Tuesday, March 01, 2011

Teleclasses and Teleseminars - 5 Tips

A lot of coaches and trainers incorporate teleclasses and teleseminars into their delivery options. I consider group coaching a sibling to teleclasses, although a more intimate and interactive conversation. Many of my initial group coaching programs originally started out in a teleclass format including the 90 Day Your Balanced Life program back in 2004, when it was simply 6 one hour calls done on a weekly bass.

What are 5 things to remember when leading a teleclass (and notice the similarity to group coaching)

1. Consider what's important for your learners. Focus on them, their learning and in creating opportunities for them to connect their learning to real life.
2. Provide useful content, resource links and materials which members can sink their teeth into (Many of you may note how I consider teleclasses to be more content rich, and group coaching more conversation rich).
3. Provide an overview of the call - Provide an agenda or overview of the topic at the start of the call. Let people know where you are going. Recap regularly.
4. Provide visual anchors. I regularly speak with trainers, coches and facilitators on the importance of these anchor points in the virtual domain. What will keep a visual focus for group members during the program - will you create a handout? Have a slide deck? Integrate video?
5. Be familiar with the technology, and most importantly know how to mute callers. Test out your technology prior to the call, know how to overcome the invariable "echos", dogs barking and other distractions by knowing how to use mutes, "raised hands" for questions, and other bridgeline tools.

There are by no means comprehensive tips for teleclasses and teleseminars, but some of the ones you may not have considered yourself. What do you see as the key challenges for you in running a teleclass or telesemiar?

I'll invite you to look around at the many tips on virtual learning and best practices here at the Group Coaching Ins and Outs blog. Many of them are transferable to the teleclass/teleseminar environment.

Have a great week,

Jennifer Britton, MES, PCC, CPCC
Author of Effective Group Coaching (Wiley, 2010)
Host of the Group Coaching Essentials program - An ICF Accredited CCE program with starts on March 9 and 22
Join me in Toronto on April 2 and 3 for a 2 day in person Group Coaching Training program.

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