I hope that you are having a wonderful holiday season and are finding the time to do those things you love to do.
Every year at this time, I encourage my newsletter subscribers to carve out some time to do some year end reflection, and new year planning. Give yourself the gift of 15 minutes of quiet reflection time over the next week or so to look at where you have been and where you want to go.
To support you in this process here are some of the questions I'm posing this year:
What was your greatest success as a business owner this year?
What was your greatest step forward this year with group work?
What did you become known for this year?
Where do you want to shine more light?
Looking Ahead to 2009:
What (and who) do you want to be known for during 2009?
What is a STRETCH Goal for you for 2009?
What work do you want to continue doing? Why?
What work do you want to stop doing? Why?
What work do you want more of? Why?
What do you need to say no to? Why?
What's going to be your primary FOCUS this year?
What 1% change will you commit to in the early part of the new year?
I hope that you will have a terrific start to 2009!
Warm wishes,
Jennifer Britton, PCC, CPCC
Potentials Realized
Phone: (416) 996-TEAM (8326)
Monday, December 29, 2008
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
9 Tips for Your 2009 Group Programs: Workshops, Retreats and Group Coaching
I want to thank those of you who joined me late last week for my 5th Annual Year End Group Programs call. I really enjoy this year end tradition which I started in the first year of my business. This year we had callers from the West and East Coast of Canada, the US, and also a caller from Jamaica. It is really great to see more and more coaches and trainers connecting from all over the world!
This year's call focused on 9 Tips for Your 2009 Group Programs. If you weren't able to join us for this year's call, here's the first 19 minutes of the call. I hope that you enjoy! I will eventually be posting the recording on the Group Coaching Essentials website...but until then, please enjoy the first part of the recording here.
I also hope that you will take some time to explore the blog -- there's over 3 years of material here to support you with your workshop, retreat or group coaching program.
For those looking to expand their work in the realm of workshops, retreats and group coaching, and if are looking from a structure, tools, resources and support, I hope that you will consider joining me in the new year for one of the following 2009 programs:
Workshop and Retreat Essentials - Fridays 10:45 - 12 noon, starts January 23
Group Coaching Essentials: Wednesdays 8-9:15 pm (ET), starts January 14
The 90 Day BizSuccess program will also return in January on Fridays from 12-1 pm (ET) starting January 16. This 3 month group coaching program provides small business owners and solopreneurs the opportunity to focus in on the growth of their business, while gaining essential tools and systems to make their business work for them. Topics covered include business visioning, establishing your niche, how to leverage social media and networking to leverage your business, and building your platform. We meet twice a month as a group, and for a 15 minute 1-1 lazer monthly. Cost: $347 US for the program. Click here for more info or to register. 5 spaces remain!
Have a great holiday season!
Warm wishes,
Jennifer Britton, PCC, CPCC, CHRP
Potentials Realized
Group Coaching Essentials
Mobile: (416)996-TEAM (8326)
email: info{at}potentialsrealized{dot}com
This year's call focused on 9 Tips for Your 2009 Group Programs. If you weren't able to join us for this year's call, here's the first 19 minutes of the call. I hope that you enjoy! I will eventually be posting the recording on the Group Coaching Essentials website...but until then, please enjoy the first part of the recording here.
I also hope that you will take some time to explore the blog -- there's over 3 years of material here to support you with your workshop, retreat or group coaching program.
For those looking to expand their work in the realm of workshops, retreats and group coaching, and if are looking from a structure, tools, resources and support, I hope that you will consider joining me in the new year for one of the following 2009 programs:
Workshop and Retreat Essentials - Fridays 10:45 - 12 noon, starts January 23
Group Coaching Essentials: Wednesdays 8-9:15 pm (ET), starts January 14
The 90 Day BizSuccess program will also return in January on Fridays from 12-1 pm (ET) starting January 16. This 3 month group coaching program provides small business owners and solopreneurs the opportunity to focus in on the growth of their business, while gaining essential tools and systems to make their business work for them. Topics covered include business visioning, establishing your niche, how to leverage social media and networking to leverage your business, and building your platform. We meet twice a month as a group, and for a 15 minute 1-1 lazer monthly. Cost: $347 US for the program. Click here for more info or to register. 5 spaces remain!
Have a great holiday season!
Warm wishes,
Jennifer Britton, PCC, CPCC, CHRP
Potentials Realized
Group Coaching Essentials
Mobile: (416)996-TEAM (8326)
email: info{at}potentialsrealized{dot}com
Sunday, December 07, 2008
5th Annual Group Program Call - Friday December 12

I hope that you will join me this Friday December 12th from 12 - 1 pm (Eastern) for our 5th Annual Year End Group Program Call. This call is for anyone working on retreats, workshops or group coaching programs -- coaches, trainers, managers, leaders!
It's hard to believe that this the 5th year! This year's topic is 9 Essential Tips for Your 2009 Group Programs.
There is no cost to attend other than your own long distance charges. Call in at 12 noon (Eastern) at (218) 486-1300, access 567160.
I look forward to having you join me!
Jennifer Britton
Toll Free: 1-866-217-1960
Wednesday, December 03, 2008
What's hitting your radarscreen?
Open any newspaper, or turn on the TV, and change being effected by the economy, and politics (particularly this week in Canada), is evident. In fact, a major theme of a team coaching engagement I completed this morning was all around change. Many of you who are coaches are probably finding more and more clients (individuals and teams) are wanting more around support for change.
I've been receiving some interesting links to what's being reported on in the learning and organizational realms from many of the professional associations I belong to like ASTD and CSTD. I wanted to share a number of articles which I have found interesting over the last few weeks.
It seems like business owners, trainers and coaches are being impacted in different ways. Depending on services, pricing, clients, diversification some businesses are flourishing, while unforunately others are having to close their doors. What is happening within your business right now? Where are you positioning yourself in 2009?
Here's an interesting article on Speaking Fees from the NY Times
Think Horizontal from the Conference Board (great article about teams)
The 2008 ASTD State of the Industry Report was also published last month. Check out http://www.astd.org/ for up to date industry information.
What interesteing resources have you come across lately?
Have a great week
Jennifer Britton, PCC, CPCC
Potentials Realized
I've been receiving some interesting links to what's being reported on in the learning and organizational realms from many of the professional associations I belong to like ASTD and CSTD. I wanted to share a number of articles which I have found interesting over the last few weeks.
It seems like business owners, trainers and coaches are being impacted in different ways. Depending on services, pricing, clients, diversification some businesses are flourishing, while unforunately others are having to close their doors. What is happening within your business right now? Where are you positioning yourself in 2009?
Here's an interesting article on Speaking Fees from the NY Times
Think Horizontal from the Conference Board (great article about teams)
The 2008 ASTD State of the Industry Report was also published last month. Check out http://www.astd.org/ for up to date industry information.
What interesteing resources have you come across lately?
Have a great week
Jennifer Britton, PCC, CPCC
Potentials Realized
Monday, December 01, 2008
Group Program Virtual Intensive - Sunday Dec 7 (10-4 pm ET)
If you are like a lot of coaches, you’ve got some terrific ideas about new group programs you could be offering for your clients in 2009 AND you haven’t had time to act on them.
Join me for the 6 hour Group Program Design Virtual Intensive on Sunday December 7th (from 10 – 4 pm Eastern) as I provide you with a roadmap and the space for you to start designing your 2009 Group Programs.
This program is suited for coaches who want to develop a workshop, retreat or group coaching program – either a phone based program or face to face program. This Virtual Retreat is held by phone and will provide you with:
* 6 hours of dedicated space and focus on creating your next group program
* 6 hours of structured exercises (group and individual exercises) to help you:
- Draft the format of your next group program
- Identify your ideal market/program participant
- Draft your initial marketing strategy and message
* A mini-tool box of templates and resources to support you in your next program design and delivery
* A comprehensive resource list for further follow-up
The main focus of the day is to provide you with a structure and the space to focus on creating your own group program (workshop, retreat, group coaching). The program includes:
* The six hour program (approximately 15 min of each hour is on the phone)
*The 35 page Virtual intensive manual
* A one hour group follow up call after the program
* Access to me by phone throughout the day for any 1-1 support needed
Cost: $125 US
You can register online or call me toll free 1-866-217-1960 (voice mail only). To register online or find out more about the program, please visit http://www.groupcoachingessentials.com/pages/virtualretreat.
I look forward to having you join me on Sunday.
Warm wishes,
Jennifer Britton, PCC, CPCC
Group Coaching Essentials
Toll Free: 1-866-217-1960
Mobile: (416) 996-TEAM (8326
Email: info{at}potentialsrealized{dot}com
Join me for the 6 hour Group Program Design Virtual Intensive on Sunday December 7th (from 10 – 4 pm Eastern) as I provide you with a roadmap and the space for you to start designing your 2009 Group Programs.
This program is suited for coaches who want to develop a workshop, retreat or group coaching program – either a phone based program or face to face program. This Virtual Retreat is held by phone and will provide you with:
* 6 hours of dedicated space and focus on creating your next group program
* 6 hours of structured exercises (group and individual exercises) to help you:
- Draft the format of your next group program
- Identify your ideal market/program participant
- Draft your initial marketing strategy and message
* A mini-tool box of templates and resources to support you in your next program design and delivery
* A comprehensive resource list for further follow-up
The main focus of the day is to provide you with a structure and the space to focus on creating your own group program (workshop, retreat, group coaching). The program includes:
* The six hour program (approximately 15 min of each hour is on the phone)
*The 35 page Virtual intensive manual
* A one hour group follow up call after the program
* Access to me by phone throughout the day for any 1-1 support needed
Cost: $125 US
You can register online or call me toll free 1-866-217-1960 (voice mail only). To register online or find out more about the program, please visit http://www.groupcoachingessentials.com/pages/virtualretreat.
I look forward to having you join me on Sunday.
Warm wishes,
Jennifer Britton, PCC, CPCC
Group Coaching Essentials
Toll Free: 1-866-217-1960
Mobile: (416) 996-TEAM (8326
Email: info{at}potentialsrealized{dot}com
Group Coaching Pitfalls - and how to mitigate!
For many coaches starting to do this group work, a major question is what should I be aware of. Today's post is about things that can go wrong with the group coaching program. Prehaps:
· the room you have booked is not set up as you had hoped.
· Materials that you prepared cannot be printed, due to printer malfunction ink running out or printer malfunction.
· Participants get lost on way to venue.
· Bridgeline malfunctions.
· You acquire laryngitis.
In fact all of these issues, while we could look at it as something going wrong in fact, they can be great learning moments. The other good piece of news is that for many of these you can mitigate the risk (lessen the likelihood) by putting a few systems in place.
Room Set up and Arrival: A best practice for any in person program is to arrive at the room that you've booked at least half an hour OR More before the earliest participant may show up, so this may mean one hour to an hour and a half before participants are due to arrive.
Even with the most is explicit directions from. It is quite common that you arrive and the location is not set up as she would've liked. Do not fear find it who is in charge of the room area and work with them support you in getting the room and order.
Materials production: Always have a spare cartridge on hand or even a spare printer. If you are and sourcing this provides some breathing space. So that materials can be shipped to you in time.
Venue Directions: Another best practice or participants don't get lost on the way to the venue is to be explicit with directions. If you are hosting in a hotel or other public venue. Provide a URL link bracket ensure that this URL link works and of bracket. So that you are not responsible for the love of location.
Acquiring laryngitis: It can happen from time to time and has less of an impact on face to face programs, but tremendous impact for phone based programs. For phone based programs, you will want to have a backup -- either postphone or provide a recording. For Face to Face programs youmay use need to use a lot more nonverbal than before. It's a great opportunity for participants to take on leading roles (if it is a multigroup session). Provide the group with more questions and give them more time to work in small groups and present back their findings to the larger group.
Bridgeline Malfunctions: Always have a back up bridgeline AND a plan which is communicated to partcipants about what they should do if the bridgeline malfunctions (i.e. you will send out an email or will automatically switch to another line). For large group programs always do a test! The quality of your bridgeline says a lot about you, and your business.
What other tricky issues have you encountered? How did you deal with them? What questions do you have?
Have a great start to the week,
Jennifer Britton, PCC, CPT
Potentials Realized
Group Coaching Essentials
Mobile: (416) 996-TEAM(8326)
Toll Free: 1-866-217-1960
· the room you have booked is not set up as you had hoped.
· Materials that you prepared cannot be printed, due to printer malfunction ink running out or printer malfunction.
· Participants get lost on way to venue.
· Bridgeline malfunctions.
· You acquire laryngitis.
In fact all of these issues, while we could look at it as something going wrong in fact, they can be great learning moments. The other good piece of news is that for many of these you can mitigate the risk (lessen the likelihood) by putting a few systems in place.
Room Set up and Arrival: A best practice for any in person program is to arrive at the room that you've booked at least half an hour OR More before the earliest participant may show up, so this may mean one hour to an hour and a half before participants are due to arrive.
Even with the most is explicit directions from. It is quite common that you arrive and the location is not set up as she would've liked. Do not fear find it who is in charge of the room area and work with them support you in getting the room and order.
Materials production: Always have a spare cartridge on hand or even a spare printer. If you are and sourcing this provides some breathing space. So that materials can be shipped to you in time.
Venue Directions: Another best practice or participants don't get lost on the way to the venue is to be explicit with directions. If you are hosting in a hotel or other public venue. Provide a URL link bracket ensure that this URL link works and of bracket. So that you are not responsible for the love of location.
Acquiring laryngitis: It can happen from time to time and has less of an impact on face to face programs, but tremendous impact for phone based programs. For phone based programs, you will want to have a backup -- either postphone or provide a recording. For Face to Face programs youmay use need to use a lot more nonverbal than before. It's a great opportunity for participants to take on leading roles (if it is a multigroup session). Provide the group with more questions and give them more time to work in small groups and present back their findings to the larger group.
Bridgeline Malfunctions: Always have a back up bridgeline AND a plan which is communicated to partcipants about what they should do if the bridgeline malfunctions (i.e. you will send out an email or will automatically switch to another line). For large group programs always do a test! The quality of your bridgeline says a lot about you, and your business.
What other tricky issues have you encountered? How did you deal with them? What questions do you have?
Have a great start to the week,
Jennifer Britton, PCC, CPT
Potentials Realized
Group Coaching Essentials
Mobile: (416) 996-TEAM(8326)
Toll Free: 1-866-217-1960
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