Wednesday, December 30, 2009
January 2010 Group Coaching Training Classes
The Group Coaching Essentials program is a hands on program structured to support coaches on the design, marketing and implementation of their own group coaching programs. The program includes 5 x 75 minute calls, an 80 page manual and pre and post course 1-1s with me.
Topics include:
· The Foundation of Group Coaching – What Group Coaching Is, How is it similar to and different from your 1-1 coaching work, Adult Learning Principles, Best Practices of Group Coaching
· The Nuts and Bolts of Developing Group Coaching – Technical issues, Techniques and Templates for Developing and Running Your Program
· Marketing Group Coaching – Tips and Tools for Filling Your Programs - Knowing Your Audience, Exploring mainstream and social marketing approaches
· Filling Up Your Toolbox – Exercises and Other Resources for Group Coaching
New classes will be starting:
Tuesdays 10:30 - 11:45 am (EST) (Morning)
January 5, 12, 19, 26, February 17, 2010
Tuesdays 7-8:15 pm (EST) (Evening)
January 19, 26, February 9, 17 and March 9, 2010
February 2010:
Thursdays 10:45 - 12 noon (EST):
February 11, 18, 25, March 4 and 25, 2010
Spaces are limited in each program to 6-8 coaches. Calls are recorded if you can't make a session.
Cost: $275 US or Canadian
Click here for more information or to register online. Space still remains in all three programs. Alternatively you can email me or call us at 416.996.8326.
For those who didn't quite manage to fit in their business planning before the end of the year, no worries, join me virtually by phone on Friday January 8 and 15 from 1- 4 pm (EST) each day as I take you through a structured business planning retreat in the first 2010 BizSuccess Virtual Biz Planning Retreat. This program is geared for small business owners in the service industry (trainers, coaches, consultants, health professionals). Over the six hours of the retreat you will have the opportunity to focus in on your business, and create some powerful goals for 2010.
Click here for more info or to register for the Biz Planning Retreat. The program costs $150 US and includes the Virtual Business Planning Manual and a group follow up call. We spend approximately 15 minutes of each hour as a group online, with the remaining 45 minutes of each hour left for you to undertake your planning work from your own office.
Looking forward to having you join us for one of our upcoming programs!
warm wishes,
Jennifer Britton, PCC, CPCC, CHRP
Author of Effective Group Coaching
Phone: 416.996.TEAM (8326)
Email: info{at}
Taking Stock of Your Group Programs at Year End
In lead up to the start of the new year, and the new decade, I wanted to share some of the year end reflection questions I have included in this month's newsletter, and my 6th Annual Year End Call.
When you sit down to take stock of your work this year, think about the following:
My accomplishments this year have included (insert these)
I am most proud of achieving .....
The opportunities that are facing me/my business/my programs right now are....
The challenges that are facing me/my business/my programs right now are....
I want to keep the following on my radar screen next year (insert these)
I want to put more
attention on ___________ next quarter/month/year.
My priorities for the next six months/quarter are ........
I want to be energized/fuelled by .... in 2010.
By ________(insert date)____________ I will have.........
My next steps are.....
I will be accountable to.....Wishing You and Yours a terrific start to our new decade.
I look forward to continuing to serve you, and support you in your efforts to design and deliver high impact, top quality workshops, retreats and group coaching programs.
Warm regards,
Jennifer Britton, PCC, CPCC, CHRP
Phone: 416.996.8326
Email: info{at}potentialsrealized{dot}com
Author of Effective Group Coaching (Wiley, 2010)
Thursday, December 17, 2009
My Favorite Group Coaching Tools This Year
This year, five of my favorite tools and resources are:
- Visual Explorer from the Center For Creative Leadership. Those of you who joined me in Orlando know the power of this visual tool. I continue to bring it in to team and group coaching sessions, along with workshops and seminars as a conversation starter, and awareness builder. Visit to learn more about the tool in its many different forms.
- Facilitative Coaching by Dale Schwarz and Anne Davidson. This book is chock full of exercises and resources for your coaching work. Although geared primarily for a 1-1 setting you could adapt many of these for a group context.
- MindMapping seems to make my list each and every year, but I do so love this tool for program design, brainstorming and getting clients unstuck. Check out the tag MindMapping for some ideas on how I use it. Once again, is the best computer based MindMapping tool around. Try out their 21 day free trial at
Two new tools which hit my radar screen, but I have not used yet, but am very intrigued by are:
Points of You - The Coaching Game - This very visual tool is described as "designed to foster clear communication and broaden points of view". Part of the tool are brilliant photos in a card deck. It could be a very interesting tool to bring into your group coaching work, in addition to 1-1 work with clients.
MindBloom - a neat computerized goal setting and tracking tool. Viist them at They have a 14 day trial.
I recently came across both of these later tools in Orlando at this years ICF Conference and feel that they both have great potential for group coaching work. They were so intriguing that they've made my list this year.
What have been some of your favorite tools and resources for group coaching, workshop, and retreat work this year? I'd love to hear - please feel free to comment below.
Warm regards,
Jennifer Britton, PCC, CPCC
Phone: 416.996.TEAM (8326)
Email: info{at}potentialsrealized{dot}com
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Thanks for Joining Me for the 6th Annual Year End Programs Call
I hope to make the call recording available in the near future as we covered quite a bit of ground. The call included :
- Five of my favorite group program tools for 2009;
- Seven Reminders of core essential practices for group programs;
- Taking stock of your own work - questions to reflect on and take forward into 2010.
I look forward to continuing to serve you into 2010, and to speaking with many of you in my current year end programs and virtual retreats which are wrapping up in the next few days. Missed them and still are eager to plan? Join me in early January for the 2010 BizPlanning Retreat on Friday Jan 8 and 15/10 (1-4 pm ET each day). The Group Coaching Essentials program also returns on January 5th (Morning est program) and 19th (Evening EST program).
My book, Effective Group Coaching, will be out on January 11th, so please circle the date. It will be available at, as well as through a link here at the blog. From comments at the Orlando ICF Conference it should be well received as coaches have noted how more resources are needed in this area.
Have a great week!
Warm wishes,
Jennifer Britton, PCC, CPCC
Group Coaching Essentials
Phone: 416.996.TEAM (8326)
Email: info{at}potentialsrealized{dot}com
Annual Sherpa Coaching Survey Now Open
Warm regards,
Jennifer Britton, PCC, CPCC
Group Coaching Essentials
Monday, December 07, 2009
6th Annual Year End Group Programs Call - You are invited!
In the meantime, I wanted to remind everyone about my 6th Annual Year End Group Programs call. The call will be held this Friday, December 11th from 12-1 pm ET at (218)862-1300, access 503003. No charge to join other than your own long distance phone charges. Do join me for some time to reflect on where you want to take your group programs next year (workshops, retreats and/or group coaching), as well as some of my favorite tools from this year.
Looking forward to having you join me on Friday!
Warm regards,
Jennifer Britton, PCC, CPCC
Group Coaching Essentials
Phone: 416.996.8326
Email: info{at}potentialsrealized{dot}com
PS - I've got two other programs happening this week if you are eager to get programs starting in January. The Group Program Virtual Intensive will be held this Wednesday evening from 7-10 pm ET as well as on Wed December 16th. I'm also offering an accelerated version of the Group Coaching Essentials programs starting this Friday at 10:30 am ET for coaches who are eager to launch their programs in January. This program is accredited for 6.25 CCEs, and 4 of the calls will be held in December, with the final call in early January. Contact me if you'd like to join either program.
Friday, December 04, 2009
ICF Orlando Updates
Some of today's highlight's included:
- An inspirational morning Keynote by Getrude Matshe about her life's journey, and important work with orphans from HIV/AIDS in Zimbabwe.
- Discussions about the proposed ICF Credentialing ISO process;
- A phenomenal presentation by Charles Feltman on Coaching to Trust. I really enjoyed Charles session which was practically focused on supporting and coaching organizations and teams on this critical issue. It seems like TRUST is a foundational issue for most client groups I am working with at the moment. Anyone else?
- Robert Middleton's session on Marketing High End, Outcome Based Programs.
You'll see my tweets on several of these topics over at
I also heard great feedback on many of the other sessions today including the Aikido for Leadership as Praxis, and Karyn Greenstreet's Call to Action session this afternoon, aimed at supporting conference attendees in taking their learning forward.
If you are here in Orlando, what was your favorite session today? I'm presenting tomorrow afternoon at 2 pm and look forward to meeting many of you.
Warm regards,
Jennifer Britton, PCC, CPCC
Sunday, November 29, 2009
Join me Saturday at 2 pm at ICF Orlando Coference
Looking forward to seeing you in Orlando!
Warm regards,
Jennifer Britton, PCC, CPCC
Phone: (416)996-8326
Friday, November 27, 2009
Upcoming December Programs: Group Coaching, Business Planning
This year it seems like coaches are continuing to work hard, and are eager to create some time to focus in on making their program, and business, realities real for 2010.
This month I'm running three programs which I hope you will consider joining me for:
Group Coaching Essentials: 6.25 CCES: -- Accelerated Group by request
Starts December 11, 2009 (at 10:30 am ET)
Are you a coach wanting to design and run your own group coaching program? This program provides tips, tools and other resources to support coaches in designing, marketing and implmenting their own group coaching program.
This month, I'm offering an accelerated program for coaches who have decided that they want to start a group in January. Join me for this accelerated program with sessions on:
Session #1 - Friday Dec 11 (10:30 - 11:45 am ET)
Session #2 - Tuesday December 15 (10:30 - 11:45 ET)
Session #3 - Friday DEcember 18 (10:30 - 11:45 ET)
Session#4 - Tuesday December 22 (10:30 - 11:45 ET)
Session #5 - Friday January 8 (10:30 - 11:45 ET)
New session dates will also start in January (Tuesday mornings starting January 5th and evenings starting January 19th). Cost: $275 US.
Click here to register and reserver your spot for any of our upcoming Group Coaching Essentials programs.
Group Program Virtual Intensive
Wednesday December 9 and 16, 2009 (7-10 pm ET)
Are you looking to create some focused time to design your next group program? Have all the tools but haven't got around to doing it? Join me for this intensive 6 hour virtual retreat, where each hour has a different structured focus to move you swiftly forward with your programs. Past participants have used the program to: design core content, draft participant manuals, develop marketing text, create and act on checklists. The program includes the 6 hour virtual retreat (over two evenings) and an electronic manual complete with exercises for you to follow. Click here for more info and to register. Cost: $125 US.
2010 BizSuccess Virtual Business Planning Retreat
Friday December 11 and 18 (1-4 pm ET both days)
Are you a business owner - coach, trainer or consultant - that hasn't yet carved out the time to take a strategic look back at the year, and set some goals and a plan for 2010? It's not too late. Join me and a small group of other business owners as we move through a six hour structured process to focus in your business. This program involvesa series of short group calls and structured exercises undertaken offline at your office/home over the two afternoons. Registrants will get a retreat manual to follow along, full of exercises to boost your business planning. Cost: $150 US. Click here for more information and to register.
Questions, or wish to register offline? Please give me a call at (416) 996-TEAM (8326), or leave me a toll free voice mail at 1-866-217-1960.
Warm regards,
Jennifer Britton, PCC
Group Coaching Essentials
Monday, November 16, 2009
Pre Session Considerations - Coaching and/or Training

Steve Roesler over at All Things Workplace has two wonderful recent posts:
Trainers: Six Questions to Ask Before the Session and
Seven Elements of Effective Coaching
Combined the two are really key reminders and considerations for coaches moving into the group, and/or team coaching environments.
Thanks Steve for the reminders!
Warm regards,
Jennifer Britton, PCC, CPCC
Group Coaching Essentials
Phone:(416) 996-8326
Friday, November 06, 2009
Executive Coaching and Nonprofits
Many coaches wonder about the impact of the economy on executive coaching. Here's an interesting article first published in's weekly newlsetter on Executive Coaching: Another Tool in the Toolbox in Nonprofits, written by Elisa Burnbaum. There are some good examples of how coaching is being used in non-profits, as well as underscoring the win-win nature of coaching for organization and client.
Another recent book has come out has come out from Wiley on Coaching Skills for Nonprofit Managers and Leaders : Developing People to Achieve Your Mission from Judith Wilson and Michelle Gislason. I have not read it myself but looks like a great resource for nonprofit managers and leaders.
What other books have you recently read about coaching that you've enjoyed? I will be updating my Amazon booklist shortly so stay tuned.
Warm regards,
Jennifer Britton, PCC, CPCC
Group Coaching Essentials
Toll free: 1-866-217-1960
Email: info{at}potentialsrealized{dot}com
Monday, November 02, 2009
12 Tips for Engaging Your Virtual Audience
As more and more trainers, coaches and speakers move to the virtual environment, as well as professionals leading meetings in their virtual environment, it's important to give thought about the envrionment you are creatin virtually. Here are 12 quick tips to keep your virtual audience more engaged.
12 Key Ways to engage participants in the virtual world:
- Start your call with a check –in so everyone is heard
- Take a pause every 7-10 minutes and see how everyone is doing
- Vary your approach in delivery – ask questions, provide a mini-lecture/teach piece
- Ask participants questions
- Complete short exercises by phone (i.e. Mindmapping, vision question, drawing)
- Note who is contributing and who is not
- Check in regularly with how the pulse of the group is going
- Start on time and end on time. Creating an environment where you see that your time is valued, helps to keep people on track
- Provide a clear direction of where you are going
- Create ground rules at start
- Encourage everyone to be off mute and engaged throughout the call
- Look at different roles group members can take (time keeper, scribe etc)
What additional tips or approaches do you have for keeping people engaged during phone based, or web-based, calls?
Have a great start to the week!
Warm regards,
Jennifer Britton, PCC, CPCC, CHRP
Potentials Realized
Group Coaching Essentials
Phone: (416) 996-TEAM (8326)
Email: info{at}potentialsrealized{dot}com
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
CSTD/IFTDO Conference Wrap Up
It was wonderful reconnecting in person with colleagues from the learning profession across North America, while renewing my thirst for knowledge. Some of my favorite sessions were facilitiated by:
Christie Sterns of Training Makes Cents
Harold Stolovitch of who talked about research and performance improvement
Jane Bozarth who spoke on Instructional Design for the Real World
as well as some of the really innovative training via technology that is coming out of UHN from Heather Pollex and Anya Wood.
When was the last time you participated in some professional development? I look forward to meeting up with a number of you in December in Orlando for the 2009 ICF Conference. I will be presenting a session on Group Coaching: Essential Habits and Innovative Approaches on Saturday Decmeber 5th in the afternoon as part of the program. I hope that you will join me if you are attending!
Have a terrrific week - more to follow on tidbits and bytes gleaned last week.
Jennifer Britton, PCC, CPT
Group Coaching Essentials
Email: info{at}potentialsrealized{com}
The date of the next, and last, Group Coaching Essentials program for 2009 has been shifted to start one week later on Monday November 9th at 12noon (ET). If you are wanting to create and launch your own group coacing work in the new year, now is a great ime to get started. Several spaces still remain in November's lunchtime session. Contact me for more details or click here. Session dates and times are: Mondays 12 - 1:15 pm (ET): Monday November 9, 16, 30, December 7 plus early January
Monday, October 12, 2009
7 Reasons to Co-Facilitate Group Coaching
Here are seven reasons why co-facilitation makes great sense:
1. When working with larger groups, it makes it much easier to keep an eye on the group process;
2. The diverse styles many co-facilitators bring, allow for connections with different participants. Not everyone resonates, and connects, the same way with each facilitator;
3. Two heads are often better than one in terms of creativity and new idea generation;
4. Even if group process is running smoothly, it is useful for the "other facilitator" to keep an eye on logistical details (i.e. meals, materials, set up) if they are not leading an exercise;
5. It's easier to take note of outcomes and accountabilities, when you are not leading the discussion;
6. The energy created amongst co-facilitators can help you ride through the peaks and valleys of energy throughout the day;
7. It can be a lot more fun as you hopefully have created a partnership that you can lean into.
What are your reasons why you like to co-facilitate?
A bonus chapter of my book, Effective Group Coaching, is all about Co-facilitation and will be chock full of more tips and questions to consider when co-facilitating. Stay tuned for more details, and take note to circle back in January when the book is launched.
Have a great week and do check out earlier posts I've written about co-facilitation and what to consider.
Warm regards,
Jennifer Britton, PCC, CPCC, CPT
Potentials Realized
Group Coaching Essentials
Email info{at}potentialsrealized{dot}com
Phone: (416) 996-TEAM (8326)
This month's Group Coaching Essentials program starts Tuesday October 13th at 7pm (Eastern). Join me and gain valuable tips, tools, resources and exercises for your own group coaching work. There are still 3 spaces available. The program is also accredited for 6.25 CCEs (Continuing Coach Education Units) by the ICF for those ACCs, PCCs, and MCCs needing to recertify (including 4.25 hours of Core Competencies). Give me a call at (416) 996-8326 if you are ready to add group coaching to your offerings and want to get started right away!
Monday, September 28, 2009
Join Me in Toronto on October 21st
Group Coaching: A Method to Support Organizational Performance at this year's CSTD/IFTIDO Annual Conference.
I will be co-presenting with colleague, Maureen Clarke. In addition to a very interactive session where you will be getting to explore how you can use group coaching to support your organizational performance, I will also be sharing some insights from how group coaching is impacting organizations across North America. Maureen will also be sharing some of her own research around how group coaching has impacted organizations.
Many of you will know that I was busy this summer writing Effective Group Coaching which will be published by Pfeiffer-Wiley in January 2010. I will be sharing some of the insights gathered from my research during my presentation next month. I hope that you can join me!
For more information on this year's CSTD/IFTDO conference, please visit More information will be coming soon about pre-launch book information. Stay tuned!
Warm regards,
Jennifer Britton, PCC, CPCC, CPT
Potentials Realized
Group Coaching Essentials
Email: info{at}potentialsrealized{dot}com
Phone: (416) 996-TEAM (8326)
New Start Dates: Group Coaching Essentials: October and November

Tuesdays 7-8:30 pm (ET): October 13, 27, Nov 3 and 10 plus 5th call (5 spaces open)
Mondays 12 - 1:15 pm (ET): November 2, 9, 16 and 30 plus 5th call (Just added)
Monday, August 03, 2009
Group Coaching Essentials starts Thursdays at 1045 am (ET) August 13
This ICF Accredited program (for CCEs) provides coaches with a treasurechest of tools, resources and templates to support you with the design, implementation and marketing of your group coaching prorams. Whether you are working with corporate groups, or groups from the public, by phone, web or in-person, you are sure to leave the program with a number of new a-has as well as focus and steps forward wtih your own program ideas.
Throughout the program we cover:
- The Best Practices of Group Coaching
- Design Tips and Tools of Group Coaching
- Marketing Your Group Coaching Program
- Implementation Tips (and Pitfalls to Avoid!) for phone based and in-person programs
- Exercises for Group Coaching
Cost: $275 US or CDN (CDN link will be sent to you separately if you are a CDN resident)
If you have any questions, please give a call or drop me a line.You can register online at
I look forward to having you join us.
Warm regards,
Jennifer Britton, PCC, CPCC
Group Coaching Essentials
Toll Free: 1-866-217-1960
Phone: (416) 996-Team (8326)
Email: info{at}potentialsrealized{dot}com
5 Mistakes Group Coaches Make
A huge question I often get asked during the Group Coaching Essentials program is What are some fo the Biggest Mistakes Group Coaches Make?
Here are five major pitfalls a lot of new group coaches fall into:
- Not discussing expectations at the start of a program - yours and the clients (plural!)
- Assuming a one size fits all within your group
- Marketing only one date at a time for your upcoming programs
- Not managin Group Dynamics and Process
- Trying to cover too much (content, exercises, concepts, themes etc/etc - you get it, right?)
What are some of the biggest pitfalls you have experienced or witnessed? As always, please feel free to comment below.
Have a great start to the week!
Jennifer Britton, PCC, CPCC, CPT
Group Coaching Essentials
Phone: (416) 996-TEAM(8326)
Email: info{at}potentialsrealized{dot}com
Friday, July 17, 2009
Group Coaching Essentials starts Wed July 22 (pm) and Thurs Aug 5 (AM)
We've just passed the 3.5 year anniversary of this program - and over 300 coaches have participated in this program! The program is also accredited by the ICF for 6.25 hours of Continuing Coach Education: perfect if you are needing recert hours for your ACC, PCC, MCC.
Weekly Sessions Cover:
- The Foundations and Best Practices of Group Coaching
- The Essentials of Design for Group Coaching
- Marketing Your Group Coaching Program
- Exercises for Group Coaching
- Essential Habits for GREAT Group Coaches
Upcoming dates include:
July 2009: Wednesdays 7-8:15 pm (ET): July 22, 29, August 5 and 12 plus 5th call in September -- 3 spaces remain!
OR August: Thursdays 10:45 - 12 noon (ET): August 6, 13, 20 and 27/09 plus a 5th call in late Sept/early October -- 4 spaces remain
Cost: $275 and includes the 5x75 minute calls, a 75 page manual, pre and post course 1-1calls with me. Calls are recorded if you cannot make a session.
For more information on the program, and to register, please click here. You can also give me a call directly at (416)996-8326 to register or email me.
Here's what two recent participants have said about the program:
As a coach who has been trained in one-on-one coaching techniques, Jennifer’s Group Coaching Essentials class filled in a crucial gap in my learning. Through her teaching style and her extremely well presented materials, she modeled how we as group leaders can develop and structure our groups. Jennifer was instrumental in helping me create my own coaching group. Thanks, Jennifer.
--Raymond L. Rigoglioso, ACC,
"Jennifer is a gifted facilitator and coach. The Group Coaching Essentials program was practical, well designed and provided me with the opportunity to design my own group coaching course as I moved through it. I enjoyed the lazer sessions where I was able to ask more specific questions of Jennifer. The resources, exercises, and templates provided were excellent. I would highly recommend this course."
Pam Thompson, CEO, Creative Life Coaching Inc.
I look forward to having you join us!
Warm regards,
Jennifer Britton, PCC, CPCC, CPT
Group Coaching Essentials
Toll Free: 1-866-217-1960
MidYear Check In: Group Coaching Programs and Your Business
In my newsletter this month, I included 10 Questions for Coaches to consider as a Mid-Year check-in. I wanted to share these with you at the blog given that I've had a lot of emails saying that these were very useful.
Take 15 minutes to sit back and reflect over the next few weeks and consider the following:
1.The major goals that I have completed since January are ______.
2. I am really pleased that I have accomplished ________ this year.
3. The projects I currently have on the go are _______________.
4. The opportunities that are facing me/my business/my programs right now are....
5. The challenges that are facing me/my business/my programs right now are....
6. I want to keep the following on my radar screen for the remainder of the year _______
7. I want to put more attention on ___________ for the next quarter/month.
8. My priorities for the next six months/quarter are ........
9. I want to be energized/fueled by .... for the remainder of the year.
10. By December 31, 2009 I will have.........
What action is really going to STRETCH you over the next few months?
Have a great time planning (and getting into action)!
Warm regards,
Jennifer Britton, PCC
Group Coaching Essentials
Phone: (416) 996-8326
Email: info{at}
Monday, June 29, 2009
Creating Momentum with Consistent Effort
Over the past few weeks in my 90 Day BizSuccess program, as well as the Group Coaching Essentials program I have been talking to business owners - coaches, and non-coaches - about the importance of creating momentum through consistent small steps.
- What are your big goals for the rest of the year?
- What would it be like to create momentum around achieving these?
- What small steps can you take on a daily basis towards this goal?
- What's the next small step you can take tomroorw to move yourself closer towards your goal?
I really love this time of year as it is a wonderful time to focus in on marketing. There are lots of posts from the past few summers here on the blog. Check out the marketing category on the left.
Do enjoy!
Warm regards,
Jennifer Britton, PCC, CHRP, CPT
Group Coaching Essentials
(416) 996-TEAM (8326)
Two new classes of the Group Coaching Essentials programs start in July -- spaces are filling quickly. Choose from a daytime or evening session. Programs start:
Tuesdays 10:30 – 11:45 am (Eastern): July 14, 21, 28 and August 4 with 5th call in Sept
OR Wednesdays 7-8:15 pm (ET): July 22, 29, August 5 and 12 with 5th call in Sept
Click here for more information or to register.
Friday, June 19, 2009
Group Coaching Questionnaire Now Available Online
I am still looking for a few more case studies from around the world - particularly Europe and Australiasia. If you know of coaches who are undertaking group coaching work, please have them contact me.
I am also attaching a link to the group coaching questionnaire I am using to gather further insights and materials from coaches. If you are undertaking group coaching work and would like to participate in this questionnaire, please click here. The questionnaire should only take 5-10 minutes to complete. I will be following up on completed questionnaires directly with you.
I will be wrapping up my interviews in the next few weeks and would love to hear from you! - please take a few minutes now to complete this online questionnaire.
Thanks in advance for your participation!
Warm regards,
Jennifer Britton, PCC
Group Coaching Essentials
Phone: (416) 996-8326 (TEAM)
Email: info{at}potentialsrealized{dot
Terrific Resource - Faciltiative Coaching

Monday, June 01, 2009
Calling all Group Coaches for Global Case Studies
Over the next 3 weeks (June 1 - 19th) I am collecting case studies from around the world through questionnaires and interviews to include in the Effective Group Coaching book. I am wanting to hear from as many group coaches as possible on the group coaching work that you undertake - whether it's virtual, in person, with individuals or businesses. I would love to connect with you and get your input into these global case studies. I am also wanting to spotlight the work of coaches at different stages of their business lifecycles - so those of you who are just starting out, as well as those who are more experienced.
If you, or someone you know, would be interested in being interviewed or completing the questionnaire, please contact me directly at (416) 996-8326, email me, or leave me a toll free voice mail at 1-866-217-1960 and I will send you a copy of the questionnaire and will contact you to set up a time when we can hold the interview.
I look forward to hearing from you and thank you for spreading the word with your colleagues!
Warm regards,
Jennifer Britton, PCC, CPCC
Group Coaching Essentials
Ph: (416) 996-TEAM (8326)
Voice Mail: 1-866-217-1960
Email: info{at}potentialsrealized{dot}com
Upcoming June Programs: Group Coaching, Business Development
Group Coaching Essentials(TM) Teleseminar - Mondays 12 - 1:15 pm (ET): June 15, 22, 29 and July 13, 2009 plus a 5th call in August (date set by group). This program is now accredited for 6.25 hours of CCEs (Continuing Coach Education Units) with the ICF. This is a new session date based on demand. New sessions will also start in July and August. One space remains for the program starting this week Wednesday June 3 (7-8:15 pm ET). Click here for more info or to register.
Summer BizSuccess Business Planning Retreat: Friday June 5 and 12: 11-2 pm(Eastern) 8am - 11 am PT
Create some space and time to focus in on your business for the BizSuccess Summer BizPlanning Retreat. This program includes a mix of group calls and individual work on your own business each hour.
Engaging Exercises for Teams and Groups Teleclass: Monday June 29: 10:30 - 12 noon (ET)
Group Program Design Virtual Intensive: Tuesday June 9 and 16, 2009: 7-10 pm ET both evenings
If you have any questions about any of our programs, please email me or call (416) 996-TEAM (8326). Alternatively you can leave a toll free voice mail at 1-866-217-1960.
I look forward to having you join me!
Warm wishes,
Jennifer Britton, PCC, CPCC, CHRP, CPT
Potentials Realized
Toll Free: 1-866-217-1960
Email: info{at}potentialsrealized{dot}com
Tuesday, May 05, 2009
Building Your Plaform - Thanks for Lunch!
The recording is now available and you can access it by phone (only):
Playback Dial-in Number:
Playback Access Code: 234683
Please note that callers are responsible for their own long distance charges.
Throughout this 45 minute call I cover:
- Questions to support you in identifying your own unique platform;
- 4 key tips for blogging with results;
- A very high level overview of some of the current social networking and media options.
Callers also left the call with a specific action plan for themselves in taking the learning forward.
I look forward to sharing with recordings of future speaking engagmeents. If you, or your group is looking for a speaker for your next meeting, please let me know. I would be happy to join you!
Jennifer Britton, PCC, CPCC
Potentials Realized
Group Coaching Essentials
Ph: (416) 996-TEAM (8326)
Email: info{at}potentialsrealized{dot}com
Sunday, May 03, 2009
Building Your Platform - Join Me for Lunch on Tuesday
The call will be held from 12 – 12:45 pm ET at (218) 339-2626, access 164873 (note callers are responsible for their own long-distance charges).
Here’s the brief description of the call:
Looking to stand out in the crowd? Join Jennifer Britton, PCC, CPCC, CHRP of Potentials Realized for a lively lunchtime Practice Talks where we discuss Building Your Platform – Using Blogs, social media and more. Join Jennifer for an engaging session where you will:
· Identify your own unique Platform;
· Explore 4 key tips for blogging with results;
· Explore the range of social media options;
· Create an action plan to take your learning forward.
If you are a coach, trainer or consultant, looking to stand out by building your platform, please join us!
Have a great start to the week!
Jennifer Britton, PCC , CHRP, CPT
Group Coaching Essentials
The May Group Coaching Essentials program also starts this week on Wednesday at 11 am (ET). The program will be held on Wed from 11 - 12:15 pm (ET) on May 6, 13, 20 and June 3/09 plus a 5th call (TBD by group). Two spaces remain. This program is now accredited for 6.25 CCEs by the ICF for recertification points. Click here for more info on the program.
Tuesday, April 07, 2009
Group Coaching Essentials Accredited for ICF CCEs

Upcoming Programs - April/May 2009
90 Day BizSuccess Program:Tuesdays from 10:30 -11:45 am (ET): April 7, 21, May 5, 19, June 2, 16, 31. Celebration call scheduled by group later in the summer - Starts This week.
Ready to focus in on your business and take it to the next level? The 90 Day BizSuccess Program will provide you with new tools and ideas for your business, as well as dozens of business development exercises, tips and templates. The program will provide you with 3 months of accountability and focus on growing your business, all within the structure of a group coaching program. Join other coaches, trainers and small business owners as we focus in on you and your growth!
Jennifer brings the best of her tried and tested small business toolkit which she once shared as a Business Faculty Member. A new session will also start on June 1st: Mondays 12 - 1 pm (ET) (Group Calls Held on : June 1, 15, 29, July 13, 27, Aug 10 and 24. Celebraton call scheduled for Sept by group.)
Cost: $347 US. Click here to register for the 90 Day BizSuccess Program.
Workshop and Retreat Essentials: Starts Fridays 10:30 - 11:45 am : starts April 24th.
Calls: April 24, May 1, 8, 15 and 5th call in June (set by group)
The program that started it all for my business also celebrates it's 5th birthday this year. If you are a coach looking to expand your work into workshops or retreats this program will support you in designing, marketing and implementing your own workshop or retreat program. The program will also cover how to design and market virtual retreats. This program will be of interest to coaches, trainers, consultants and leaders.Special 15% off pricing this month. Regularly: $275 US, This month: $233.75 US
Click here to register for the Workshop and Retreat Essentials program.
Group Program Virtual Retreat:
Friday April 17 and 24 (1-4pm Eastern) both days
Looking to create some space to actually sit down and design your program? The Group Program Virutal Intensive does just that. The program provides you with a six hour structured group experience to give you that booster shot to get your program rolled out. This program focuses on getting into action (rather than learning new skills).
Special b-day pricing this month: $100 US rather than the regular $125 US (20% savings!)
Looking for a mentor coach during your ICF Credentialing(ACC or PCC) or your CPCC Certification?
For the month of April I am offering a 20% discount on 1-1 mentor coaching serivces (a 10 hour package) for coaches working towards their CPCC or ICF Credentials (ACC or PCC)Regularly $1750 US. This month special pricing is $1400 US. (Note that the package must be booked this month, and can be paid in two hour installments over the next few months).
The Group Coaching Essentials program will start again on Wednesdays 11- 12:15 pm (Eastern): May 6, 13, 20, June 3 /09 plus 5th call TBD (by group). This program has now been accredited by the ICF for 6.25 CCE(Continuing Coach Education) Units for coaches who hold their ACC, PCC or MCC. Cost $275. Reserve your spot today!
Questions? Please email me or give me a call. I look forward to having you join us!
Warm wishes,
Jennifer Britton, PCC, CPCC, CHRP
Potentials Realized
Group Coaching Essentials
Toll Free: 1-866-217-1960 (416) 996-8326
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
6 Tips for Your Next Phone Based Group Coaching Programs

Thursday, March 19, 2009
BizTip on Thursday: Perseverance
The power of repetition and persevernce is critical for small business owners, even more so today where purchase decisions are often taking longer to make or being given more thought by consumers. Coaching services are no different.
Here are a few questions to consider as it comes to business development and perseverance.
- How are you approaching your marketing efforts these days?
- Where are you persevering?
- How are you continuing to reach out to your audience while adding value? Adding value is a key piece here. Ask yourself also how your communications/outreach is adding value.
- What short term strategies are you employing?
- What long term platform are you building?
- How are you allocating your time between the short term immediate gain, and the long term payoff?
Have a great week! As always, your comments are most welcomed below!
Warm regards,
Jennifer Jennifer Britton, PCC, CPCC, CHRP Potentials Realized 90 Day BizSuccess Group Coaching Program (TM): Next Program starts April 7 (Tuesdays 10:30 -11:45 am ET)Looking to launch your own Group Coaching Program? The Group Coaching Essentials program starts again next week - Tuesday 12 - 1:15 pm (ET) and will be held on March 24, 31, April 7 and 14, plus a 5th call in May. The April group will meet on Mondays from 7-8:15 pm (ET) on April 6, 20, 27 and May 4th plus a fifth call in June. Click here for more info or to register for either program.
Monday, March 02, 2009
10 Core Questions to Bring Into Your Next Group Program

10+ Core Questions for Your Next Program
Copyright 2008-9. All Rights Reserved. Jennifer Britton
We often say that questions are a coach's best tool. I've spent that last few weeks on the design of a new coaching program for managers and in designing it, I was struck once again by the power and simplicity of the powerful question.
In the next few days become consciously aware of the questions you are bringing into your work with clients - whether it's in 1-1 work, or with groups or teams. Are your questions:
- Open-ended
- Leaving the client breathless before they answer, or leading them to pause or say "Wow. That's a great question".
- Between 5 and 6 words in length (One of my key takeaways from my own coach training years ago was that powerful questions usually are 5 or 6 word long - take a listen to yours!)
- Leading a client to really think differently, or deepen their understanding, as a result of the question
Here are some of my favorite core Questions for the Group Context. They are not all powerful questions, but they do get people thinking and conversations flowing:
Starters/Warm up:
What’s your hope for today’s session? What’s your fear? What’s your fantasy?
What do you want to take away from today’s session?
What is your intention for the day?
What will you commit to bringing to the group?
What role do you want to in the group?
On a scale of 0-10 how engaged will be with the process?
What risk will you take today?
What is one action you can take today to stretch your comfort zone?
Check Ins along the way:
What’s been your biggest ah-ha so far?
What is one thing that you can do in the next hour/day/session that will stretch your comfort zones?
What has shifted for you since we started?
Taking Action:
What action can you take to make this happen?
What do you want to commit to?
What do you need to say yes to? What do you need to say no to?
What will success look like?
Enjoy and try weaving these questions into your next session.
Jennifer Britton, PCC, CPCCGroup Coaching EssentialsEmail: info{at}potentialsrealized{dot}com
This Month's Program Line-up: Group Coaching and Business Development
Here's our program line up for the next month:
Group Coaching Essentials: This program is designed for coaches who want to expand their work to the group coaching environment. The program is a resource-rich, interactive program focusing in on the design, marketing and implementation of your own group coaching program. Packed with tips, tools and templates to make your process easier, this program includes 5 calls, 1-1 lazer sessions with Jennifer, and an 80 page manual. Space is limited to 6-8 coaches as it is a hands-on, interactive program.
Two new sessions starting soon. Choose from either:
Tuesdays from 12 - 1:15 pm (Eastern): March 24, 31, April 7 and 14 2009 plus a 5th call in May (date to be set by group)
OR Mondays from 7-8:15 pm (Eastern): April 6, 20, 27 and May 4 plus a fifth call in early June 2009 (date to be set by group)
Click here to register and reserve your spot.
90 Day BizSuccess Program:
Ready to focus in on your business and take it to the next level? The 90 Day BizSuccess Program will provide you with new tools and ideas for your business, as well as dozens of business development exercises, tips and templates. The program will provide you with 3 months of accountability and focus on growing your business, all within the structure of a group coaching program. Join other coaches, trainers and small business owners as we focus in on you and your growth!
Topics covered include:
- Developing a Powerful Vision for Your Buinsess;
- Creating Your Business RoadMap;
- Identifying What Makes You Uniquely Powerful as a Business Owner;
- Identifying Your Niche and Clients;
- Expanding Your Web and Networks;
- Leveraging Tradition and Social Marketing Approaches
Jennifer brings the best of her tried and tested small business toolkit which she once shared as a Business Faculty Member working with business students.
The next program will start on April 7th on Tuesdays from 10:30 -11:45 am (ET)Group Calls held on:
April 7, 21, May 5, 19, June 2, 16, 31. Celebration call scheduled by group later in the summer.
Cost: $347 US. Click here to register.
Workshop and Retreat Essentials: The program that started it all, celebrates it's 5th birthday in April. If you are a coach looking to expand your work into workshops or retreats this program will support you in designing, marketing and implementing your own workhsop or retreat. The program will also cover the popular virtual retreat design.
Fridays 10:30 - 11:45 am(EST): April 24, May 1, 8 and 15 plus 5th call in June (set by Group)
Questions? Please feel free to drop me a line at info{at}potentialsrealized{dot}com.
Jennifer Britton, PCC, CPCC
Group Coaching Essentials
Potentials Realized
Mobile: (416) 996-TEAM (8326) Toll Free: 1-866-217-1960
Thursday, February 26, 2009
New Truths about Customers/Clients
There was a great article in today's Profit Magazine Online entitled "7 New Truths About Your Customer". You can access it here.
The article states:
"Accenture suggests three keys to respond to this: know your customers, by conducting customer-segmentation analysis to reveal their preferences and predict their behaviour; reach your customers, by interacting with them through channels such as blogs, social media and company discussion boards; and tailor your service to deliver a compelling customer experience based on what you’ve learned by knowing and reaching your customers."
For those of you who have taken either my Group Coaching Essentials program, or the 90 Day Biz Success program, you will know that I am very passionate about challenging coaches to look at the business side of the work they do. It is the former Business Faculty lecturer in me! Knowing your customer (or client) and leveraging technology to build your platform and spread the word about what you have to offer is continues to be a key success strategy.
I hope that you will click on over to the article and see what juicy nuggets you can harvest for your own business.
Have a great day!
Jennifer Britton, PCC, CPCC
Group Coaching Essentials
Toll Free: 1-866-217-1960
Registration just opened this morning for the next 90 Day BizSuccess Program which will start on Tuesday April 7th at 10:30 am (ET). Ready to take your business to the next level with a 3 month focus, some new tools and support?
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Considering Co-Facilitation?
For those of you looking for some tips on how to approach co-facilitation, I want to invite you to take a look back at some of the posts I've written in the past on the topic of co-facilitation here.
Is co-facilitation always essential - No. But co-facilitation brings a number of benefits, especially if:
- Your group of team size is large
- You want to be able to provide altnerative perspectives and voices as facilitators
- You want to ensure that the faciilitation team brings a mix of expertise (prehaps industry experience and/or subject matter experience in addition to facilitation experience)
- You want to provide a variety of styles/approaches
From my experience, one of the most important ingredients to successful co-faciliation work is taking the time upfront (i.e. before you design your work, and before you are in front of a group or team!) to design your own relationship. Many of the posts from 2008 around co-facilitation address this very issue.
What have been the success factors which have led to great co-facilitation work on your part? What are your co-facilitation questions? As always, please feel free to comment below!
Jennifer Britton, PCC, CPCC
Group Coaching EssentialsMobile: (416) 996-TEAM (8326)Friday, February 13, 2009
Group Coaching Essentials starts Tuesday at 12 noon (ET)
Just a quick reminder that the next Group Coaching Essentials program starts Tuesday Feb 18th at 12noon (ET)by phone. We'll be meeting on Tuesdays from 12-1:15 pm(EST) on Feb 17, 24, March 10 and 17, as well as for a fifth call in May (5th call to be scheduled at a date convenient to the group).
If you are looking to develop your own group coaching program this spring and summer and are not looking to reinvent the wheel . If you want a supportive environment to boost your momentum, and add onto your toolkit in terms of resources, templates and exercises for group coaching, I hope that you will consider joining me next week.
The program covers:
* The Foundation of Group Coaching – What is Group Coaching, Best Practices of Group Coaching, and Adult Learning Principles
* The Nuts and Bolts of Developing Group Coaching – Making Your Program Development Fun and Effective: Technical issues, Techniques and Templates for Developing and Running Your Program
* Marketing Group Coaching – Knowing Your Audience, General Marketing Principles and Materials
* Filling Up Your Toolbox – Exercises and Other Resources for Group Coaching
Included in your program registration are:
* 5 x 75 minute teleclasses;
* The 85 page Group Coaching Essentials manual;
* * Pre and post course 1-1s with me;
* Lazer 1-1 sessions from me as needed throughout the program (at no extra cost - value $400).
Cost: $275US or Canadian.
The Group Coaching Essentials program is a very interactive, intimate teleseminar program. Program size is limited to ensure maximum attention. Most coaches complete the program with at least one, and sometimes two, new group coaching designs and marketing ideas.
You can register online, email me at info{at}potentialsrealized{dot}com, or give me a call at (416) 996-TEAM (8326) to register.
I look forward to having you join me!
Jennifer Britton, PCC, CPCC
Group Coaching Essentials
Can't make this month's date? The April program is starting to fill quickly. April's session will be held on Monday's from 7-8:15 pm (ET) on April 6, 20, 27 and May 4 (plus a 5th call in June).
Thursday, February 05, 2009
CoachCards Resurrected
CoachCards has been resurrected and can now be found at in honor of Thomas J. Leonard of Coachville.
Click on over -- the cards are free and a great way to reach out quickly to your clients, colleagues and others!
Jennifer Britton, PCC, CPCC
Group Coaching Essentials
(416) 996-TEAM (8326)
Tuesday, February 03, 2009
Expand Your Reach: Tips for Group (and Team) Coaching
Playback Dial-in Number: 1-218-339-2651 (Midwest)
Playback Access Code: 241201
Callers are responsible for their own long distance charges to connect with the bridgeline. Length: 45 minutes
Do enjoy listening!
Jennifer Britton, PCC, CPCCC
Potentials Realized
Group Coaching Essentials
Phone: (416) 996-8326
Thanks for lunch!
The recording for our lunch call today is not yet ready (and might be a victim of mercury in retrograde), so I'll invite you to listen to my December call - 9 Tips for Great 2009 Programs. You can listen to the first part of it here, if you haven't listened to it yet.
Some of the key topics we spoke about today were:
What is group coaching?
How does it differ from 1-1 coaching? From workshops?
What forms does group coaching take?
How do you fill your programs?
Tips and tools for your own program design
Wanting more information on group coaching or want to launch your own program? Please consider joining me for this month's Group Coaching Essentials program starting on FEB 17th (Tuesdays from 12 - 1:15 pm ET, Feb 17, 24, March 10, 17 and a call in April). Click here for more info and to register. Space is limited to 6-8 coaches.
Jennifer Britton, PCC, CPCC, CHRP
Potentials Realized
Phone: (416) 996-TEAM
Toll Free: 1-866-217-1960
Email: info{at}potentialsrealized{dot}com
Monday, February 02, 2009
February Programs: Group Coaching, Business Growth, Exercises

Some of the topics we cover include:
* Creating a Powerful Vision and RoadMap for Your Business
* Busting through Limiting Beliefs about your business
* Essential Business Systems (budgets, marketing plans etc)
* Leveraging Your Time and Network
* Social Networking 101: Twitter, Blogging, Facebook - Make it work for you!
Thursday, January 29, 2009
BizTips on Thursday: Twitter
This week's post is all about one of the latest social media crazes -- Twitter.
Wikipedia describesTwitter as:
" a free social networking and micro-blogging service that allows its users to send and read other users' updates (otherwise known as tweets), which are text-based posts of up to 140 characters in length".
If you've heard about twitter and are wondering what it might do for your business, here are some great web resources to get you started:
Duct Tape Marketing has produced a short Twitter for Business booklet which you can download here.
Some Tips from Claire Chapman:
The Twitter Handbook:
How are you using Twitter? What success stories do you have about it? What's the downside?
As always, please feel free to comment below. You can find me at Twitter at
Have a great week!
Jennifer Britton, PCC, CPCC
Group Coaching Essentials
Monday, January 26, 2009
Join me for lunch: Tuesday Feb 3 at 12 noon (ET)
Each month a 45 minute teleconference call on issues related to coaching and business building is held.
I hope that you will join me next week for an engaging lunch time discussion.
Here are the details:
Date: Tuesday Feb 3 from 12 - 12:45 pm (Eastern)
Dial in to: (218) 339-2626, access code 164873 (Note: Callers are responsible for their own long distance charges)
What I'll be talking about:
Wondering about how you can leverage your time and serve more clients outside just a 1-1 model? During this month’s ICF GTA Practice Building call, Jennifer Britton, PCC, CPCC, will be covering some quick tips and tools to support you in expanding your coaching reach to groups and teams. She’ll be discussing how group coaching is similar to, and also different from, individual one-on-one coaching. She’ll also share how you can adapt some of your current coaching tools to teams and groups. Please bring any and all of your questions about group coaching to this month’s lunchtime call.
There's no cost and no need to register.
I look forward to having you join me for lunch next week!
Jennifer Britton, PCC, CPCC, CHRP
Potentials Realized
Group Coaching Essentials
Phone: (416) 996-TEAM (8326)
Thursday, January 15, 2009
4th Annual Sherpa Executive Coaching Survey Now Available
The survey answers questions including
- What is executive coaching?
- Who gets a coach?
- How are services delivered?
- Who becomes a coach?
- How do they get their training?
- How much does coaching cost?
- Is it worth the money
1500 participants, primarily executive coaches, participated in the survey. Participants came from the US, Canada and 40 other countries, showing the global nature of executive coaching. The survey also highlights some interesting differences about the background, training and type of work executive coaches are doing on both sides of the Canadian and US border.
I hope that you will take a look at the 4th Annual Sherpa Executive Coaching Survey .
If you are aware of other surveys on coaching which have been released recently, please feel free to comment below. The need for more research on the profession continues to be a major issue - as such it is always wonderful to hear of new survey results being published.
Have a great week!
Jennifer Britton, PCC, CPCC
Toll Free: 1-866-217-1960Email: info{at}potentialsrealized{dot}com
Monday, January 12, 2009
Exercises: The Backbone of Any Program
Copyright 2009 - Jennifer Britton. All Rights Reserved.
I am preparing this month for a number of team and group engagements -- both in person work and virtual work. I am reminded of how exercises really form the backbone of any group coaching or team coaching program.
When considering your next choice of exercise, consider the following questions:
1. What is the theme/message/learning you want to create for the exercise?
2. What's the tempo that will work for the group?
3. How will this exercise support different learning styles?
4. How will it compliment other exercises - in terms of theme/learning styles?
5. What risks are associated with this exercise?
6. When would this exercise be most suited in terms of placement - i.e. icebreaker, closure exercises etc?
7. What else does this exercise need as a compliment?
8. What questions should follow/be part of this exercise to allow the group to learn the most from it (jot down 3-5 questions you will follow the exercise with).
Challenge this week: If you are preparing for a new program, use these questions to help you take your exercise choice to the next level.
If you don't have a new program on the books, but are looking to create the foundation for a new one of your own, pick a theme (i.e. leadership, work-life balance) and spend 30-60 minutes gathering/researching exercises you could include.
Looking for some inspiration? Check out James Neill's -- which houses a really fantastic resource base of group exercises (copyleft!). Thanks James for this contribution. Know of other resources -- please feel free to comment below!
Have a great week!
Jennifer Britton, PCC, CPCC
Group Coaching Essentials
Toll Free: 1-866-217-1960
Email: info{at}potentialsrealized{dot}com
PS -- There are still a few spaces in two programs which are starting this week: Group Coaching Essentials starts Wednesday evening from 8-9:15 pm (ET) this week (Jan 14th), and the 90 Day BizSuccess starts Friday (the 16th) at 12 noon (ET). Looking forward to having you join me!
Tuesday, January 06, 2009
Upcoming January Programs
Here's what's on tap this month:
Group Coaching Essentials – Wednesdays 8-9:15 pm (EST), January 14, 21, Feb 4 and 11 plus a fifth call in March. Cost $275 US. Come celebrate our 3rd anniversary of this program! The ever popular Group Coaching Essentials program will be offered again this month. If you are a coach wanting to offer group coaching to your clients this program is for you. Full of tips, tools, exercises and other resources, you will leave the program with:
- A structure to quickly design your next group coaching program - whether by phone or in person
- Exercises to incorporate into your programs
- Marketing ideas so you can get "bums in seat"
- Your own group coaching program design.
Space is limited to 6-8 coaches. As part of the program you will have pre and post course 1-1s with me, and receive a 90 page manual (sent electronically in modules)
90 Day BizSuccess Program: Now entering it's second year, the 90 Day BizSuccess program is for coaches serious about focusing on, and growing their business. We meet twice a month for a one hour group coaching call, and you'll also schedule a 1-1 lazer coaching session with me.
Some of the topics we cover include:
- Creating a Powerful Vision and RoadMap for Your Business
- Busting through Limiting Beliefs about your business
- Essential Business Systems (budgets, marketing plans etc)
- Leveraging Your Network
- Social Networking 101: Twitter, Blogging, Facebook - Make it work for you!
Cost: $347 US for the 3 month program which includes 7 group calls, 3 lazer 1-1s, a 70 page workbook manual and 36 e-biz tips delivered to your email box. Calls are held Fridays from 12 - 1pm (Eastern) on January 16, 23, Feburary 6, 28, March 13, 27, April 17, 2009.
Click here for more information or to register
For those interested in designing and delivering Workshops and Retreats, the Workshop and Retreat Essentials program will be held on Fridays 10:30 - 11:45 am(EST), Janaury 23, Feb 6, 20 and 27 plus 5th call in March. Click here for more information on the Workshop and Retreat Essentials program. Cost: $250 US
If you have any questions, please give me a call at (416) 996-TEAM (8326) or drop me an email at info{at}potentialsrealized{dot}com. (AND if you are Canadian and prefer to pay in Canadian dollars, please let me know)
Have a great start to 2009 with your groups!
Jennifer Britton, PCC, CPCC