Monday, April 28, 2008
Co-Facilitation : Creating the Foundation For Success
Co-Facilitation: Creating the Foundation for Success
Copyright 2008 - Jennifer Britton, All Rights Reserved
When was the last time you experienced great co-facilitation? I really believe that great co-facilitation is an art form. AND the good news is, there are things we can do to create an environment of success when we are co-leading. This is the first of several posts I’ll be doing on co-facilitation. In the coming weeks I will be blogging on exercises, tips and tools you can use to take your co-leading from good to great!
Today’s post is all about creating the Foundation for Success
From project management best practices, we know that some of the most successful ones happen when there is a strong emphasis on the planning stage.
Here are some practical questions to ask when you are starting a new co-facilitation:
* Who are we? As individuals? As a pair?
* Where do our skills compliment each other? Where do our skills match?
* Where do our personalities compliment each other? Where are they they same?
* Together, what are our strengths? What are our blindspots?
* What are our values as individuals? What are our values as a team?
Exercise: As a co-facilitation team undertake a SWOT exercise. This has traditionally been a strategic planning tool and is a wonderful tool for business owners and others.
Stay tuned for more co-facilitation tips.
Warm wishes,
Jennifer Britton, PCC, CHRP, CPT
Potentials Realized
Group Coaching Essentials
Toll Free: 1-866-217-1960
If you are a co-faciltiation team I hope that you will consider joining me virtually (by phone) for the Revitalize Your Partnership Virtual Retreat this weekend, to put a little “spring” and intention into the relationship. Throughout the day you will have a structured process and exercises to support you from moving your relationship from ordinary to extraordinary. Our next program runs this Sunday May 4th from 11-5 pm (EST) by phone. Click here to reserve your spot and register.
Copyright 2008 - Jennifer Britton, All Rights Reserved
When was the last time you experienced great co-facilitation? I really believe that great co-facilitation is an art form. AND the good news is, there are things we can do to create an environment of success when we are co-leading. This is the first of several posts I’ll be doing on co-facilitation. In the coming weeks I will be blogging on exercises, tips and tools you can use to take your co-leading from good to great!
Today’s post is all about creating the Foundation for Success
From project management best practices, we know that some of the most successful ones happen when there is a strong emphasis on the planning stage.
Here are some practical questions to ask when you are starting a new co-facilitation:
* Who are we? As individuals? As a pair?
* Where do our skills compliment each other? Where do our skills match?
* Where do our personalities compliment each other? Where are they they same?
* Together, what are our strengths? What are our blindspots?
* What are our values as individuals? What are our values as a team?
Exercise: As a co-facilitation team undertake a SWOT exercise. This has traditionally been a strategic planning tool and is a wonderful tool for business owners and others.
Stay tuned for more co-facilitation tips.
Warm wishes,
Jennifer Britton, PCC, CHRP, CPT
Potentials Realized
Group Coaching Essentials
Toll Free: 1-866-217-1960
If you are a co-faciltiation team I hope that you will consider joining me virtually (by phone) for the Revitalize Your Partnership Virtual Retreat this weekend, to put a little “spring” and intention into the relationship. Throughout the day you will have a structured process and exercises to support you from moving your relationship from ordinary to extraordinary. Our next program runs this Sunday May 4th from 11-5 pm (EST) by phone. Click here to reserve your spot and register.
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Group Coaching Best Practice: Create Assignments between Sessions
Have you heard that "Coaching really occurs between sessions". That's because the impact of coaching really happens when clients are able to reflect and integrate their learning into their lives and work (deepen their learning) as well as when they can take action on their learning and commitments.
This week's post is all about creating meaningful assignments between group coaching sessions to help sustain and deepen the learning for your clients.
This is pretty easy to do if you deliver a multi-session group coaching program -- build in time at the end of your weekly session (by phone or in person) and provide the assignment to the group. It may be something you have thought of prior that week's session, or it may be something related to the themes or coaching that has emerged during your work together that day.
I will often include a structured "assignment" in my weekly modules or booklets, as well as design an assignment with the group based on what we've explored that week.
And what about if you aren't meeting with the group again and it's a one-off group coaching session? Well, it's the perfect opportunity to offer a follow-up group conference call a few weeks after the session to check in and see how their learning is coming OR you may want to consider having people email you with their actions. Either way it's an added benefit and value to your client to sustain and forward their learning.
What types of assignments do you usually create for your group coaching clients? More later in an upcoming post on this....
Have a great week!
Jennifer Britton, PCC, CPCC
Potentials Realized
Group Coaching Essentials
This week's post is all about creating meaningful assignments between group coaching sessions to help sustain and deepen the learning for your clients.
This is pretty easy to do if you deliver a multi-session group coaching program -- build in time at the end of your weekly session (by phone or in person) and provide the assignment to the group. It may be something you have thought of prior that week's session, or it may be something related to the themes or coaching that has emerged during your work together that day.
I will often include a structured "assignment" in my weekly modules or booklets, as well as design an assignment with the group based on what we've explored that week.
And what about if you aren't meeting with the group again and it's a one-off group coaching session? Well, it's the perfect opportunity to offer a follow-up group conference call a few weeks after the session to check in and see how their learning is coming OR you may want to consider having people email you with their actions. Either way it's an added benefit and value to your client to sustain and forward their learning.
What types of assignments do you usually create for your group coaching clients? More later in an upcoming post on this....
Have a great week!
Jennifer Britton, PCC, CPCC
Potentials Realized
Group Coaching Essentials
One more week for our 40% off special 4th Anniversary pricing
It's been really fun this month celebrating our 4th anniversary, and one of the most exciting things has been to see how popular the 40% discounts have been on three of our upcoming programs this month.
In case you missed the announcement earlier in celebration of our 4th anniversary three of our upcoming programs have a 40% discount if you register and pay by the end of this month. They are:
1. Your Balanced Life! Virtual Retreat: Regularly $125. Anniversary Special: $71
Dates: Wednesday May 14 and 21, 2o08 (7-10pm EST/4-7pm PT)
2. Group Coaching Essentials Fall Intensive: Toronto, Canada
Join me in person this fall for the Group Coaching Essentials Intensive, to be held here in Toronto. The focus of this two day program is on skill development and practice. You will also acquire tools and tips for designing and marketing your own group coaching programs. Space is limited. I will also be applying to the ICF for CCEUs for this program.
Dates: October 3 and 4, 2008
Regularly: $695. Anniversary Pricing: $417 (This will be the lowest price all year!)
3. Group Program Facilitation Intensive: Toronto, Canada
Dates: November 1 and 2, 2008
Regularly $695. Anniversary Pricing: $417
If you are a trainer, coach or manager, wanting to enhance your skills toolbox to work with teams and groups, the Group Program Facilitation program will provide you with the opportunity to acquire and practice skills in group facilitation.
Don't delay -- I hope that you will take advantage of these savings before they expire on the 30th!
Warm wishes,
Jennifer Britton, PCC, CHRP, CPT
Potentials Realized
Group Coaching Essentials
In case you missed the announcement earlier in celebration of our 4th anniversary three of our upcoming programs have a 40% discount if you register and pay by the end of this month. They are:
1. Your Balanced Life! Virtual Retreat: Regularly $125. Anniversary Special: $71
Dates: Wednesday May 14 and 21, 2o08 (7-10pm EST/4-7pm PT)
2. Group Coaching Essentials Fall Intensive: Toronto, Canada
Join me in person this fall for the Group Coaching Essentials Intensive, to be held here in Toronto. The focus of this two day program is on skill development and practice. You will also acquire tools and tips for designing and marketing your own group coaching programs. Space is limited. I will also be applying to the ICF for CCEUs for this program.
Dates: October 3 and 4, 2008
Regularly: $695. Anniversary Pricing: $417 (This will be the lowest price all year!)
3. Group Program Facilitation Intensive: Toronto, Canada
Dates: November 1 and 2, 2008
Regularly $695. Anniversary Pricing: $417
If you are a trainer, coach or manager, wanting to enhance your skills toolbox to work with teams and groups, the Group Program Facilitation program will provide you with the opportunity to acquire and practice skills in group facilitation.
Don't delay -- I hope that you will take advantage of these savings before they expire on the 30th!
Warm wishes,
Jennifer Britton, PCC, CHRP, CPT
Potentials Realized
Group Coaching Essentials
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Four Years, Four Business Lessons
I'm borrowing from my BizToolkit blog today, as I've had some great emails from readers on this post and wanted to share with you four of my most important business lessons from the last 4 years. I hope that these will give those of you who run your own business some food for thought, as well as some business coaching questions.
I’ve intentionally built some time in over the last few days to reflect on where we’ve been and what some of our goals are for the future. As a business coach, I love doing this work with my clients, and it’s been great to walk my talk and use my own tools for my business.I’ve also boiled down four of the lessons that have served me best during my first 4 years in business.
Business Lesson #1: Be clear on what you want as well as what fuels and passions you
Keeping clear about what I love and want to create has been quite instrumental in building a business and a model which enables me to enjoy the best of the city during the winter, as well as the best of Muskoka during the summer. My time up north renews me on an annual basis, providing the opportunity for more strategic thinking and program/product development.
Coaching Questions: What do you want to create in your business? What's going to give you energy? What can't you live without?
Business Lesson #2: Don’t be afraid to create your own path
When I first started coaching four plus years ago, one of the only models available was one-on-one coaching. From the start of my business I was eager to create and design coaching experiences for groups. I've loved being a pioneer in an emerging area of the coaching profession - group coaching. Rather than feeling like a renegade I created my own path. You can read more about group coaching over at my Group Coaching Ins and Outs blog.
Coaching Questions: What's your path? What unique contribution can you make as a business owner? What's the unique path of your business?
Business Lesson #3: Persevere
Strategic perseverance has played an important role in growing my business. If it didn't work, I asked why? If it didn't work, I tried again and refocused. If that didn't work, I tried again.
Most of us know the stats on marketing -- it may take 7-11 times for a consumer to purchase, so why do so many business owners give up after the first try?
Coaching Questions: Where do you need to persevere? What needs to be refocused?
Business Lesson #4: Learn from all experiences, the good and the bad
And finally -- reflection and learning has also played a key role. Whether it's been a great experience or one that's not been so great, identifying the learning and applying in the next step has been critical.
Coaching Questions: What can you learn from your most recent success? What can you learn from your most recent failure?
Some interesting facts:The US Small Business Association states that only 2/3 of small businesses survive after their first 2 years in business and less than half make it to 4. WOW!
What have been some of the lessons which have served you best in growing your own business?
In closing, I want to thank all of you who have supported myself and Potentials Realized as we've grown. I look forward to many more years of serving you -- and if we haven't had the opportunity to meet - I'd love to connect to see how we might synergize.
Have a fantastic week,
Jennifer Britton, PCC, CPCC, CPT
Potentials Realized
Group Coaching Essentials
Toll free: 1-866-217-1960
I’ve intentionally built some time in over the last few days to reflect on where we’ve been and what some of our goals are for the future. As a business coach, I love doing this work with my clients, and it’s been great to walk my talk and use my own tools for my business.I’ve also boiled down four of the lessons that have served me best during my first 4 years in business.
Business Lesson #1: Be clear on what you want as well as what fuels and passions you
Keeping clear about what I love and want to create has been quite instrumental in building a business and a model which enables me to enjoy the best of the city during the winter, as well as the best of Muskoka during the summer. My time up north renews me on an annual basis, providing the opportunity for more strategic thinking and program/product development.
Coaching Questions: What do you want to create in your business? What's going to give you energy? What can't you live without?
Business Lesson #2: Don’t be afraid to create your own path
When I first started coaching four plus years ago, one of the only models available was one-on-one coaching. From the start of my business I was eager to create and design coaching experiences for groups. I've loved being a pioneer in an emerging area of the coaching profession - group coaching. Rather than feeling like a renegade I created my own path. You can read more about group coaching over at my Group Coaching Ins and Outs blog.
Coaching Questions: What's your path? What unique contribution can you make as a business owner? What's the unique path of your business?
Business Lesson #3: Persevere
Strategic perseverance has played an important role in growing my business. If it didn't work, I asked why? If it didn't work, I tried again and refocused. If that didn't work, I tried again.
Most of us know the stats on marketing -- it may take 7-11 times for a consumer to purchase, so why do so many business owners give up after the first try?
Coaching Questions: Where do you need to persevere? What needs to be refocused?
Business Lesson #4: Learn from all experiences, the good and the bad
And finally -- reflection and learning has also played a key role. Whether it's been a great experience or one that's not been so great, identifying the learning and applying in the next step has been critical.
Coaching Questions: What can you learn from your most recent success? What can you learn from your most recent failure?
Some interesting facts:The US Small Business Association states that only 2/3 of small businesses survive after their first 2 years in business and less than half make it to 4. WOW!
What have been some of the lessons which have served you best in growing your own business?
In closing, I want to thank all of you who have supported myself and Potentials Realized as we've grown. I look forward to many more years of serving you -- and if we haven't had the opportunity to meet - I'd love to connect to see how we might synergize.
Have a fantastic week,
Jennifer Britton, PCC, CPCC, CPT
Potentials Realized
Group Coaching Essentials
Toll free: 1-866-217-1960
Sunday, April 13, 2008
Leveraging the Power of Our Relationships
Just a quick note to those of you who are here in the Toronto area on Wednesday evening, April 16th. I hope that you will consider joining me at this month's International Coach Federation GTA Chapter meeting where I will be leading an interactive evening presentation with fellow ORSC coach Jennifer Miller. Jennifer and I will be delivering an experiential evening on Wednesday evening entitled "Leveraging the Power of Our Relationships".
We are always in relationship with others. Success in navigating and leveraging our relationships may mean the difference between good and great.
We'll be drawing on a really exciting hybrid of tools for you to explore your current business relationships, create a new one in the TO coaching community, while gaining some new tools for your work with group or individual clients. We'll be drawing on the amazing work of thought leaders such as Keith Ferrazzi, Jim Collins, experiential education and the Center for Right Relationship.
Here's a link to the program details. We'll be starting at about 6pm on Wednesday evening out in the West end and I hope to see you there!
If you can't make it to Toronto on Wednesday evening, Jennifer and I hope that you will be able to join us on Sunday May 4th for the Revitalize Your Partnership Virtual Retreat. It will be held by phone from 11-5 pm (EST)/8-2 pm (PT)/5-10 pm (UK). It's a six hour program held by phone developed for any business or personal partnership to reconnect, plan and look at taking their relationships from good to great. The program is well suited for business partners, co-faciltitators as well as intimate partnerships. The program is held by phone and is a combination of group coaching calls, and individual exercises undertaken from the comfort of your own home or office. Space still remains and you can find out more information or register here.
Warm wishes,
Jennifer Britton, PCC, CHRP, CPT
Potentials Realized
Group Coaching Essentials
Toll Free: 1-866-217-1960
We are always in relationship with others. Success in navigating and leveraging our relationships may mean the difference between good and great.
We'll be drawing on a really exciting hybrid of tools for you to explore your current business relationships, create a new one in the TO coaching community, while gaining some new tools for your work with group or individual clients. We'll be drawing on the amazing work of thought leaders such as Keith Ferrazzi, Jim Collins, experiential education and the Center for Right Relationship.
Here's a link to the program details. We'll be starting at about 6pm on Wednesday evening out in the West end and I hope to see you there!
If you can't make it to Toronto on Wednesday evening, Jennifer and I hope that you will be able to join us on Sunday May 4th for the Revitalize Your Partnership Virtual Retreat. It will be held by phone from 11-5 pm (EST)/8-2 pm (PT)/5-10 pm (UK). It's a six hour program held by phone developed for any business or personal partnership to reconnect, plan and look at taking their relationships from good to great. The program is well suited for business partners, co-faciltitators as well as intimate partnerships. The program is held by phone and is a combination of group coaching calls, and individual exercises undertaken from the comfort of your own home or office. Space still remains and you can find out more information or register here.
Warm wishes,
Jennifer Britton, PCC, CHRP, CPT
Potentials Realized
Group Coaching Essentials
Toll Free: 1-866-217-1960
Tuesday, April 08, 2008
Come Celebrate with Us - We're 4!

Today is a very special day as 4 years ago today I opened my door, and phone line for business. In many respects it's hard to believe how quickly time really has passed.
I spent some time yesterday reflecting on some of the major milestones for myself as a business owner, as well as milestones for my company, Potentials Realized. Here are a few that I wanted to share with you:
- Over 200 coaches have now participated in the Group Coaching Essentials teleseminar program from across North America (including Puerto Rico), the UK, Germany, Norway, and New Zealand
- My group coaching programs, speaking engagements, team coaching and training in the last 4 years has involved over 2000 participants (virtually and live)
- Things I am most proud of: achieving my PCC (Professional Certified Coach), CHRP (Certified Human Resource Professional) and most importantly, being the mom of my son who will be turning 3 next month (yes, it is possible to build a successful business while having children!)
Some of the things I have in the pipeline for this year include:
- Publishing a book on group coaching (if anyone knows a great graphic designer and/or editor, please let me know!)
- Liscensing a couple of my current group coaching offerings for coaches who want a "group coaching program in a box"
- Offering an in-person 2 day Group Coaching Essentials Intensive Program here in Toronto (October 3 and 4) focused on skills development for group coaching. I am also hoping to get this program accredited for CCEUs.
- The launch of the Group Program Toolkit - an electronic guide
- A revamped Potentials Realized site at - click on over to view it and let me know what you think!
I want to thank all of you who continue to contact me indicating that this blog continues to provide great value for the work that you undertake with your own group coaching clients and in workshops and retreats.
Please keep posted for some special announcements for our 4th year anniversary, including some special pricing of programs! If you have not signed up for our mailing list on Group Coaching Issues, I would invite you to, when you visit the new Potentials website or the Group Coaching Essentials website.
I look forward to continuing to serve you for many more years!
Warm wishes,
Jennifer Britton, PCC, CHRP, CPT
Tuesday, April 01, 2008
April's Program Lineup: Group Coaching, Virtual intensives and more
Happy April Fools Day! Today marks my 4th anniversary of returning to Canada and trading in my life as a jetsetter with the UN to being a jetsetting business owner. Keep posted this month for special 4th anniversary announcements -- the official date for our Potentials Realized anniversary is April 7th, next Monday.
If you are looking to launch your own group programs (workshops, retreats or group coaching) in the next few months, here's this month's program lineup of phone based programs to support you with your work:
Group Coaching Essentials:
Starts tomorrow Wednesday April 2, 9, 23 and 30th (Wednesdays 8-9:15pm ET/5-6:15 pm PT) -- a few spaces remain OR
Thursdays April 3, 10, 24 and May 8th (Thursdays 10:30 - 11:45 am ET/7:30-8:45 am PT). Note $50 discount when you and a business colleage sign up together for the Group Coaching Essentials program (April only)
Group Program Design Virtual Intensive: Tuesday April 8 and 15 (7-10pm EST)
Tips and Tools for Your Workshop or Retreat: Thursday April 17 (6:30 - 8pm ET/3:30 - 5 pm PT)
Revitalize Your Partnership (For Business Partners or Co-Facilitators): Sunday May 4 (11-5 pm ET/8-2pm PT)
Workshop and Retreat Essentials: Tuesdays 8-9:15 pm ET: May 6, 13, 20 and 27, 2008
On another vein, if you are looking for a rich weekend away with your spouse or partner, join me in beautiful Muskoka for RelationshipsOnFire Muskoka Couples Retreat (In person); May 31 and June 1, 2008. Given the late start to spring we've added new dates for this program (there was still 4 feet of snow in Muskoka last weekend!).
I look forward to supporting you in making your group program vision a reality!
Warm regards,
Jennifer Britton, PCC, CHRP
Potentials Realized
Toll Free: 1-866-217-1960
Email: jennifer{at}potentialsrealized{dot}com
If you are looking to launch your own group programs (workshops, retreats or group coaching) in the next few months, here's this month's program lineup of phone based programs to support you with your work:
Group Coaching Essentials:
Starts tomorrow Wednesday April 2, 9, 23 and 30th (Wednesdays 8-9:15pm ET/5-6:15 pm PT) -- a few spaces remain OR
Thursdays April 3, 10, 24 and May 8th (Thursdays 10:30 - 11:45 am ET/7:30-8:45 am PT). Note $50 discount when you and a business colleage sign up together for the Group Coaching Essentials program (April only)
Group Program Design Virtual Intensive: Tuesday April 8 and 15 (7-10pm EST)
Tips and Tools for Your Workshop or Retreat: Thursday April 17 (6:30 - 8pm ET/3:30 - 5 pm PT)
Revitalize Your Partnership (For Business Partners or Co-Facilitators): Sunday May 4 (11-5 pm ET/8-2pm PT)
Workshop and Retreat Essentials: Tuesdays 8-9:15 pm ET: May 6, 13, 20 and 27, 2008
On another vein, if you are looking for a rich weekend away with your spouse or partner, join me in beautiful Muskoka for RelationshipsOnFire Muskoka Couples Retreat (In person); May 31 and June 1, 2008. Given the late start to spring we've added new dates for this program (there was still 4 feet of snow in Muskoka last weekend!).
I look forward to supporting you in making your group program vision a reality!
Warm regards,
Jennifer Britton, PCC, CHRP
Potentials Realized
Toll Free: 1-866-217-1960
Email: jennifer{at}potentialsrealized{dot}com
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