Thursday, February 26, 2009
New Truths about Customers/Clients
There was a great article in today's Profit Magazine Online entitled "7 New Truths About Your Customer". You can access it here.
The article states:
"Accenture suggests three keys to respond to this: know your customers, by conducting customer-segmentation analysis to reveal their preferences and predict their behaviour; reach your customers, by interacting with them through channels such as blogs, social media and company discussion boards; and tailor your service to deliver a compelling customer experience based on what you’ve learned by knowing and reaching your customers."
For those of you who have taken either my Group Coaching Essentials program, or the 90 Day Biz Success program, you will know that I am very passionate about challenging coaches to look at the business side of the work they do. It is the former Business Faculty lecturer in me! Knowing your customer (or client) and leveraging technology to build your platform and spread the word about what you have to offer is continues to be a key success strategy.
I hope that you will click on over to the article and see what juicy nuggets you can harvest for your own business.
Have a great day!
Jennifer Britton, PCC, CPCC
Group Coaching Essentials
Toll Free: 1-866-217-1960
Registration just opened this morning for the next 90 Day BizSuccess Program which will start on Tuesday April 7th at 10:30 am (ET). Ready to take your business to the next level with a 3 month focus, some new tools and support?
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Considering Co-Facilitation?
For those of you looking for some tips on how to approach co-facilitation, I want to invite you to take a look back at some of the posts I've written in the past on the topic of co-facilitation here.
Is co-facilitation always essential - No. But co-facilitation brings a number of benefits, especially if:
- Your group of team size is large
- You want to be able to provide altnerative perspectives and voices as facilitators
- You want to ensure that the faciilitation team brings a mix of expertise (prehaps industry experience and/or subject matter experience in addition to facilitation experience)
- You want to provide a variety of styles/approaches
From my experience, one of the most important ingredients to successful co-faciliation work is taking the time upfront (i.e. before you design your work, and before you are in front of a group or team!) to design your own relationship. Many of the posts from 2008 around co-facilitation address this very issue.
What have been the success factors which have led to great co-facilitation work on your part? What are your co-facilitation questions? As always, please feel free to comment below!
Jennifer Britton, PCC, CPCC
Group Coaching EssentialsMobile: (416) 996-TEAM (8326)Friday, February 13, 2009
Group Coaching Essentials starts Tuesday at 12 noon (ET)
Just a quick reminder that the next Group Coaching Essentials program starts Tuesday Feb 18th at 12noon (ET)by phone. We'll be meeting on Tuesdays from 12-1:15 pm(EST) on Feb 17, 24, March 10 and 17, as well as for a fifth call in May (5th call to be scheduled at a date convenient to the group).
If you are looking to develop your own group coaching program this spring and summer and are not looking to reinvent the wheel . If you want a supportive environment to boost your momentum, and add onto your toolkit in terms of resources, templates and exercises for group coaching, I hope that you will consider joining me next week.
The program covers:
* The Foundation of Group Coaching – What is Group Coaching, Best Practices of Group Coaching, and Adult Learning Principles
* The Nuts and Bolts of Developing Group Coaching – Making Your Program Development Fun and Effective: Technical issues, Techniques and Templates for Developing and Running Your Program
* Marketing Group Coaching – Knowing Your Audience, General Marketing Principles and Materials
* Filling Up Your Toolbox – Exercises and Other Resources for Group Coaching
Included in your program registration are:
* 5 x 75 minute teleclasses;
* The 85 page Group Coaching Essentials manual;
* * Pre and post course 1-1s with me;
* Lazer 1-1 sessions from me as needed throughout the program (at no extra cost - value $400).
Cost: $275US or Canadian.
The Group Coaching Essentials program is a very interactive, intimate teleseminar program. Program size is limited to ensure maximum attention. Most coaches complete the program with at least one, and sometimes two, new group coaching designs and marketing ideas.
You can register online, email me at info{at}potentialsrealized{dot}com, or give me a call at (416) 996-TEAM (8326) to register.
I look forward to having you join me!
Jennifer Britton, PCC, CPCC
Group Coaching Essentials
Can't make this month's date? The April program is starting to fill quickly. April's session will be held on Monday's from 7-8:15 pm (ET) on April 6, 20, 27 and May 4 (plus a 5th call in June).
Thursday, February 05, 2009
CoachCards Resurrected
CoachCards has been resurrected and can now be found at in honor of Thomas J. Leonard of Coachville.
Click on over -- the cards are free and a great way to reach out quickly to your clients, colleagues and others!
Jennifer Britton, PCC, CPCC
Group Coaching Essentials
(416) 996-TEAM (8326)
Tuesday, February 03, 2009
Expand Your Reach: Tips for Group (and Team) Coaching
Playback Dial-in Number: 1-218-339-2651 (Midwest)
Playback Access Code: 241201
Callers are responsible for their own long distance charges to connect with the bridgeline. Length: 45 minutes
Do enjoy listening!
Jennifer Britton, PCC, CPCCC
Potentials Realized
Group Coaching Essentials
Phone: (416) 996-8326
Thanks for lunch!
The recording for our lunch call today is not yet ready (and might be a victim of mercury in retrograde), so I'll invite you to listen to my December call - 9 Tips for Great 2009 Programs. You can listen to the first part of it here, if you haven't listened to it yet.
Some of the key topics we spoke about today were:
What is group coaching?
How does it differ from 1-1 coaching? From workshops?
What forms does group coaching take?
How do you fill your programs?
Tips and tools for your own program design
Wanting more information on group coaching or want to launch your own program? Please consider joining me for this month's Group Coaching Essentials program starting on FEB 17th (Tuesdays from 12 - 1:15 pm ET, Feb 17, 24, March 10, 17 and a call in April). Click here for more info and to register. Space is limited to 6-8 coaches.
Jennifer Britton, PCC, CPCC, CHRP
Potentials Realized
Phone: (416) 996-TEAM
Toll Free: 1-866-217-1960
Email: info{at}potentialsrealized{dot}com
Monday, February 02, 2009
February Programs: Group Coaching, Business Growth, Exercises

Some of the topics we cover include:
* Creating a Powerful Vision and RoadMap for Your Business
* Busting through Limiting Beliefs about your business
* Essential Business Systems (budgets, marketing plans etc)
* Leveraging Your Time and Network
* Social Networking 101: Twitter, Blogging, Facebook - Make it work for you!