Monday, November 28, 2005

What Lies Ahead

This past weekend I was speaking and exhibiting at the Whole Life Expo here in Toronto. It was a wonderful experience to connect with individuals and practionners here in the Toronto area and to showcase some of the work I am doing with individual and group clients. Now that this event is complete, I'm looking forward to dedicating more regular time to this blog. may be asking "What lies ahead?". My vision for this blog is to support coaches with information and tips about group coaching. Postings will include discussion on :

  • What is, or is there, a connection between group coaching and workshops?
  • The Nuts and Bolts- how do you go about it? Logistics? Length? Number of participants?
  • Developing your Content
  • Marketing -- getting your message out, where group coaching may fit into your overall product mix

For the last fifteen months I have been running a very succesful teleseminar program entitled Training Essentials For Coaches, designed to support coaches to develop their own workshops, retreats and group coaching programs. This program has now been taken by close to a 100 coaches from across North America and as far away as New Zealand. I continue to be amazed at the powerful work coaches who have participated in the program are undertaking around the world!

Given the increasing interest on the part of coaches for more information and support in this area, in January one of the two Training Essentials for Coaches programs will be totally dedicated to supporting coaches who want to develop their own Group Coaching programs. Stay tuned for the launch of this Group Coaching Essentials program. Dates will be announced later this week.

With continued best wishes for your success in group work,


Friday, November 18, 2005

Welcome to the Ins and Outs of Group Coaching

Welcome to the Ins and Outs of Group Coaching! As a Certified Coach (CPCC) who has been facilitating group coaching for several years now, I was very excited to hear about how group coaching is now catching onto the mainstream. As a coach who has been supporting many other coaches in North America over the last year to develop their own group coaching programs, I am hoping to bring this to a wider audience.

My intention with this blog is to provide coaches with tips, tools and information on group coaching, so you can be more successful with your work with group clients and in your business.

The interest is definitely there on the part of coaches, as well as the need for more infomation. After posting an offer to host a free-one hour session on Group Coaching on the Co-Active Network earlier this week, I had 30 coaches sign up in the first twenty-four hours to attend, from across North America, and as far away as New Zealand. Incredible.

Stay tuned for many upcoming posts filled with information and insights!

To your continued success in working with groups,
Jennifer Britton, MES, CPT, CPCC