I'm sure that if you are a coach you too often get asked, "What makes coaching different from other modalities?". I often point people (prospective clients, organizations etc) over to the research the ICF has done over the years, including the 2009 Global Coaching Client Survey. Goals, Action, Awareness and ongoing accountability were all highlighted by clients in that survey as being definers of the coaching process.
A few weeks ago my post looked at Five Past Posts I had written on Goals. Goals to me are the foundation and starting point of any coaching process, especially for teams and groups. In a team you will likely have the team focusing on collective goals, and also possibly have individual members working on goals. In a group coaching process, while there may be a shared META goal such as "I want to grow my business" or "enhance my work life harmony" it is likely that each group member may be working towards separate, and possibly unrelated goals.
In today's post I wanted to highlight another layer of the team and group coaching process. once goals are clear, we then want to focus on creating opportunities for group or team coaching clients to expand awareness around their goals, their vision etc. The land of Awareness in coaching might take us into the terrain of:
Beliefs - empowering beliefs, limiting beliefs (including Saboteurs/Gremlins/Inner Critics - depending on the coaching models you are using)
Future/Ideal/Best Self
Other selves
This can be a very rich area to be coaching in, and I always like to assert that in coaching for awareness and action it's not always a 50/50 balance. This week notice where you are spending your time with different clients/groups/teams - what's the mix of action and awareness?
Here are five past posts I've written here at the blog on the topic of Creating Awareness:
Six Powerful Questions to Deepen Awareness - Click here to read
Group and Team Coaching: Four Elements of Good Design - Click here to read
Group Coaching : Awareness and Action Through Questions - Click here to read
Six Ways to Bring Visuals into Your Work with Groups and Teams - Click here to read
Exercises for Group Coaching - The Importance of Closure - Click here to read
Have a great week,
Jennifer Britton, MES, PCC, CPCC, CPT
GroupCoachingEssentials.com | Potentials Realized
Author of Effective Group Coaching (Wiley, 2009) and From One to Many: Best Practices for Team and Group Coaching (Jossey-Bass, 2013)
Creating Awareness is one of the 11 core coaching competencies of the ICF. We explore this in greater depth during the Mentor Coaching Group. Next group starts Thursday June 2nd at 9:15 am ET by phone/zoom. 3 month program - 10 hours. Click here to learn more or reserve your spot.
We explore the topic of creating awareness in the Group Coaching Essentials teleseminar as well as the Group and Team Coaching Intensive - Join us in beautiful Bracebridge Muskoka on July 14-15 (Thursday and Friday) for a two day hands on training around best practices for team and group coaching. We have just submitted a CCE renewal application for 19 hrs (including 17 hrs core competencies). Register with a colleague and each save $200 plus tax. Special room rates available for those coming in from out of town. Bracebridge is 2 hours north of Toronto, easily accessible by bus (takes you to the front door of the venue!) and car.
Tuesday, May 31, 2016
Friday, May 27, 2016
What to Look for in a Mentor Coach

As coaches start exploring what mentor coaching is, and the myriad of possibilities which exist, it can be useful to consider the following as you look for a mentor coach:
1 What skills, knowledge and experience does the mentor coach bring? How does this match what you are looking for?
2. What coaching skills training have they undertaken? What coaching models do they use or integrate into their work?
3. How do they keep their skills sharp? What regular learning do they undertake?
4. How do they demonstrate their understanding of the ICF core competences?
5. What has been their experience in supporting others through the mentor coaching process? What experience do they have with coaching? (Consider their experience in the types of clients they support, the different industries they work in, if they expand their work outside of 1-1 coaching to incorporate other areas)
6. What resources are they connected to which can help you learn, grow and sharpen your skills?
7. What do you notice about the fit between the two of you? How can they support you in your development?
Finally....What are your preferences for being supported? Do you want to take the deep dive of doing all your 10 hours of mentor coaching 1-1, or would you like to mix it in participating in a smaller group. ICF allows for 7 of the 10 hours of mentor coaching to be undertaken in a small group context. This can provide the benefit of seeing other coaching styles at play and learning from peers who might bring different coaching approaches and resources to the work.
Several years ago I wrote an article for Choice Magazine on the considerations in developing your skills as a mentor coach. While it is several years old now, the points are still very relevant. Download your own copy of my Choice Article "Mentor Coaching: Developing Your Muscle and Refining Your Craft " here. Check out the questions I have posed in the side bars on page 32. These are questions a mentor coach should be able to answer quickly if you reach out and interview several before choosing one.
AS you go about thinking about how to sharpen your coaching skills to take them to the next level, what's going to be important for you?
If you are looking for some support from a mentor coach like myself, please reach out and email me and let's see how we fit. I offer Mentor coaching Groups for ACC renewals and ACC/PCC portfolio routes (10 hours including 7 hour small group) and also individual mentor coaching (for CPCC and also ACC/PCC). The next Mentor Coaching Group will be held by zoom on Thursdays from 915-1015 am ET starting on June 3rd running to September 8th. Click here to learn more and reserve your spot.
With best wishes,
Jennifer Britton, MES, PCC, CPCC, CPT
GroupCoachingEssentials.com | Potentials Realized
Author of Effective Group Coaching (Wiley, 2009) and From One to Many: Best Practices for Team and Group Coaching (Jossey-Bass, 2013)
Tuesday, May 24, 2016
Five Posts on Coaching Goals
Welcome back to another top five series, where I'm pulling together some past posts from the last 12
years as we look at different coaching competencies of the International Coach Federation.
Planning and Goal Setting is one of the eleven core coaching competencies of the International Coach Federation. You can view the ICF competencies here.
ICF defines Planning and Goal Setting as "the ability to develop and maintain an effective coaching plan with the client".
Consider what you do to support your clients in goal setting and focus. My guess is that it looks a little different whether you are focusing on individual coaching, group coaching, and team coaching.
At the core of my work across these three modalities, is the One Page Plan. Providing clients (individuals, groups and teams) with the opportunity to write out their top 3-5 goals during our work together and keeping them visible in one page is key for success with many of my clients. From the One Page Plan I have people creating MindMaps or using Post Its or Index Cards. Within a team context people may have their own individual plan as well as a collective one.
What are your best practices around goal setting and suppport? As always, please feel free to comment below.
Here are five past posts from the Group Coaching Ins and Outs blog which explore this foundational topic area:
From March 2016: Six Coaching Questions Around Goals. Click here to read.
Goal Setting at Multiple Levels in Group and Team Coaching - Click here to read this 2014 post.
Core Coaching Competency - Goal Setting - Click here to read this 2013 post.
A reminder of the 1% rule to business development - Click here to read this 2012 post.
The Power of a One Page Plan. Click here to read this 2015 post.
What resources do you recommend as a coach? Please feel free to share these with others in comments or over at the Effective Group Coaching Facebook page.
Best wishes,
Jennifer Britton, MES, PCC, CPCC, CPT
GroupCoachingEssentials.com | Potentials Realized
Author of Effective Group Coaching (Wiley, 2009) and From One to Many: Best Practices for Team and Group Coaching (Jossey-Bass, 2013)
Goal setting is something we explore in the Mentor Coaching Group for ACC Renewals and ACC/ PCC portfolio - next group starts Thursday June 2nd at 915 am ET. Runs to September 8th.
We'll also be exploring goal setting in the context of group and team coaching during the 6th Annual Group and Team Coaching Intensive which will run in person on July 14-15 in beautiful Muskoka Canada. Early bird savings on until May 30th.
years as we look at different coaching competencies of the International Coach Federation.
Planning and Goal Setting is one of the eleven core coaching competencies of the International Coach Federation. You can view the ICF competencies here.
ICF defines Planning and Goal Setting as "the ability to develop and maintain an effective coaching plan with the client".
Consider what you do to support your clients in goal setting and focus. My guess is that it looks a little different whether you are focusing on individual coaching, group coaching, and team coaching.
At the core of my work across these three modalities, is the One Page Plan. Providing clients (individuals, groups and teams) with the opportunity to write out their top 3-5 goals during our work together and keeping them visible in one page is key for success with many of my clients. From the One Page Plan I have people creating MindMaps or using Post Its or Index Cards. Within a team context people may have their own individual plan as well as a collective one.
What are your best practices around goal setting and suppport? As always, please feel free to comment below.
Here are five past posts from the Group Coaching Ins and Outs blog which explore this foundational topic area:
From March 2016: Six Coaching Questions Around Goals. Click here to read.
Goal Setting at Multiple Levels in Group and Team Coaching - Click here to read this 2014 post.
Core Coaching Competency - Goal Setting - Click here to read this 2013 post.
A reminder of the 1% rule to business development - Click here to read this 2012 post.
The Power of a One Page Plan. Click here to read this 2015 post.
What resources do you recommend as a coach? Please feel free to share these with others in comments or over at the Effective Group Coaching Facebook page.
Best wishes,
Jennifer Britton, MES, PCC, CPCC, CPT
GroupCoachingEssentials.com | Potentials Realized
Author of Effective Group Coaching (Wiley, 2009) and From One to Many: Best Practices for Team and Group Coaching (Jossey-Bass, 2013)
Goal setting is something we explore in the Mentor Coaching Group for ACC Renewals and ACC/ PCC portfolio - next group starts Thursday June 2nd at 915 am ET. Runs to September 8th.
We'll also be exploring goal setting in the context of group and team coaching during the 6th Annual Group and Team Coaching Intensive which will run in person on July 14-15 in beautiful Muskoka Canada. Early bird savings on until May 30th.
Thursday, May 19, 2016
Five posts on Supporting Accountability in Group and Team Coaching

few months I'll be trolling through some of my older posts, dusting them off and pointing you to them in a new way. Today marks the start of a new series of Top Fives! In today's era of information overwhelm, it can be nice to have information curated, and that's what this series will do.
In the speaking, writing and training work I do with coaches interested in group and team coaching. I often get asked about how the core coaching competencies look when working with groups and teams. In light of this we'll start our Top Five series will a list of five posts which have addressed the topic of Supporting Accountability.
Competency #11 is about Managing Progress and Accountability with the International Coach Federation (ICF). They define Managing progress and accountability is "the ability to hold attention on what is important for the client, and to leave responsibility with the client to take action". Core skills found here relate to returning back to/following through on the coaching plan and goals the client has identified, working between the 30,000 foot view (the big picture and/or vision) and also the immediate focus areas of the clients, and also leaving responsibility with the client to take action. The client in coaching is always the one driving the bus - whether they are an individual, a group or team.
Throughout the last six years of running Mentor Coaching Groups for those working towards their ICF ACC or PCC credential or renewing their ACC, this is an area many coaches are interested in and want to hone.
Take a look at some of these posts which address accountability in team and group coaching:
The Role of Accountability in Group Coaching - Click here to read this May 2013 post
Six Ideas for Field Work in your next Coaching Engagement - Cick here to read this November 2013 post
Accountability and Group Coaching - Click here to read this 2011 post.
A 2007 post on Creating Accountability Structures - Click here to read post.
The Value of a Team Coach - Check out this 2014 post which goes into some of the benefits of working with a team coach.
Questions to consider:
What accountability structures, processes and frameworks do you create with your clients?
What does accountability mean for them?
How do you foster the client taking the lead around accountability in coaching?
How does accountability look different with groups, teams and individuals you work with?
Have a great weekend,
Jennifer Britton, MES, PCC, CPCC
Potentials Realized | GroupCoachingEssentials
(416)996-TEAM (8326)
A reminder that the next Mentor Coaching Group for ACC Renewals and ACC/PCC will take place on Thursdays from 9-10 am ET starting June 2nd running to early September. There are still 4 spots open - learn more and reserve your space here.
Also, the Early Bird rate for the 6th Annual Group and Team Coaching Intensive will be ending on May 30th. The program will be held in Muskoka, Canada on Thursday and Friday July 14 - 15. We will be applying to have the program renewed for 19 CCEs with the ICF. Over the two days we take a dive into the related disciplines of group and team coaching, also giving you ample practice and feedback on your skills. You can access the Early Bird rate through our most recent newsletter - click here to access.
Tuesday, May 17, 2016
Next Mentor Coaching Group (ACC/PCC) starts Thursday June 2nd at 915 am ET
Are you a coach working towards your ICF ACC or PCC credential, or are you needing to compete
your ACC recertification mentor coaching hours? Join me for the 10 hour Mentor Coaching Group. Meeting over a three month period with a small group of other coaches (3-6 typically), we take a deeper dive into the ICF core coaching competencies, and provide you with practice and feedback on sharpening your coaching skills!
The next Mentor Coaching Group includes 7 hours of group calls (7 weeks, 1 hour each) and three hours of one-on-one mentor coaching with me (scheduled as 30 or 60 minute 1-1s over the three months).
The next Mentor Coaching Group will be meeting on Thursday June 2nd from 915 - 1015 am ET. You can use zoom or phone to connect. Our group calls will be held on June 2, 9, 16, 30, July 21, August 11, and September 8, 2016. Each group call is accompanied by a set of module notes with information about the competencies we are exploring, as well as space for reflection and resources.
There are several spots open in the June session. Cost is $1000 US or CDN (plus HST) payable in one installment or 3 monthly installments ($333, $333, or $334). Learn more about the program and reserve your spot here.
This road-tested program has benefited dozens of coaches since its' launch in 2010. Here's what several recent alumni have said about their Mentor Coaching Group experience:
"The Mentor Coaching Group exceeded my expectations. Each week we were given an incredible opportunity to learn more about the ICF competencies, engage in interactive group sessions, learn from each other and receive outstanding support during the one on one sessions. I highly recommend this program." - Coach Michelle Mullins
"Jennifer Britton is a wonderful mentor coach. She keeps the groups moving at a good pace. She is able to accomplish much in a little time during the group sessions. And she has a wealth of knowledge and experience to share in one-on-one sessions for anyone who wants to grow in their journey to mastery as a highly skilled coach. I heartily recommend Jennifer and the Potentials Realized Mentor Coaching Group" - Coach David Brooks
I hope that you will join us for a summer program. If you can't make June's dates there will be another start in July and one again in early September (Fridays starting September 9th). Questions? Email me (info{at}potentialsrealized{dot}com or call (416)996-8326.
Best wishes,
Jennifer Britton, MES, PCC, CPT
Author of Effective Group Coaching (Wiley, 2009) and From One to Many: Best Practices for Team and Group Coaching (Jossey-Bass, 2013)
Email: info {at}potentialsrealized{dot}com
your ACC recertification mentor coaching hours? Join me for the 10 hour Mentor Coaching Group. Meeting over a three month period with a small group of other coaches (3-6 typically), we take a deeper dive into the ICF core coaching competencies, and provide you with practice and feedback on sharpening your coaching skills!
The next Mentor Coaching Group includes 7 hours of group calls (7 weeks, 1 hour each) and three hours of one-on-one mentor coaching with me (scheduled as 30 or 60 minute 1-1s over the three months).
The next Mentor Coaching Group will be meeting on Thursday June 2nd from 915 - 1015 am ET. You can use zoom or phone to connect. Our group calls will be held on June 2, 9, 16, 30, July 21, August 11, and September 8, 2016. Each group call is accompanied by a set of module notes with information about the competencies we are exploring, as well as space for reflection and resources.
There are several spots open in the June session. Cost is $1000 US or CDN (plus HST) payable in one installment or 3 monthly installments ($333, $333, or $334). Learn more about the program and reserve your spot here.
This road-tested program has benefited dozens of coaches since its' launch in 2010. Here's what several recent alumni have said about their Mentor Coaching Group experience:
"The Mentor Coaching Group exceeded my expectations. Each week we were given an incredible opportunity to learn more about the ICF competencies, engage in interactive group sessions, learn from each other and receive outstanding support during the one on one sessions. I highly recommend this program." - Coach Michelle Mullins
"Jennifer Britton is a wonderful mentor coach. She keeps the groups moving at a good pace. She is able to accomplish much in a little time during the group sessions. And she has a wealth of knowledge and experience to share in one-on-one sessions for anyone who wants to grow in their journey to mastery as a highly skilled coach. I heartily recommend Jennifer and the Potentials Realized Mentor Coaching Group" - Coach David Brooks
I hope that you will join us for a summer program. If you can't make June's dates there will be another start in July and one again in early September (Fridays starting September 9th). Questions? Email me (info{at}potentialsrealized{dot}com or call (416)996-8326.
Best wishes,
Jennifer Britton, MES, PCC, CPT
Author of Effective Group Coaching (Wiley, 2009) and From One to Many: Best Practices for Team and Group Coaching (Jossey-Bass, 2013)
Email: info {at}potentialsrealized{dot}com
Wednesday, May 04, 2016
Presence in Group and Team Coaching
As coaches one of our greatest instruments is ourselves and our presence. Over the last month my travels have taken me to several ICF chapters to deliver in persona nd virtual training, and I've also had the chance to work with several teams of leaders and facilitators as well. Interestingly enough, the concept of presence has emerged as a key discussion point in a lot of these discussions.

Consider your recent work with teams and groups and how you have shown up in this work. Is it any different than your presence with an individual coaching client?
One theme I have been talking about has been the different role of the group or team coach where we "fade in and fade out" of the coaching conversation, more often than not, encouraging group and/or team members to direct the conversation amongst each other. Our presence plays a different role than in individual coaching where it is only us and one other person.
Our presence is key in setting the context or container for the work we do. Our energy will have an impact, positively or negatively, with clients we work with. Consider how your presence has added to, or detracted, from the coaching conversation recently with team and group coaching clients.
Here's an activity to undertake :
Reflect on your presence - what three adjectives would you use to describe your presence in recent coaching engagements. Think of how this is different in a couple of examples.
Where possible, ask for feedback from clients or those you have worked with, regarding your presence. What three adjectives do they use to describe how you show up, and what space you create for your clients.
Over time be noticing what common themes and adjectives are being used to describe your presence.
What changes do you want to make?
Have a great week,
Jennifer Britton, MES, PCC, CPCC, CPT
Author of Effective Group Coaching (Wiley, 2009) and From One to Many: Best Practices for Team and Group Coaching (Jossey-Bass, 2013)
GroupCoachingEssentials.com | Potentials Realized
Join us for an upcoming program including:
Group Coaching Essentials teleseminar (8.75 CCEs with ICF): Fridays 1:15 - 2:30 pmET May 6, 13, 20, June 3 and10 A resource rich look at best practices and techniques around design, implementation and marketing your programs.
Group and Team Coaching Intensive - Muskoka - July 14-15, 2016 (Being renewed for 19 CCEs with ICF)

Presence = Our being. Who we are
Consider your recent work with teams and groups and how you have shown up in this work. Is it any different than your presence with an individual coaching client?
One theme I have been talking about has been the different role of the group or team coach where we "fade in and fade out" of the coaching conversation, more often than not, encouraging group and/or team members to direct the conversation amongst each other. Our presence plays a different role than in individual coaching where it is only us and one other person.
Our presence is key in setting the context or container for the work we do. Our energy will have an impact, positively or negatively, with clients we work with. Consider how your presence has added to, or detracted, from the coaching conversation recently with team and group coaching clients.
Here's an activity to undertake :
Reflect on your presence - what three adjectives would you use to describe your presence in recent coaching engagements. Think of how this is different in a couple of examples.
Where possible, ask for feedback from clients or those you have worked with, regarding your presence. What three adjectives do they use to describe how you show up, and what space you create for your clients.
Over time be noticing what common themes and adjectives are being used to describe your presence.
What changes do you want to make?
Have a great week,
Jennifer Britton, MES, PCC, CPCC, CPT
Author of Effective Group Coaching (Wiley, 2009) and From One to Many: Best Practices for Team and Group Coaching (Jossey-Bass, 2013)
GroupCoachingEssentials.com | Potentials Realized
Join us for an upcoming program including:
Group Coaching Essentials teleseminar (8.75 CCEs with ICF): Fridays 1:15 - 2:30 pmET May 6, 13, 20, June 3 and10 A resource rich look at best practices and techniques around design, implementation and marketing your programs.
Group and Team Coaching Intensive - Muskoka - July 14-15, 2016 (Being renewed for 19 CCEs with ICF)
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