Monday, October 27, 2008
5 Essential Coponents of High Impact Group Programs
Copyright 2008 - Jennifer Britton.
I often get asked about some essential components for a high impact group program. Today I wanted to share with you 5 components which I see as essential for any group program - whether it is a workshop, retreat or group coaching program.
Group Ground Rules/Ways of Working
Whether you call them ground rules, ways of working, or terms of engagement, it is important to facilitate a discussion at the start of any group program as to how the group wants to work together. As participants offer suggestions, write these down on a flipchart (or have participants write them down intheir manuals for virtual (phone based programs). I always like to ensure that the following are included on the lists:- Start and End on Time- Respect of Others Opinions and Experiences- Confidentiality (for Group Coaching programs)- Playing Fully through the process
Engaging exercises make the difference between a good program and a great one! Is it time to stock up on some new exercises? Consider doing some web based research, investing in some new material from ASTD or Wiley publishers, or even the Engaging Exercises for Teams and Groups E-Manual.
Materials for Participants
I am a real advocate for providing written materials - a handout or manual - for participants/learners in every program I run. Not only is it an important takeaway, remember that 60% of adults are predominantly visual learners. This is particularly important for phone based programs where written materials on a call, interspersed by short exercises can help to keep partipants engaged.
Exercises between sessions
What work have you assigned between sessions to help participants deepen their learning or expand their understanding? In coaching we often say that the real work happens between coaching sessions, when the client starts to explore and apply what we have discussed in our session. What exercises are you providing between sessions to help deepen their learning or expand their awareness? What exercises can you create to support them in taking action and making change?
Don't forget to get feedback in the moment and after sessions so you can continue to improve your programs and participant experiences.
Question: What steps will you take to ensure these 5 essential components are in your next program?
Warm wishes,
Jennifer Britton, PCC, CPCC
Potentials Realized
Group Coaching Essentials
Toll Free: 1-866-217-1960
Email: jennifer{at}potentialsrealized{dot}com
Last Group Coaching Essentials program of the year starts on Thursday November 6th from 8-9:15 pm (ET). Calls held Nov 6, 20, Dec 4 and 11/08 plus 5th call in early Jan
Tuesday, October 07, 2008
90 Day BizSuccess Group Coaching Program starts October 17
This 3 month program includes:
- 7x 1 hour group coaching calls with a maximum of 8 participants (Fridays from 11 - 12 noon Eastern, 8-9am Pacific) over a 3 month period
- Bi-weekly modules delivered full of tools, resources and exercises to grow your business
- 36 E-Biz Tips delivered to your mailbox 3 times a week for the program length
- 15 minute lazer coaching 1-1 session with me on a monthly basis at no extra cost!
During the three months of the program you will:
- Create Your Business RoadMap: Develop or refine your business vision
- Explore your unique strengths and abilities as a business person, identifying areas for leverage and competitive advantage
- Get clear on your niche (or niches) - Who are your clients? Who do you serve?
- Identify what unique products and services you offer and how this sets you apart from other providers
- Explore Your Web: Identify opportunities for collaboration and partnerships with other business owners and service providers
- Develop your marketing strategy and budget
- Investigate how your business can leverage technology and social media to build their client base and increase sales through an introduction to blogs, podcasts and other platforms
- Develop a concrete business action plan for the next year
- One session will be dedicated to additional topics that matter most to participants
Cost: $347 for the 3 month program.
There are still 4 spaces remaining in the program. To register and reserve your spot you can visit us online or contact me directly by email/phone at jennifer(AT)potentialsrealized(dot)com/ 1-866-217-1960 (toll free across N.America). Curious about how the program may benefit you? Please give me a call.
If you haven't seen this side of my work yet -- please check out some of the business coaching work I've done over the years - including developing the publication "Starting Your Own Business - A Guide for Women in York Region" (2006) and the Succession Planning Webinar Series early this year.
I look forward to hearing from you!
Warm wishes,
Jennifer Britton, PCC, CPCC
In the Spotlight - Marcy Nelson-Garrison and Bill Silverman
Starting this month I am excited to be offering a new column called - In the Spotlight. These posts will be highlighting some of the work alumni of the Group Coaching Essentials program are taking out into the world.
As group coaching becomes an increasingly popular offering, more and more coaches are adding it to their service offerings. This month I am pleased to spotlight the work of two coaches and alumni-- Marcy Nelson-Garrison of CoachingToys, and Bill Silverman, CPCC. You may even be interested in attending their programs, or prehaps passing on this info to some of your clients.
Bill Silverman
Jump Start to a Career You Love

The workshop will be done by teleconference once a week for 6 weeks. Each session will be 90 minutes long and include experiential activities, coaching and thought-provoking questions and discussion between participants designed to help them get new insights and move forward. Participants will create a compelling career vision, develop strategies to overcome obstacles and commit to a plan to move them forward.
Marcy Nelson-Garrison
90 Day Product Intensive Group Coaching Program

Are you sitting on a product idea or ideas?
A colleague of mine is offering a group coaching program designed to help you create products. With today¹s economy anything that can help build credibility, generate additional revenue and give you ways to have a greater impact is worth considering. Plus I know for a fact that Marcy is the expert to go to on this subject.
The 90 Day Product Intensive
With product mentor coach, Marcy Nelson-Garrison MA LP CPCC
You will learn things like; the ingredients of a successful product, how to hire and work with designers, writers and printers, simple steps to conduct your own market research, how to create a prototype, how to price your product, the best online and offline distribution channels and more.
Here's what you get:
Two group sessions per month and a bonus 7th session A 1:1 session with Marcy PER MONTH Three down-loadable products packed with valuable how to information:
The Product Planner, Print Product Basics and Research Basics Access to a private Members Only page where you can get additional resources, handouts, downloads and recordings of the group calls.
The 90 Day Product Intensive begins October 14th (Tuesdays 2-3:15 pm ET)
Early bird pricing is available through Oct 7(Save over $100 per month)
Learn More at:
Inspired by what Marcy and Bill have to offer? Join the growing ranks of coaches who are graduates of the Group Coaching Essentials program. Throughout this two month program you will design and create your own group coaching program. Registration is now open for our last two classes of 2008. Choose from either Mondays from 1-2:15 pm (ET) starting on October 20 or Thursdays from 8-9:15 pm (ET) starting on November 6. Click here for more information and to register.