Field work may include:
1. A coaching request - which people have the opportunity to say "yes" to, no to or make a counteroffer
2. An inquiry - a "big" question that group members think about.
3. A coaching challenge - something that will stretch individuals more than an request.
As always, your group members, or group "clients" should be the ones indicating what field work is useful, or most useful, to them.
Field work may also include
- an assessment such as DiSC, Team Diagnostic, StrengthsFinder 2.0
- Readings - online or books (related to the themes you are looking at)
- Tip sheets
- Connection with accountability partners/learning partners
- Journaling
Consider what fieldwork will benefit the collective of the group, and ask individual members what individual fieldwork will best support them with the action and awareness planes of coaching.
As you consider an upcoming group or team event, what possible fieldwork will support them - individually? Collectively?
Have a terrific week!
With best wishes,
Jennifer Britton, PCC, CPCC
GroupCoachingIntensive (New site): Join me July 11-12 in beautiful Muskoka for the 3rd Annual Group Coaching Intensive (approved for 15 CCEs by the ICF). Special room rates available for coaches coming in from out of town.
Phone: (416)996-TEAM (8326)
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