
Check it out if you are interested in dedicating August to amping up your marketing efforts.
Speak with you later this week,
Jennifer Britton, PCC, CPCC, CHRP
Potentials Realized
Group Coaching Essentials
Email: jennifer{at}
Toll Free: 1-866-217-1960
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
Group Facilitation Tip - Visual Learning
Copyright 2007 - Jennifer Britton
Did you know that almost 60% of adult learners are primarily visual learners? This means that they have an affinity for seeing things in order to learn. How do you enable participants to access the visual side of things in your group programs?
Whether it is a workshop, retreat or group coaching program, here are some suggestions for supporting the visual learners in your programs:
1. Provide a particpant's notebook or other handout, where participants can see and follow along what you are discussing. Participant's notebooks and handouts can serve additional purposes, including:
* capturing the main learning points for people to take forward
* a marketing tool - include your contact details, bio and any other information on upcoming programs that may be applicable to the group
Take a look at a post from early 2006 entitled "The Power of a Takeaway"
2. Provide small discussion groups with a piece of flipchart paper so they can capture the key points they have discussed. These can be shared with the larger group, and then posted on the walls for future reference.
3. One of my favorite closure activities is the Gallery Walk. During this exercise, each participant is given several minutes to walk around the room where the program is being held and look at all of the flipcharts which have been created during the workshop. I often set up this activity by asking participants to come up with a list of their top three learnings, or top three action items.
4. Another tip I usually introduce to participants is the importance of writing things down. Physiologically our brain gets imprinted as we move through the simple act of writing. Writing things down becomes a reference for the future, helps to keep people focused, and also supports the brain learning function!
5. Use visual aids - Powerpoint (sparingly! as I indicated in my Death by PowerPoint article), flipcharts, photos and other props to make things memorable. When developing exercises, also consider how participants can create "visual output" such as collages, drawings, vision boards, rather than just verbal discussion.
What other methods do you use to support visual learners in your programs? What ideas will you incorporate into your next program? I'd love to hear your thoughts -- please feel free to comment below.
Have a wonderful week,
Jennifer Britton, PCC, CPCC, CHRP, CPT
Potentials Realized
Group Coaching Essentials
Toll Free: 1-866-217-1960
Email: jennifer{at} potentialsrealized{dot}com
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
When Conflict Emerges within Your Groups
The good news is, that conflict is inevitable within the group context. Just as I wrote several months ago on my post about the Stages of Group Development, part of the process of group formation is conflict during the storming stage. It is during this stage that conflict emerges as the individual group members start to feel out their roles within the group.
Conflict can be as subtle as the withdrawl of a participant (shutting down) or as extreme as verbal conflict emerging between two participants. So what do you do?
Typically when conflict emerges in one of the groups I am working with, I point to what I am observing, indicating that conflict is the sign of a healthy team/group. If the conflict is disrtuptive for the group process, I will speak privately with the pair/individual at a break (at the usual time or a "spontaneous break" if things are spiraling downward). Duing this one-on-one discussion I will indicate what I am observing and what I am seeing in terms of the impact on the group. Using a powerful question such as "What do you want to create in this environment" shifts the reponsibility and outcome fully to the participant.
Conflict can emerge due to :
* Lack of clarity of roles within the group
* Lack of clarity of where the program is going
* Expectations not being met
* Insecurity
* Fear
What situations have you had when conflict has emerged in your groups? How have you handled it?
As always, I would welcome your thoughts and comments - please feel free to comment below.
With best wishes,
Jennifer Britton, PCC, CHRP, CPT
Potentials Realized
Group Coaching Essentials
Toll Free: 1-866-217-1960
Email: info{at}potentialsrealized{dot}com
Thursday, July 12, 2007
Two powerful programs start Tuesday July 19th
The next Group Coaching Essentials teleseminar program launches again on Tuesday at 10:30 am (EST). Group calls will be held from 10:30 - 11:45 am (EST) on Tuesday July 17, 24, 31 and August 9/07, plus a follow-up call in mid-September (at a date convenient to the group). If you are looking for tools, tips and resources for designing, marketing and implementing your group coaching program, please check out the program. There are a couple spots remaining -- are you ready to take the plunge? The program costs $225 US and in addition to the group calls, you also get an E-Manual and 1-1 support from me as needed during the course of the program.
For more information, and to register click here. Note pricing will likely be increasing for this program in the fall.
Here's what past participants of the program are doing and saying about it:
"Thank you, Jennifer, for expanding my knowledge of group coaching immeasurably. I not only learned a terrific amount of useful, practical information, but appreciate the division of how you covered it. The pacing of the classes was perfect-- with time in between to practice what we learned. In my group coaching practice, I’ve implemented many of the tools and resources you provided to give further value to my clients. "
Ellen Schuster-Nastir, CPCC,
Sheila Christianson's Hawaiian Grief Wellness Cruise (September 2007):
If you are just looking for a one-off booster shot of ideas and tools for your programs, please consider joining me for the Tips and Tools for Your Workshop and Retreat teleseminar. This 1.5 hour teleseminar will be held on Tuesday July 19th from 4 - 5:30 pm (EST). I'll be covering 10 tips and tools to take your workshops and retreats from good to great! You'll also receive a workbook with this call. Cost $39 US. For more information and to register, click here.
I'll also be doing a two hour speaking engagement next week in Huntsville, ON from 7-9 pm on Thursday night (July 19th) at the Independent. Entitled "Life on Fire!" I'll be taking you through some powerful coaching and experiential exercises to get you connected with what matters most to you. This is a lead up to the one-day Relationships on Fire couples retreat program I will be leading with Sharon Miller, PCC on Saturday August 25th (9:30 -4:30 pm) in Huntsville. If you and your spouse/significant other are looking for a special end of summer treat and want to take your relationship from good to great, we hope that you will consider joining us. Visit us at for more information and to register.
I'll be heading north tomorrow evening for the next several weeks (I am hoping six) to work out of my northern office -- my place of creative inspiration. Stay tuned in the coming weeks for more substantial posts and new program offerings!
With best wishes,
Jennifer Britton, PCC, CHRP, CPCC
Potentials Realized
Group Coaching Essentials
90 Day Biz Success Group Coaching Program starts July 24th (7-8pm EST)
Toll Free: 1-866-217-1960
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
More trends in learning and development
Of particular note:
* Focus on leadership development
* Talent Management changing the role of HR
* E-Learning 3.0 (self-published training using blogs, wikis and podcasts to deliver training)
While at the page, check out Jenna's post in January on Jay Cross' 2007 personal predictions for elearning. He's right on the mark with many of them!
How are you keeping abreast of these changes within the learning and development industry? What changes have you made to your product and service offerings?
Jennifer Britton, PCC, CHRP, CPT, CPCC
Potentials Realized
Group Coaching Essentials
Email: info{at} potentialsrealized{dot}com
Sunday, July 08, 2007
Group Facilitation Tip - Death By Powerpoint
For those of you who have to use PowerPoint and do a lot of presentations, I wanted to share a post I wrote a few weeks ago over at my sister blog Biz Toolkit. Here it is - I hope that you enjoy:
Are you looking for some great resources to amp up your next presentation? Did you know that speaking in front of a large audience is one of business professionals' greatest fears?
Here are some great sites to get pointers from, to boost the impact of your next presentation.
1. Presentation Zen: Garr Reynolds Presentation Zen site is chock full of amazing insights, recommendations and tools for making your presentations sizzle. He walks his talk and shares personal insights in such a juicy way.
Check out Presentation Zen for some amazing resources including a post on three strategic questions you should answer at the start of any presentation:
Who are You?
What do you do?
and Why does it matter?
These are an extension of a story from Brand Gap regarding a consultant who started every meeting with a client using these three questions.Who are you? What do you do? Why does it matter? - So simple, yet so powerful.
Read his post on: Why does it matter and What's your contribution here.
2. Powerful Presentation Techniques from Paul Gibler, the Web Chef, CONNECTINGDOTS. Paul has over 200 blog posts at his PPT site...dig around there's some great stuff!
3. The PowerPoint and OfficeArt Team Blog from Microsoft -- this is not an extensive blog, but there are some neat pointers on how to leverage your powerpoint!
4. Fortify Your Oasis also has some fantastic postings on Presentation tips. Click on over to Rowan Manahan's blog. He's also got a lot of great stuff related to career management and working life.
What specific questions do you have about being able to make your presentations sizzle? Feel free to post them here and I can respond to them in future blog posts.
Have a wonderful week,
Jennifer Britton, PCC, CPCC, CHRP, CPT
Email: jennifer[at]potentialsrealized[dot]com
Potentials Realized
Group Coaching Essentials - The next Group Coaching Essentials program starts Tuesday July 17th. Are you ready to move forward with your group coaching ideas and are looking for some tips and tools and not wanting to re-invent the wheel?