Thursday, January 17, 2019

Six Exercises to Consider for 2019 - Group and Team Coaching

Last month, I hosted my 15th annual year-end group and teams program call. I've broken that 35 view it here.
minute call down into three pieces. If you missed part 1 which I shared last month on 2018 trends in group and team programs,

You can read part 1 of the post here.

Today I wanted to jump forward into six exercises you might want to consider incorporating into your upcoming group and team programs - View the 11 minute video here.

In this 11 minute video I share some of my most widely tools and processes during 2018 and contrast them with what I used in 2017.

As coaches, facilitators and trainers, our toolkit is essential. What are the tools and processes you regularly lean into, in service of your clients?

What are the approaches you want to be leveraging more this year?

With best wishes,

Jennifer Britton
Author of Effective Group Coaching (2009), and From One to Many: Best Practices for Team and Group Coaching (2013), Effective Virtual Conversations (2017) and Coaching Business Builder - Workbook and Planner (2018)
Phone : 416-996-TEAM (8326)
Upcoming 2019 programs include Group Coaching Essentials program (8.75 CCEs) which starts Tuesday January 29th (4:20 - 5:35 pm ET - 5 weeks) and the Advanced Group and Team Coaching Practicum (Tuesdays Jan 22 - early March - 3 - 4:15 pm ET) (10 CCEs)