Tomorrow, I'll be hosting a 10th Anniversary call for alumni of my Group Coaching Essentials programs tomorrow and will be sharing some of my lessons learned, as well as some of the things that are different in the profession today, then when I started Potentials Realized in 2004. Check your latest newsletter for more details for the Friday April 25th call at 12 noon (40 min). We'll be using some of the Conversation Sparker Cards as well during the call. Be sure to check out some of the card launch specials at the new ConversationSparker.com website!
Today I wanted to share with you 10 of the top read posts over the past few years. I started blogging in 2005, and since then it's been a regular part of my communication, writing and connecting with people. I often get asked, how do you keep coming up with new ideas? Two things help me with this? First, I'm continually out working with groups and teams and there is always a new experience or insight even after decades of this work! Second, I usually use MindMaps to help me get sparked with new ideas. If you are looking to write, blog, speak etc. try carving out a few minutes of MindMapping every month to capture new ideas for topics. Having these all in one place you can refer to is useful.
And now....on to the top 10 posts over the last 2 years (according to reader numbers at least!):
Creating Connection Amongst Group Members - Feb 2014
Four Stretch Points for Group and TEam Coaching - Jan 2014
What? So What? Now What? - Fall 2013
The Benefits of Group Coaching - July 2013
Team Coaching Characteristics - September 2013
Bringing More Visuals into Your Group Coaching - December 2012
Partnering and Co-Facilitation: 10 Questions - October 2012
Closing off a Group Coaching Process - May 2012
Five Great Books for Coaches to Have on their Bookshelf - May 2012
Coaching Business Builder - Know Your Client - May 2012
What have been your favorite posts over the years? What have you used to support you in your work.
As always, please feel free to share your insights!
Hope you will join us tomorrow at 12 noon ET. Recording will also follow in the next few days.
Jennifer Britton, MES, CPT, PCC, CPCC
Potentials Realized | GroupCoachingEssentials.com
Author of Effective Group Coaching (Wiley, 2010) and From One to Many: Best Practices for Team and Group Coaching (Jossey-Bass, 2013)
Phone: (416)996-8326
Join us for an upcoming program:
Group Coaching Essentials teleseminar starts Friday May 9th runs to June 13th at 10:15 am ET by phone. No class June 6th (6.75 CCEs - 4spots)
Mentor Coaching Group for ICF Credentialing (ACC/PCC) or ACC Renewals - Fridays 9-10 am Eastern - 10 hours. 7 group calls starting May 2nd running to July 25th (3 spots)
Early bird rate for the July 10-11 Group and Team Coaching Intensive is on! Join me this summer in beautiful Muskoka for this 2 day program (approved for15 CCEs - 5 spots).
June 2 - 3 (Monday/Tuesday) join me for a two day Train-the-Trainer at the Facilitation Skills Intensive held in downtown Toronto. The focus is on group facilitation techniques (6 spots).