Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Kindle, Books and Highlighting: Mark It Up

Yesterday I retweeted a great blog post by Scott Strathern entitled "The Awesomeness of Being a 2.0 Author". In it he talks about his views on having his book now aviablle via Kindle. Here's a link to his post. Check it out because it's really interesting.

This morning I thought that I'd check out my own book, Effective Group Coaching, to see how the Kindle version is doing. The Kindle version came out about 6 months ago, and to be honest, I wasn't sure if I liked having it available or not as an author. My publisher, Wiley and Sons, made it available, and I'm glad they did.

I too think it's really cool to see what people are highlighting in their own Kindle versions. You can check out the Kindle edition of Effective Group Coaching and take a look yourself as well. If you have a Kindle version here's my invitation to "mark up your book" with highlighting. I think the highlights are an interesting snapshots of nuggets of wisdom, and themes that different readers latch onto.

What do you like about Kindle books? I'm still a hard copy kind-a-gal myself, although as e-book readers become more competitive here in Canada, it may change for me. I'd love to hear your stories, and any experience you've had in "Marking Up" Effective Group Coaching. What have you liked?

Have a great day,

Jennifer Britton
Group Coaching Essentials : Our Jan 13th class is now full AND registrations are being accepted for the Jan 25th program (Tuesdays 9-10:15 am Eastern) and the Feb 8th program (Tuesdays 8-9:15 pm Eastern). Hope to have you join us!
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Cal Habig said...

Oh, I am so disappointed! I looked & looked for a digital copy of your book & couldn't find. I finally bought the hard copy, which is great, but REALLY prefer not having another book on my shelf (or especially lugging around another book in my briefcase) I can access it wherever and whenever as long as it is in my Nook. (Nook can read Kindle version, although Kindle's can't read the other versions of e-books).

Jennifer Britton said...

Hi Cal - You should be able to get digital copies from, (Kindle), as well as Chapters/Indigo (who carry their own e-book version). Enjoy and do mark it up!

Cal Habig said...

Thanks Jennifer. But since I have bought the paper copy, I hate to rebuy the digital copy. Hopefully your future stuff will be in ebook format & I can get them in that format. Thanks.