Thursday, June 26, 2014

Audio - Ten Ways to use the Conversation Sparker Cards (TM)

Many of you have read, or heard me speak, about the power of visuals in a group or team coaching process. For years I have used the Visual Explorer deck from Center for Creative Leadership in my programs, and earlier this year I launched the Conversation Sparker Cards(TM), a 72 card photo and question deck.

The Conversation Sparker Cards have taken root with many practitioners across both coasts of North America, and as far away as Iceland and Africa.  Last week a number of coaches had fun with them at the ICF Mid-West Regional Conference during a table-top discussion I facilitated on group and team coaching.

Earlier this week I hosted a call on Ten Ways To Use the Conversation Sparker Cards which you can listen to online here. I thought you would be interested in listening in particularly if you are looking for a new photo deck to use with your groups, or if you want to get some new ideas "sparked" for use with your current photo deck. The recording is 27 minutes in length.

Enjoy! Again, you can link to the Conversation Sparker Cards recording here.

With best wishes,

Jennifer Britton, PCC, CPCC
Potentials Realized
Two weeks to go to the Group and Team Coaching Intensive in Beautiful Huntsville, Muskoka! Are you ready to take a two-day dive into group and team coaching issues?  We'll be looking at skills, design, marketing, forming groups, activities, tricky issues, and you will have lots of time to practice and get feedback on  your skills. The program is approved for 15 CCEs with the ICF. More info at 

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Four Ways to Use a MindMap in Your Group Programs

MindMaps are a terrific tool for learning, brainstorming, and review. In this short audio post, I share four
ways you can use MindMaps in your group programs.


Which approaches would you want to bring into your next program?


Jennifer Britton, PCC, CPCC
Author of Effective Group Coaching (Wiley, 2010) and From One to Many: Best Practices for Team and Group Coaching (Jossey-Bass, 2013)

Join us for an upcoming program - the Group Coaching Essentials teleseminar starting July 17th (Thursdays at 10am ET)- 6.75 CCEs. You can also join me in beautiful Huntsville, Muskoka on July 10-11 (Thurs/Friday) for the Group and Team Coaching Intensive (15 CCEs)

Thursday, June 12, 2014

Group and Team Coaching Intensive - Muskoka: July 10-11, 2014 (15 CCEs)

Plans are gearing up for the 4th Annual Group and Team Coaching Intensive in Muskoka, Canada
(Huntsville) on Thursday July 10 and Friday July 11th.  It's a two day dive into topics related to team and group coaching, in the beautiful, fun and relaxed setting of Huntsville, a great smmer playground.

This program is geared for coaches and other professionals who are wanting to expand their work to group and team coaching. The program is approved for 15 hours of Continuing Coach Education (CCES) with the International Coach Federation.

The program provides coaches with knowledge, skills, practice, and feedback, on their group and team coaching skills. New and experienced coaches can benefit from this program. The course will address specifics for running programs in person and virtually, with teams as well as corporate and public groups.  

Participants leave the program with tools, resources, skills and practice in group and team coaching, including:
-       An understanding of what group and team coaching is, similarities and differences with individual coaching, training and facilitation
-       Core skills and competencies for masterful team and group coaching
-       Foundational principles: group and team dynamics, experiential processes, and learning styles,
-       Designing  and Structuring a Powerful Program (pre, post, during)
-       Creating Connection, Trust and Accountability
-       Exercises, Tools and Resources for Coaching Many
-     Working with, and engaging, different learning styes
-       Marketing Tips for pricing, promotion, positioning and contracting
-       Navigating Tricky Issues
-       Virtual Program Tips
-       Practice and feedback on your skills

Content is also customized based on those coaches who are participating. Pre-calls will be held with each participant during June 2014.

The program includes:
  • 15 hours of training ( 15 CCEs  including of 13 hrs Core Competencies)
  • An Intensive Manual with exercises, content and resources lists
  • An opportunity for you to get hands-on practice and feedback on your coaching skills
  • A copy of either one of Jennifer’s books -
  • A light lunch both days
  • A post-program group call
Hours: Thursday 8:30-5pm, Friday 8:30 - 4:30pm . I'll also be available to connect for a late afternoon snack for those interested in Huntsville on Thursday.
Venue: Holiday Inn Express Huntsville. Special room rate until June 20th.

Space limited to 8 -10 coaches.
Cost: $1095 plus HST (payable in one or two installments) Register with one or more colleagues and save 10% each.

Here's what past participants have said about the program:

"A must for coaches who want to bring their coaching skills to another level!" – Mylene Beauchamp

"A time for you to focus on group coaching and building your business. A rare treat and strategic business move to participate in person with other great coaches and Jennifer’s excellent facilitation."

"A fantastic incubator for group coaching" 

Download a brochure here.

Here's a quick video about what  Muskoka  has to offer.

A special room rate is available at the venue until June 20th. Contact me for more information.

Looking forward to having you join us!


Jennifer Britton, PCC, CPCC
Author of Effective Group Coaching (Wiley, 2010) and From One to Many: Best Practices for Team and Group Coaching (Jossey-Bass, 2013)

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Audio Post - Group and Team Process Considerations

Last week I had the pleasure of presenting two breakouts at the Capital Coaches Conference in
Washington DC. What a fantastic day! It was terrific to get to speak to, and facilitate dialogue amongst a large group of participants. For those who attended, I forwarded the slide deck to the conference organizers so that you can receive your own copy.

I wanted to share with all of you, whether you were at the conference or not, a reminder of the process groups and teams move through. In this short audio post, I briefly share some of my reflections on the day, and also discuss the stages of group formation. Consider how this is showing up in your work, and what you, as a coach, can do to support those that you work with.

Here's the short 6 minute audio:



With best wishes,

Jennifer Britton, PCC, CPCC
Author of Effective Group Coaching (Wiley, 2010) and From One to Many: Best Practices for Team and Group Coaching (Jossey-Bass, 2013)

Join us for an upcoming program - the Group Coaching Essentials teleseminar starting June 11th (at 9am ET Wednesdays) or July 17th (Thursdays at 10am ET)- 6.75 CCEs. You can also join me in beautiful Huntsville, Muskoka on July 10-11 (Thurs/Friday) for the Group and Team Coaching Intensive (15 CCEs)