This past weekend I attended the Annual Fall ICF GTA Conference here in Toronto. It was wonderful to reconnect with many old colleagues and make new connections with others. A number of coaches asked me "What is the difference between team and group coaching?".
In fact, many of the tools and approaches coaches will use in working with teams and groups are very similar, if not identical.
What is different are a couple of key points to consider in terms of how you are working with teams vs. groups:
1. Teams will have some form of leadership which needs to be taken into consideration in designing the type of coaching which will happen. In all of the team coaching, and team systems coaching work I do, team leaders play a key role. In fact, the team coaching process may be started because of a new team leader coming on board. Typically a group coaching process is not impacted by leadership directly.
For example, if I am working with a group of new managers in an organization, they are likely to have different leaders that they report to. Part of our coaching may involve having them share their learning with their leaders, but the leaders are not directly involved in the caoching.
2. Teams have relationships which usually exist before, and after, the coaching relationship. Groups which form for coaching may know each other, but have a different type of relationship. As we often say, teams exist to produce results, so team relationships have a key focus in team coaching. This may not always be the case with group coaching. For example, if I am working with a group of new business owners, chances are that they may be meeting each other for the first time. Their focus will likely be on strengthing their own businesses first, and getting to know each other second. It is still important to be aware of team and group dynamics issues in both.
Stay tuned for a couple of additional posts I am going to write on team coaching resources, and other factors which distinguish teams and groups.
Have a great week,
Jennifer Britton, CPCC, PCC
Author of Effective Group Coaching (Wiley, 2010)
Host of the ICF approved CCE - Group Coaching Essentials program - next group starts by phone on Tuesday November 15th at 10:30 am Eastern (6.75 CCEs)