I'll be holding a number of phone based programin the next few weeks for those of you who are looking for some quick booster shots for your own group programs. It's perfect timing for those who are gearing up for spring group program launches!
I hope that you will consider joining me for one of the following:
Friday February 1, 2008 from 12 - 1:30 pm (EST) the Tips and Tools for Your Workshop or Retreat Program. This one and a half hour teleseminar covers 10 Key tips and tools to keep in mind as you design, deliver and market your next workshop or retreat program, for the public or corporations. You also receive a 20 page e-workbook as part of this call, which is full of tools for use after the call. You are also encouraged to bring their specific questions to the call so you can walk way with exactly what you need. Space is limited to 6 to ensure maximum interaction. Cost: $45 US (which includes e-workbook and 1.5 hour call. Long distance charges are extra).
Tuesday February 5, 2008 from 6:30 - 8pm (EST): Engaging Exercises for Teams and Groups. Looking to inject your next workshop, retreat or group coaching program with some new exercises? This 1.5 hour call covers the A-Z of exercises for teams and groups. You will leave the call with at least 25 new exercises to use as icebreakers/warmups, energizers or closure. You also receive the electronic edition of the Engaging Exercises for Teams and Groups Manual (85 pages) as part of this call. Space is limited to 6
Cost: $59 US
Download a registration form here to register for these calls.
For those looking for a more in-depth program in supporting them to launch their own group coaching program for the spring, I will be offering two separate classes of the Group Coaching Essentials program in February. Both classes will be held on Thursdays starting February 21st. Choose from:
10:30 - 11:45 am (EST) OR
8 - 9:15 pm (EST)
Both sessions are held by phone and sessions will be held on February 21, 28, March 6 and 13, plus a call in early April (at a date convenient for the group).
If you are looking to launch your own group coaching program, coaching workshop or coaching retreat this spring I hope that you will join me for the series. You'll leave the program with a new toolbox of resources, activities and templates to support you in your group coaching program development, implementation and marketing. This program has been offered since January 2006 and coaches from all over the world have now participated. Click here for more information about the program. Cost $250 US or Canadian. Space is limited (usual program size between 4-6 coaches. Maximum 8).
I will be offering a special mid-winter registration rate for coaches who sign up with a colleague for the February Group Coaching Essentials program. You will each enjoy a 20% discount on your registration (total investment $200 US or Canadian each). This pricing is only available for the February session. A great deal as I am also available for 1-1 support throughout your program (as well as for a pre- and post- 1-1 session). If you were to purchase all that time doing individual work with me your cost would be over $1500. I look forward to having you in the Group Coaching Essentials program next month.
To register for any of the programs, please give me a call toll free at 1-866-217-1960 or email me at jennifer@potentialsrealized.com. You can also download a registration form here.
Jennifer Britton, PCC, CHRP, CPCC
Potentials Realized
Thursday, January 24, 2008
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
Post-It Notes and Index Cards: a Facilitator's Ally

I love post it notes and index cards! Many of you will know that it made my top 10 list of most useful tips and tools for 2007. Today's post, builds on a much older post of mine from last year, about how post it notes and index cards can be a really valuable tool in your toolbox.
Here are some ideas on how you can use post-its and/or index cards:
1. For program development -- using a new post it or index card brain storm all the ideas you have about upcoming programs. Lay them out on a table or floor to start sorting/grouping
2. To get quick feedback from all participants during a program. As an evaluation tool, have participants write out their responses to your evaluation questions (1 question/answer per card), and have them post them on the wall
3. For business planning or strategic planning sessions -- the photo above is from a recent team planning session I facilitated late last year. There is nothing like getting people up and moving to boost engagement, excitement and ownership of their work!
4. As a quick poll of the group regarding what questions are popping for the group.
5. To ensure that all voices of the group are being heard. It is quite common for groups to be dominated by certain members. As a facilitator it's important to ensure that all voices are heard. Having participants write out their questions or responses, and then post them, or share them, can provide participants who are introverts, more shy or those who require more time to process questions, the opportunity to partipate and "be heard".
6. As a "vote" regarding where to go: Have participants show their support for a discussion item by putting up a post it note (different colours can represent different categories)
7. As a brainstorming tool - You can bring post-its/index cards into exercises where participants want to/need to brainstorm. For example,
- small business owners working on their business vision;
- professionals who are in career transition
- stay at home moms who are returning to the workforce
- teams working on their quarterly/annual planning
- couples who are creating their budget or a plan for their year
The possibilities are endless. How would you like to bring post-it notes or index cards into your next program?
Have a great week,
Jennifer Britton, PCC, CHRP, CPT ~ Group Coaching Essentials.com
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
Sherpa Executive Coaching 2008 Survey Results Just Released
The 2008 Sherpa Executive Coaching Survey results have just been released this afternoon. You can download your own copy of the entire report here.
This survey focuses specifically on executive coaching and the trends in this part of our industry. This year, almost 1300 professionals participated ( a mix of executive coaches, HR and training proessionals, life/personal coaches, trainers/consultants, and some purchasers of executive coaching).
Executive Coaching is defined in the survey as "regular meetings between a business leader and trained facilitator, designed to produce positive changes in business behavior in a limited time frame"
Some of the key findings included:
* The trend in executive coaching to shorter, limited engagements of 6 months or less
* Use of coaching primarily for leadership development purposes (50%), to address a specific problem or challenge (32%) or for professionals in transition (19% - promotions, transfers andnew hires)
* Adoption of industry standards for training and certification (ICF etc).
It's an interesting read, and again, limited to the field of executive coaching. Click the link to download your complimentary copy of the 2008 Sherpa Executive Coaching Survey.
It's encouraging to see the growth of more research in our profession. What interesting research have you come across lately? Feel free to comment below.
Warm regards,
Jennifer Britton, PCC, CHRP, CPT
Potentials Realized
Toll Free: 1-866-217-1960
Email: jennifer{at}potentialsrealized.com
This survey focuses specifically on executive coaching and the trends in this part of our industry. This year, almost 1300 professionals participated ( a mix of executive coaches, HR and training proessionals, life/personal coaches, trainers/consultants, and some purchasers of executive coaching).
Executive Coaching is defined in the survey as "regular meetings between a business leader and trained facilitator, designed to produce positive changes in business behavior in a limited time frame"
Some of the key findings included:
* The trend in executive coaching to shorter, limited engagements of 6 months or less
* Use of coaching primarily for leadership development purposes (50%), to address a specific problem or challenge (32%) or for professionals in transition (19% - promotions, transfers andnew hires)
* Adoption of industry standards for training and certification (ICF etc).
It's an interesting read, and again, limited to the field of executive coaching. Click the link to download your complimentary copy of the 2008 Sherpa Executive Coaching Survey.
It's encouraging to see the growth of more research in our profession. What interesting research have you come across lately? Feel free to comment below.
Warm regards,
Jennifer Britton, PCC, CHRP, CPT
Potentials Realized
Toll Free: 1-866-217-1960
Email: jennifer{at}potentialsrealized.com
Tuesday, January 08, 2008
The 3 Rs to Group Program Development - Reduce, Reuse and Recycle
The 3 Rs to Program Development - Reduce, Reuse and Recycle
Copyright 2008 - Jennifer Britton. All Rights Reserved
Many of us are very familiar with the 3Rs to environmental action - Reduce, Reuse and Recycle. The 3Rs are a great principles to apply when developing your next group program - workshop, retreat or group coaching program.
1. Reduce - Follow the "Less is More" principle. Rather than trying to fit everything, including the kitchen sink, into your next workshop, apply the 80/20 rule, and set at least 20% of the content aside. This content can be used as the foundation for a new program or as follow -up to your program. Participants will thank you as they avoid overwhelm, information overload, and have a chance to really engage with, and integrate the material you do provide.
What program content can you reduce or practice the 80/20 rule on?
2. Reuse - What programs are you currently offering? How could you leverage and repackage these program offerings so that they could be delivered to a wider audience?
For example, over the years I have developed a number of different streams of group programs - The Your Balanced Life(TM) program, and the Biz Success program for Business Owners. I offer these programs in a number of different formats - 90 day group coaching program by phone, a weekend retreat, a virtual retreat, short term speaking engagements and also corporate workshops (Your Balanced Life). The skeleton and main content for each of these programs is the same, it's just put together in different delivery options with some changes to meet the needs of different groups.
What programs can you "Reuse" to meet the needs of different audiences? How could you deliver some of your current programs differently?
3. Recycle - I often talk about using the modular approach to program development where discrete mini-sessions are developed as separate entities, which can then be put together with other modules to create entirely new programs, depending on the needs of the audience.
Think about modular program development like building blocks of different pieces of lego. You may have a one hour module on Developing Your Vision, a one hour module on leadership, a one hour module on providing feedback, and one on values. Depending on the needs of the client, or the group you are developing your program for, you can select different lego pieces or building blocks to create an entirely different structure. With a few small tweaks to further customize, you've got a new program there!
What modules do you already have on hand? What can you construct from what you have right now?
Jennifer Britton
Since 1988, Jennifer Britton has been facilitating team and group programs (workshops, retreats and group coaching) for organizations, teams and groups across 14 countries, and many more virtually. She is a Professional Certified Coach (PCC) and offers programs for the general public as well as customized programs for governmental, corporate and non-profit clients. Through her company, Potentials Realized, programs focus on the areas of leadership, teamwork and business success.
With best wishes for your group programs in 2008,
Jennifer Britton, PCC, CHRP, CPCC
Potentials Realized
Group Coaching Essentials
Email: jennifer@potentialsrealized.com
Toll Free: 1-866-217-1960
If you would like to republish this article in your newsletter or on your blog, please feel free to do so, keeping the copyright intact, and publishing the article in its entirety. We would also appreciate a link and look forward to hearing about where the article has appeared.
Copyright 2008 - Jennifer Britton. All Rights Reserved
Many of us are very familiar with the 3Rs to environmental action - Reduce, Reuse and Recycle. The 3Rs are a great principles to apply when developing your next group program - workshop, retreat or group coaching program.
1. Reduce - Follow the "Less is More" principle. Rather than trying to fit everything, including the kitchen sink, into your next workshop, apply the 80/20 rule, and set at least 20% of the content aside. This content can be used as the foundation for a new program or as follow -up to your program. Participants will thank you as they avoid overwhelm, information overload, and have a chance to really engage with, and integrate the material you do provide.
What program content can you reduce or practice the 80/20 rule on?
2. Reuse - What programs are you currently offering? How could you leverage and repackage these program offerings so that they could be delivered to a wider audience?
For example, over the years I have developed a number of different streams of group programs - The Your Balanced Life(TM) program, and the Biz Success program for Business Owners. I offer these programs in a number of different formats - 90 day group coaching program by phone, a weekend retreat, a virtual retreat, short term speaking engagements and also corporate workshops (Your Balanced Life). The skeleton and main content for each of these programs is the same, it's just put together in different delivery options with some changes to meet the needs of different groups.
What programs can you "Reuse" to meet the needs of different audiences? How could you deliver some of your current programs differently?
3. Recycle - I often talk about using the modular approach to program development where discrete mini-sessions are developed as separate entities, which can then be put together with other modules to create entirely new programs, depending on the needs of the audience.
Think about modular program development like building blocks of different pieces of lego. You may have a one hour module on Developing Your Vision, a one hour module on leadership, a one hour module on providing feedback, and one on values. Depending on the needs of the client, or the group you are developing your program for, you can select different lego pieces or building blocks to create an entirely different structure. With a few small tweaks to further customize, you've got a new program there!
What modules do you already have on hand? What can you construct from what you have right now?
Jennifer Britton
Since 1988, Jennifer Britton has been facilitating team and group programs (workshops, retreats and group coaching) for organizations, teams and groups across 14 countries, and many more virtually. She is a Professional Certified Coach (PCC) and offers programs for the general public as well as customized programs for governmental, corporate and non-profit clients. Through her company, Potentials Realized, programs focus on the areas of leadership, teamwork and business success.
With best wishes for your group programs in 2008,
Jennifer Britton, PCC, CHRP, CPCC
Potentials Realized
Group Coaching Essentials
Email: jennifer@potentialsrealized.com
Toll Free: 1-866-217-1960
If you would like to republish this article in your newsletter or on your blog, please feel free to do so, keeping the copyright intact, and publishing the article in its entirety. We would also appreciate a link and look forward to hearing about where the article has appeared.
Group Coaching Essentials starts Wednesday evening
ttJust a quick reminder that the Group Coaching Essentials program starts Wednesday evening by phone. We'll be meeting on Wednesdays from 8-9:15 pm (EST) on January 9, 16, 23 and 30th, as well as for a fifth call in March (at a time convenient to the group).
If you are looking to develop your own group coaching program this winter or spring, and want a supportive environment to boost your momentum, and add onto your toolkit in terms of resources, templates and exercises for group coaching, I hope that you will consider joining me tomorrow evening.
The program covers:
* The Foundation of Group Coaching – What is Group Coaching, Best Practices of Group Coaching, and Adult Learning Principles
* The Nuts and Bolts of Developing Group Coaching – Making Your Program Development Fun and Effective: Technical issues, Techniques and Templates for Developing and Running Your Program
* Marketing Group Coaching – Knowing Your Audience, General Marketing Principles and Materials
* Filling Up Your Toolbox – Exercises and Other Resources for Group Coaching
Included in your program registration are:
* 5 x 75 minute teleclasses
* The 85 page Group Coaching Essentials manual
* Pre and post course 1-1s with me
* Up to 2 hours of Support from me as needed throughout the program (at no extra cost - value $400).
Cost: $250 US or Canadian
The Group Coaching Essentials program is a very interactive, intimate teleseminar program. Program size is limited to 4-6 coaches to ensure maximum attention. Most coaches complete the program with at least one, and sometimes two, new group coaching designs and marketing ideas.
If you are interested in grabbing one of the remaining spots in this month's program, please email me at jennifer@potentialsrealized.com or call me toll free: 1-866-217-196o.
The next Group Coaching Essentials program will be held in February on Thursdays from 8-9:15pm (EST) on February 21, 28, March 6, 13 plus our fifth call in April at a time convenient to the group.
If Workshop and Retreats are what you want to create, there is a new start date for this month's Workshop and Retreat Essentials program. This program will be held on Mondays from 8-9:15 pm (EST) on January 14, 21, 28, Feburary 4 and March 3, 2008. For more information, click here.
If you are looking to develop your own group coaching program this winter or spring, and want a supportive environment to boost your momentum, and add onto your toolkit in terms of resources, templates and exercises for group coaching, I hope that you will consider joining me tomorrow evening.
The program covers:
* The Foundation of Group Coaching – What is Group Coaching, Best Practices of Group Coaching, and Adult Learning Principles
* The Nuts and Bolts of Developing Group Coaching – Making Your Program Development Fun and Effective: Technical issues, Techniques and Templates for Developing and Running Your Program
* Marketing Group Coaching – Knowing Your Audience, General Marketing Principles and Materials
* Filling Up Your Toolbox – Exercises and Other Resources for Group Coaching
Included in your program registration are:
* 5 x 75 minute teleclasses
* The 85 page Group Coaching Essentials manual
* Pre and post course 1-1s with me
* Up to 2 hours of Support from me as needed throughout the program (at no extra cost - value $400).
Cost: $250 US or Canadian
The Group Coaching Essentials program is a very interactive, intimate teleseminar program. Program size is limited to 4-6 coaches to ensure maximum attention. Most coaches complete the program with at least one, and sometimes two, new group coaching designs and marketing ideas.
If you are interested in grabbing one of the remaining spots in this month's program, please email me at jennifer@potentialsrealized.com or call me toll free: 1-866-217-196o.
The next Group Coaching Essentials program will be held in February on Thursdays from 8-9:15pm (EST) on February 21, 28, March 6, 13 plus our fifth call in April at a time convenient to the group.
If Workshop and Retreats are what you want to create, there is a new start date for this month's Workshop and Retreat Essentials program. This program will be held on Mondays from 8-9:15 pm (EST) on January 14, 21, 28, Feburary 4 and March 3, 2008. For more information, click here.
Wednesday, January 02, 2008
Make Your Group Programs Great In 2008

Happy New Year! I hope that all of you had a wonderful holiday and 2008 has started off on an upward trajectory.
For those of you who missed my annual holiday call last month, I’m pleased to be able to share the audio of “Make Your Group Programs Great in 2008: 8 Tips and Tools”. Click on over to the Group Coaching Essentials site and pick it up here.
During the call I cover 8 essential tips in the areas of program development/design, marketing evaluation and implementation. I hope that you will find some useful information to make your group programs great this year!
For those of you who missed my annual holiday call last month, I’m pleased to be able to share the audio of “Make Your Group Programs Great in 2008: 8 Tips and Tools”. Click on over to the Group Coaching Essentials site and pick it up here.
During the call I cover 8 essential tips in the areas of program development/design, marketing evaluation and implementation. I hope that you will find some useful information to make your group programs great this year!
I'm planning an exciting year here at the blog -- more tips and tools, spotlights on coaches and trainers who are doing some amazing work, and many more audio posts. I welcome your comments and suggestions on how the blog can become a more powerful and useful tool for you. As always, please feel free to comment below, or drop me an email personally at jennifer@potentialsrealized.com.
Warm regards,
Jennifer Britton, PCC, CHRP, CPT
Potentials Realized
Toll Free: 1-866-217-1960
Upcoming January 2008 Programs
I have a number of program offerings this month designed to kick start your year. I hope that you will consider joining me for one of the following this month:
Programs Related to Workshops, Retreats and Group Program Design and Facilitation:
Workshop and Retreat Essentials – Mondays 8-9:15 pm (EST), Monday January 7, 14, 21, 28, plus a fifth call March. Cost $250 US
This program includes a treasurechest of tools, tips and resources to support you in your workshop or retreat development. I also cover essential tips to developing your own virtual retreats. Five sessions, and pre and post-course 1-1s with me, along with a 90 page manual.
Group Coaching Essentials – Wednesdays 8-9:15 pm (EST), January 9, 16, 23, 30, plus a fifth call in March. Cost $250 US
The ever popular Group Coaching Essentials program will be offered again this month. If you are a coach wanting to offer group coaching to your clients this program is for you. Full of tips, tools, exercises and other resources, you will leave the program with your own group coaching program design. Space is limited to 6. You also have pre and post course 1-1s with me, and a 90 page manual.
Tips and Tools for Your Workshop or Retreat – Friday February 1, 2008, 12 – 1:30 pm (EST). Cost: $45 US
For those wanting a booster shot of tips and tools, this program covers 10 essential tips for your group programs, ranging from development tips, to marketing and implementation solutions. You also receive the Tips and Tools Workbook as part of this program (also sold separately).
Engaging Exercises for Teams and Groups – Tuesday February 5, 2008, 6:30 – 8pm (EST). Cost $59 US (includes an electronic copy of the Engaging Exercises for Teams and Groups Manual).
Looking for some exercises to spice up your next workshop, retreat or group coaching program? This 1.5 hour teleseminar is for you. Bring all your questions about exercises and have them answered, and leave with a bulging new exercise toolkit.
Business Development Programs for Small Business Owners:
Biz Success Virtual Business Planning Retreat
6 hours of structured focus on your business planning and growth. This retreat is held virtually by phone and each hour of the program involves group activity (10 – 15 minutes) with the remaining part of the hour. 3 different sessions are offered this month to ensure your business starts off great for 2008! Take your pick from:
BVR-081: Saturday January 5 (10 - 4pm EST)
BVR -082: Sunday January 13 (10 - 4pm EST)
BVR-083: Thursday January 17 and 24 (7-1opm EST both evenings)
Your investment: $150 US (includes the Biz Retreat, a group follow up call, and the Biz Success Planning Manual)
90 Day Biz Success Program – Fridays 12 – 1 pm (EST), Starts January 11
A small group coaching program for new and experienced business owners who want to amp up their business results. The program includes 7 group calls on topics including business vision, leveraging technology for your business, Essential Business Systems and developing your Business Roadmap. You also receive 36 e-biz tips by email and have pre-and-post program 1-1s with me. Space is limited to 6. $297 for the program.
General Interest:
Women on Fire Group Coaching - Tuesdays from 8-9pm (EST) from January 15 - March 4, 2008
You can reserve your spot at any time by calling toll free (across North America): 1-866-217-1960 or by emailing me at jennifer@potentialsrealized.com.
And coming soon -
The announcement of the May 2 and 3, 2008 Group Program Intensive in Toronto. Two days of information rich, skills based activities to support you in your group program design and facilitation. Information packages will be available early next week with an early bird discount in effect to March 1, 2008.
Have a wonderful month,
Jennifer Britton, PCC, CHRP
Potentials Realized
Group Coaching Essentials
Toll Free: 1-866-217-1960
Programs Related to Workshops, Retreats and Group Program Design and Facilitation:
Workshop and Retreat Essentials – Mondays 8-9:15 pm (EST), Monday January 7, 14, 21, 28, plus a fifth call March. Cost $250 US
This program includes a treasurechest of tools, tips and resources to support you in your workshop or retreat development. I also cover essential tips to developing your own virtual retreats. Five sessions, and pre and post-course 1-1s with me, along with a 90 page manual.
Group Coaching Essentials – Wednesdays 8-9:15 pm (EST), January 9, 16, 23, 30, plus a fifth call in March. Cost $250 US
The ever popular Group Coaching Essentials program will be offered again this month. If you are a coach wanting to offer group coaching to your clients this program is for you. Full of tips, tools, exercises and other resources, you will leave the program with your own group coaching program design. Space is limited to 6. You also have pre and post course 1-1s with me, and a 90 page manual.
Tips and Tools for Your Workshop or Retreat – Friday February 1, 2008, 12 – 1:30 pm (EST). Cost: $45 US
For those wanting a booster shot of tips and tools, this program covers 10 essential tips for your group programs, ranging from development tips, to marketing and implementation solutions. You also receive the Tips and Tools Workbook as part of this program (also sold separately).
Engaging Exercises for Teams and Groups – Tuesday February 5, 2008, 6:30 – 8pm (EST). Cost $59 US (includes an electronic copy of the Engaging Exercises for Teams and Groups Manual).
Looking for some exercises to spice up your next workshop, retreat or group coaching program? This 1.5 hour teleseminar is for you. Bring all your questions about exercises and have them answered, and leave with a bulging new exercise toolkit.
Business Development Programs for Small Business Owners:
Biz Success Virtual Business Planning Retreat
6 hours of structured focus on your business planning and growth. This retreat is held virtually by phone and each hour of the program involves group activity (10 – 15 minutes) with the remaining part of the hour. 3 different sessions are offered this month to ensure your business starts off great for 2008! Take your pick from:
BVR-081: Saturday January 5 (10 - 4pm EST)
BVR -082: Sunday January 13 (10 - 4pm EST)
BVR-083: Thursday January 17 and 24 (7-1opm EST both evenings)
Your investment: $150 US (includes the Biz Retreat, a group follow up call, and the Biz Success Planning Manual)
90 Day Biz Success Program – Fridays 12 – 1 pm (EST), Starts January 11
A small group coaching program for new and experienced business owners who want to amp up their business results. The program includes 7 group calls on topics including business vision, leveraging technology for your business, Essential Business Systems and developing your Business Roadmap. You also receive 36 e-biz tips by email and have pre-and-post program 1-1s with me. Space is limited to 6. $297 for the program.
General Interest:
Women on Fire Group Coaching - Tuesdays from 8-9pm (EST) from January 15 - March 4, 2008
If you don’t feed the fire, it will go out. Where do you need to fan the flames?
Imagine if you could sit around a roaring bonfire every week for 7 weeks with a community of women who are looking to create more spark in their lives, sharing stories, gaining insights and tools, and supporting each other to step up to a more passionate and intrinsically fulfilling life. Join Sharon Miller, PCC and I as we create a virtual campfire, enabling you to ignite, explore, rediscover, and focus on creating a life on fire! (Space is limited to 8). Cost: $300 US or Canadian.
Download a program registration form here for all our Winter Programs here. Registrations are accepted by phone, fax and email. Payment options: PayPal, Visa (by phone), personal check.
Imagine if you could sit around a roaring bonfire every week for 7 weeks with a community of women who are looking to create more spark in their lives, sharing stories, gaining insights and tools, and supporting each other to step up to a more passionate and intrinsically fulfilling life. Join Sharon Miller, PCC and I as we create a virtual campfire, enabling you to ignite, explore, rediscover, and focus on creating a life on fire! (Space is limited to 8). Cost: $300 US or Canadian.
Download a program registration form here for all our Winter Programs here. Registrations are accepted by phone, fax and email. Payment options: PayPal, Visa (by phone), personal check.
You can reserve your spot at any time by calling toll free (across North America): 1-866-217-1960 or by emailing me at jennifer@potentialsrealized.com.
And coming soon -
The announcement of the May 2 and 3, 2008 Group Program Intensive in Toronto. Two days of information rich, skills based activities to support you in your group program design and facilitation. Information packages will be available early next week with an early bird discount in effect to March 1, 2008.
Have a wonderful month,
Jennifer Britton, PCC, CHRP
Potentials Realized
Group Coaching Essentials
Toll Free: 1-866-217-1960
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