Saturday, December 21, 2019

Early Bird Rate on the January 1st 60 Day Coaching Business Builder Accelerator Ends December 23rd

Are you ready to make 2020 the start of a great decade with your work?

A quick reminder as you wind down for the holidays that the Early Bird rate for the 60 Day
Coaching Business Builder Accelerator wraps up December 23rd.

I'll be kicking off a brand new program on January 1st, incorporating the best tools and approaches I've used as a business group coach since 2004. 

The Coaching Business Builder Workbook and Planner is grounded in the philosophy that Consistent Steps + Daily Action = Momentum. With that in mind, the 60 Day Accelerator is going to support you in focusing on, and taking consistent FOCUSED action, on your business for 60 days straight.

You'll have the support from me with twice a week calls - Mondays and Fridays from 815 - 845 am ET, as well as lots of peer support through a dedicated private message group hosted in my Conversation Sparker Zone (on Mighty Networks).

The 60 Days starts on January 1st 2020 and we wrap up on March 1, 2020.

For 8 weeks we'll be meeting together on Mondays and Fridays to start and end the week focused on your goals. You'll have access to weekly videos to help you grow and take action as a coach and business around core foundations like your strengths, your message, your branding and offers. You'll get a weekly 15 minute laser coaching call with me, and also access to a weekly template you can use in your work. Peer support and membership in a private Mighty Network Community just for Accelerator members are going to round out the program.
As someone who has offered business group coaching for many years I think you'll find these elements combined can create some dynamic learning and insights. Let's see what emerges!

Day 1 starts January 1st - are you ready to get into momentum around your business?

The early bird rate of $997 US (with 1, 2, and 3 installment payment plans) ends at 1159 pm ET on December 23rd. I hope that you'll take advantage of it, and maybe even bring a friend. 10% savings for colleagues who register together. Email me and I will invoice you directly!

Looking forward to many conversations with you in 2020!

Best wishes,

Jennifer Britton - GroupCoachingEssentials | Potentials Realized
Author of Effective Group Coaching (2010), Coaching Business Builder (2018), Effective Virtual Conversations (2017) and From One to Many: Best Practices for Team and Group Coaching (2013). Check out my author page on Amazon for all publications.

If you are looking for support - I’ll be kicking off the first Group CoachingEssentials CCE approved program on Friday January 10th at 1015 am ET. This 8.75 CCE program also includes weekly 1-1 time with me (15 min each week). Is 2020 your year to get your groups going or expand the number of groups you are doing? Whether you are new to group coaching or stepping into your next year, there’s always something to learn – I hope you’ll join us. Reserve your spot here.

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