Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Journaling and Group Coaching
Journaling can become a wonderful tool to capture goings-on, as well as a self-reflective tool to process what has occured in the span of a day, week or conversation.
Mark Smith in Keeping a Learning Journal from suggests the following four approaches to journaling:
"A good starting point is to use four basic elements:
Description of the situation/encounter/experience that includes some attention to feelings at the time.
Additional material - information that come to our notice or into our minds after the event.
Reflection - going back to the experiences, attending to feelings and evaluating experience Things to do - the process of reflection may well lead to the need to look again at a situation or to explore some further area. It may highlight the need to take some concrete actions. In this 'section' of the entry we can make notes to pick-up later. "
(Smith, Mark (1999, 2006), 'Keeping a learning journal', the encyclopaedia of informal education, )
Some useful journaling resouces can be found at:
CoachingToys online store - CoachingToys continues to carry a myriad of journals and journaling tools which coaches can benefit from
A Squidoo Lens on Journal Writing Prompts - A private, online journal
What journaling resources do you enjoy using? As always, please feel free to share below.
Warm regards,
Jennifer Britton, PCC, CPCC, CPT
Author of Effective Group Coaching
Friday, August 20, 2010
33 Ways to Promote Your Next Group Program - Workshop, Retreat, Group Coaching
Not quite sure as to how you want to let others know about your next workshop, retreat or group coaching program? Here are 33 ways to get your creative juices flowing.
Announce it in your next e-newsletter
Blog About It
Tweet About it
Invite the Media to your Event
Talk about it at your speaking engagements
Participate in tradeshows attracting your idea group member
Hold a special free call in advance
Send postcards with a special personalized invite out
Talk about it with current clients
Tell your family and friends about it and have them talk about it
Network through professional associations
Get Really Clear on Who you Want to Attend and target their
Retreat listing services
Teleclass listing services
Partners with others
Offer an early bird special for early registration
Offer a discount for people who sign up with others (where laws permit)
See if the facility you are holding it at can promote it
Put it in your marketing budgt
Email signatures
Notify current telesemianr/group coaching clints
Write articles – build your platform!
Go out to colleges and universities to speak
Make sure that there is a notice on your website
Send a news release about the event
Put up local notices where appropriate (community centers etc)
Announce it to other social networks you belong to in their promos section
Create a Facebook announcement
Donate a spot in a silent auction
Create a series of podcasts which add value and announce your event
Develop a viral marketing campaign
Remember successful marketing is about building relationships, adding value and consistently sharing your message. You may not undertake all activities today, but which ones do you want to add to your marketing plan this quarter?
Warm regards,
Jennifer Britton
Author of Effective Group Coaching - Check out the book for many more ideas, and structures to support you in your next group coaching marketing
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
5 Group Coaching Exercises for Small Business Owners
Over the years I've working with dozens of small business owners groups - from in person groups of women business owners participating in government programs, to groups of business owners part of associations, to the business owners that I work with in my BizPlanning Virtual Retreats, and the 90 Day BizSuccess(TM) Program.
Five of my favorite group coaching exercises for small business owners are:
- Creating Your Business Vision by either providing business owners with a series of powerful questions to help them refine their own business vision, or taking the more creative and intuitive approach, of having them create a collage or vision board of their work;
- Identifying limiting beliefs, and coaching around more empowering beliefs;
- SWOT - yes, that favorite strategic planning tool from the 1990s, can be a great tool to support business owners explore their own strengths and weaknesses, as well as the opportunities and threats facing them.
- Wheel of Small Business Mastery - Have you ever thought about adapting the Wheel of Life to incorporate small business skills. It can serve as a great self-assessment or intake tool.
- Identifying core business values - What drives your business? What does your business stand for? What do you stand for as a business owner?
What are some of your favorite group coaching exercises for small business owners? As always, feel free to comment below!
Warm regards,
Jennifer Britton, PCC, CPCC
Author of Effective Group Coaching (Wiley, 2010) which includes an appendix on Group Coaching Exercises
Phone: (416) 996-8326
Email: info{at}potentialsrealized{dot}com
Sunday, August 15, 2010
Conflict in the Group Coaching Context

- there is lack of clarify of roles within the group;
- there is lack of clarity, or uncertainty, about wher the program is going;
- there is insecurity;
- there is fear, and/or
- expectations are not being met.
What are you noticing about conflict within your groups? What does it signal? What action, if any, do you need to take? As a coach, will pointing to your observations be enough to let the group self-correct, or is there some action you need to take?
Have a great start to the week,
Jennifer Britton, PCC, CPCC, CPT
Author of Effective Group Coaching (Wiley, 2010)
Next Group Coaching Essentials program starts this Tuesday August 19th from 7-8:15 pm Eastern/New York/Toronto(August 17, 24, 31, September 7 and 14). Accredited for 6.75 CCEs from the ICF. Spaces still open. Click here for more info and to register.
NEW - Mentor Coaching Group for ACC Renewals will start Sept 10, 2010 (Fridays 2-3 pm Eastern and will run for 3 months).
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Group Coaching Essentials starts Tuesday Aug 17 (7-8:15 pm ET)

Are you wanting to launch your own group coaching program this fall, and looking for tips, tools and accountability to design, market and implement your own group coaching program?
If so, I hope that you will join me for the next Group Coaching Essentials program which will be held by phone starting next Tuesday August 19th from 7-8:15 pm Eastern/New York. We'll be meeting as a group on August 17, 24, 31, September 7 and 14, 2010. Calls will be held on Tuesdays from 7-8:15 pm Eastern each Tuesday evening.
The program is accredited for 6.75 CCEs (Continuing Coach Education) hours with the ICF for recertification purposes.
The Group Coaching Essentials program covers:
· The Foundation of Group Coaching – What is Group Coaching, Best Practices of Group Coaching, and Adult Learning Principles
· The Nuts and Bolts of Developing Group Coaching – Making Your Program Development Fun and Effective: Technical issues, Techniques and Templates for Developing and Running Your Program
· Marketing Group Coaching – Knowing Your Audience, General Marketing Principles and Materials
· Filling Up Your Toolbox – Exercises and Other Resources for Group Coaching
Each week our calls will be supplemented by written material, and exercises designed to support you in the creation of your own program design and marketing materials.
Cost of the program: $325 US (includes 5 x 75 minute calls, an 80 page manual sent out as weekly modules, pre and post 1-1s with Jenn, laser calls as requested with Jenn during the 5 weeks at no extra cost!)
I hope that you will consider joining me next week and will create a stake for yourself with group coaching work.
Click here to get more details or register.
Questions, want more info, or want to pay offline? Please give me a call at (416) 996-8326.
I look forward to hearing from you,
Jennifer Britton, PCC, CPCC
Group Coaching Essentials
Author of Effective Group Coaching
Toll Free: 1-866-217-1960
Sunday, August 08, 2010
Group Coaching Exercises

Many coaches often wonder "What kind of exercises will I run with my groups?"
The good news is that as a coach you already have a number of really great tools that can be adapted for the group coaching context. Consider the following tools and think about how you could adapt them for your next group coaching process:
- Wheel of Life
- Values
- Visualizations
- Powerful Questions
- Creating a Vision
- Vision Boards
- Journalling
- Life Mapping
This week during the class I shared with the group some of my experience and favorite exercises I've used with different groups - business owners, professionals from financial services and health care, groups of international professionals, womens groups and those looking at work-life balance. Regardless of type of group, I do find that many of the topics/exercises listed above are relevant across client groups and focus.
Over the years I've included more detailed info about group coaching exercises here at the blog (check out the group exercises tag). I also go into much greater depth in the Engaging Exercises for Teams and Groups Manual and I dedicated a 40 page appendix in Effective Group Coaching to the topic of exercises.
In moving forward with exercises in your own group coaching work you may wish to:
- Make a list or mindmap of all of the coaching tools and exercises you have at hand
- Consider what adjustments you would make to these tools for the group context
- Research new tools and exercises
- Connect with coaches you know to swap stories and ideas
- Explore associations such as ASTD and the resources they have which can be adapted for coaching with groups
What is going to be your next step as it relates to exercises?
Have a great start to the week,
Jennifer Britton
Group Coaching Essentials: Next session starts next Tuesday August 17 (7-8:15 pm ET). We'll spend 1 of the 5 calls of the program looking at group coaching exercises
Email: info{at} potentialsrealized{dot}com
Phone: (416)996-TEAM (8326)
Wednesday, August 04, 2010
Virtual Learning and Training
Looking at your own work and plans:
- What plans do you have for delivering web or phone based programs this fall?
- What are the questions you have about virtual facilitation?
- What additional training or skills do you need to run a virtual program?
- What support systems do you need to put into place?
- What is the one step you can take to turn your program ideas into a reality?
- What resource would you recommend to others on the topic of virtual learning or training?
Have a great week!
Warm regards,
Jennifer Britton, PCC, CHRP, CPT
Group Coaching Essentials - Next group starts Tuesday August 17th at 7 pm Eastern/New York (Tues 7-8:15 pm Aug 17, 24, 31, Sept 7 and 14, 2010 - 6.75 CCEs with ICF Phone: (416)996-8326