Tuesday, March 31, 2009
6 Tips for Your Next Phone Based Group Coaching Programs

Thursday, March 19, 2009
BizTip on Thursday: Perseverance
The power of repetition and persevernce is critical for small business owners, even more so today where purchase decisions are often taking longer to make or being given more thought by consumers. Coaching services are no different.
Here are a few questions to consider as it comes to business development and perseverance.
- How are you approaching your marketing efforts these days?
- Where are you persevering?
- How are you continuing to reach out to your audience while adding value? Adding value is a key piece here. Ask yourself also how your communications/outreach is adding value.
- What short term strategies are you employing?
- What long term platform are you building?
- How are you allocating your time between the short term immediate gain, and the long term payoff?
Have a great week! As always, your comments are most welcomed below!
Warm regards,
Jennifer Jennifer Britton, PCC, CPCC, CHRP Potentials Realized 90 Day BizSuccess Group Coaching Program (TM): Next Program starts April 7 (Tuesdays 10:30 -11:45 am ET)Looking to launch your own Group Coaching Program? The Group Coaching Essentials program starts again next week - Tuesday 12 - 1:15 pm (ET) and will be held on March 24, 31, April 7 and 14, plus a 5th call in May. The April group will meet on Mondays from 7-8:15 pm (ET) on April 6, 20, 27 and May 4th plus a fifth call in June. Click here for more info or to register for either program.
Monday, March 02, 2009
10 Core Questions to Bring Into Your Next Group Program

10+ Core Questions for Your Next Program
Copyright 2008-9. All Rights Reserved. Jennifer Britton
We often say that questions are a coach's best tool. I've spent that last few weeks on the design of a new coaching program for managers and in designing it, I was struck once again by the power and simplicity of the powerful question.
In the next few days become consciously aware of the questions you are bringing into your work with clients - whether it's in 1-1 work, or with groups or teams. Are your questions:
- Open-ended
- Leaving the client breathless before they answer, or leading them to pause or say "Wow. That's a great question".
- Between 5 and 6 words in length (One of my key takeaways from my own coach training years ago was that powerful questions usually are 5 or 6 word long - take a listen to yours!)
- Leading a client to really think differently, or deepen their understanding, as a result of the question
Here are some of my favorite core Questions for the Group Context. They are not all powerful questions, but they do get people thinking and conversations flowing:
Starters/Warm up:
What’s your hope for today’s session? What’s your fear? What’s your fantasy?
What do you want to take away from today’s session?
What is your intention for the day?
What will you commit to bringing to the group?
What role do you want to in the group?
On a scale of 0-10 how engaged will be with the process?
What risk will you take today?
What is one action you can take today to stretch your comfort zone?
Check Ins along the way:
What’s been your biggest ah-ha so far?
What is one thing that you can do in the next hour/day/session that will stretch your comfort zones?
What has shifted for you since we started?
Taking Action:
What action can you take to make this happen?
What do you want to commit to?
What do you need to say yes to? What do you need to say no to?
What will success look like?
Enjoy and try weaving these questions into your next session.
Jennifer Britton, PCC, CPCCGroup Coaching EssentialsEmail: info{at}potentialsrealized{dot}com
This Month's Program Line-up: Group Coaching and Business Development
Here's our program line up for the next month:
Group Coaching Essentials: This program is designed for coaches who want to expand their work to the group coaching environment. The program is a resource-rich, interactive program focusing in on the design, marketing and implementation of your own group coaching program. Packed with tips, tools and templates to make your process easier, this program includes 5 calls, 1-1 lazer sessions with Jennifer, and an 80 page manual. Space is limited to 6-8 coaches as it is a hands-on, interactive program.
Two new sessions starting soon. Choose from either:
Tuesdays from 12 - 1:15 pm (Eastern): March 24, 31, April 7 and 14 2009 plus a 5th call in May (date to be set by group)
OR Mondays from 7-8:15 pm (Eastern): April 6, 20, 27 and May 4 plus a fifth call in early June 2009 (date to be set by group)
Click here to register and reserve your spot.
90 Day BizSuccess Program:
Ready to focus in on your business and take it to the next level? The 90 Day BizSuccess Program will provide you with new tools and ideas for your business, as well as dozens of business development exercises, tips and templates. The program will provide you with 3 months of accountability and focus on growing your business, all within the structure of a group coaching program. Join other coaches, trainers and small business owners as we focus in on you and your growth!
Topics covered include:
- Developing a Powerful Vision for Your Buinsess;
- Creating Your Business RoadMap;
- Identifying What Makes You Uniquely Powerful as a Business Owner;
- Identifying Your Niche and Clients;
- Expanding Your Web and Networks;
- Leveraging Tradition and Social Marketing Approaches
Jennifer brings the best of her tried and tested small business toolkit which she once shared as a Business Faculty Member working with business students.
The next program will start on April 7th on Tuesdays from 10:30 -11:45 am (ET)Group Calls held on:
April 7, 21, May 5, 19, June 2, 16, 31. Celebration call scheduled by group later in the summer.
Cost: $347 US. Click here to register.
Workshop and Retreat Essentials: The program that started it all, celebrates it's 5th birthday in April. If you are a coach looking to expand your work into workshops or retreats this program will support you in designing, marketing and implementing your own workhsop or retreat. The program will also cover the popular virtual retreat design.
Fridays 10:30 - 11:45 am(EST): April 24, May 1, 8 and 15 plus 5th call in June (set by Group)
Questions? Please feel free to drop me a line at info{at}potentialsrealized{dot}com.
Jennifer Britton, PCC, CPCC
Group Coaching Essentials
Potentials Realized
Mobile: (416) 996-TEAM (8326) Toll Free: 1-866-217-1960