Thursday, January 06, 2011

5 Group Coaching Virtual Program No Nos

With travel plans both sides of the Atlantic being stymied over the holiday season due to weather, many businesses, and individuals, are re-evaluating whether they really do want to, or need to, fly and/or travel.

Earlier this week, I identified increased virtualization of learning programs, including group coaching as a possible trend for 2011.

If you are a coach or trainer looking to launch your own group program by phone or web this year be sure to avoid the following virtual program No Nos:

1. Not having a back up plan in the event of technology failure: Technology glitches usually happen when least expected. Ensure that you have a back-up bridgeline ready, and a fast way to communicate with registrants if needed. Depending on your call size, call type (webinar/teleclass vs. group coaching) and your comfort levels, you may consider having a support person take care of the technology issues during your call.

2. Not working out a timeline for the call and sense of where you can "accordion": Having a sense of how the call may play out time-wise, and thinking through what areas can be shortened if time is running out, or lengthened if you are moving too quickly, is an important consideration for all group coaching programs, especially in the virtual domain.

3. Not doing a dry run - The first time you run a program, it will be important to do a dry run. Your dry run may be as simple as a mental "rehearsal" in your head, or as detailed as having a live pilot group move through the program, providing feedback and enabling you to see real-time how your program design, exercises and materials stand up.

4. Assuming everyone is engaged and focused - This assumption can be the kiss of death for a virtual program. It is critical to engage your groups throughout the call. Wandering eyes, and minds, are very common in the virtual domain. A general rule of thumb is to change the pace every 5-7 minutes in the virtual domain, whether you ask the group a question, call for a response, or have people write something down. Another important technique to support the focus is to regularly provide an overview of the process - where you are, what's been covered/discussed, and what's coming up next.

5. Not recognizing the different learning needs on the calls - It is very likely that within any group you are working with you will have a mix of visual, auditory and kinesthetic learners. Avoid the trap of thinking that everyone attending your virtual program is an auditory learner. What activities can you incorporate, or changes you can make as a facilitator, to meet the different learning needs of the group (i.e. visual learners, kinesthetic learners)? For different strategies, you may wish to check out a recent blog post I did on engaging your groups.

Next time you are running a virtual program, whether pure group coaching, or a webinar or teleclass, be proactive to avoid these No Nos.

Warm regards


Jennifer Britton, PCC, CPT
Author of Effective Group Coaching (Wiley, 2010)
Host of Group Coaching Essentials (6.75 CCEs with theICF): January programs start January 13th (Thursday 10:30 - 11:45 am ET) and January 25 (Tuesdays 9-10:15 am ET). Register online today.


Unknown said...

Hi Jennifer. I am looking to become a certified coach and I want to focus on group coaching. I have a business model, a niche and funding potential. I have an AB in Sociology from Harvard and an MBA from Harvard Business School and have been a conference producer for the past 15 years. I have been looking at coaching certification programs but they all are based on the one-on-one methodology and I really want one based on the one-to-many/group model. Is your course right for me or is there another school/program I should attend prior to enrolling in your classes?

Jennifer Britton said...

Hi Alli,
The Group Coaching Essentials program is structured to provide a foundational group coaching framework. It is a good starting point for many coaches and other facilitators. Hope that this provides you with a little more info - feel free to contact me by email with more questions. The program runs monthly (and sometimes twice a month) with starts this month Jan 13th and Jan 25. You can find out more at Looking forward to hearing from you.