One of the most popular summer posts I have had in recent years has been an annual summer project audio which I've recorded.
I've just done a short 8 minute audio which includes half a dozen ideas you might want to consider putting some attention around this summer. I hope that you will enjoy it! You'll find the audio at the bottom of our resources page over at From12many.com. If you didn't catch my spring community call on Five Ways to Take Your Programs Virtual, I hope you'll check that out as well. You can find the recordings here (scroll down to end of page)
Have a great week,
Jennifer Britton
Potentials Realized | Group Coaching Essentials
Phone: (416)996-8326
Connect with us to be the first to know more about launch events around my newest book - Effective Virtual Conversations - coming out in a few weeks!
I'm starting to transition back to some part time work, with calls on Monday and Friday mornings, which will be my schedule for the rest of the summer. Next week, Monday July 17th, I'll be launching the summer Group Coaching Essentials class. If you are looking to learn more about group coaching and want some structure to move your ideas forward, the program could be a good firt for you. We'll be meeting on Mondays from 9-10:15 am ET on July 17, 24, 31, August 7 and 14th. The program also includes short 15 min weekly calls with me, and lots of content and additional resources to sink your teeth into. The program is approved for 8.75 CCEs with the ICF. More info and registration at GroupCoachingEssentials.com.