Tuesday, January 03, 2006

What's Your Intention for Group Coaching in 2006?

Happy New Year! I hope that 2006 has started off with great success for you.

So, what's your intention for group coaching in 2006? What do you want to create? Have you chosen a topic to sink your teeth into (see the December 28th post)?

Here are some other questions to get you focusing in on your group coaching vision:

  • Who is your audience? (More to come on Knowing Your Client)
  • What type of group coaching program do you want to develop - in person, by phone?
  • When will you launch the program?
  • When will you offer the program?
  • How many clients do you want to to serve this year through group coaching?
  • How much revenue do you want to create from group coaching?
  • Who can you partner with?
  • What resources do you already have available?
  • What additional resources do you need?
  • How will you publicize your program?
  • What marketing tools will you use? (More on marketing and publicity later)

If you haven't done so already, start a file or a set of notes on what your group coaching program will look like. Development of a new program or product happens step by step. Set aside several times a week to vision and create. You will be amazed at how quickly the foundation can be created!

If you want an additional boost, a few spaces still remain in this month's Group Coaching Essentials Telseminar program. We will be meeting on Tuesdays from 7-8:15 pm (EST) on Jan 10, 17, 24 and 31st. The course will equip you with tools, templates, resources and the space to create or refine your own group coaching program. Cost for the course is $225 USD, and also includes several one-on-one sessions. If you are interested in registering, don't hesitate to contact me by email or phone at 1-866-217-1960.

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