Wednesday, December 28, 2005

Group Coaching Topic Inspiration

Many coaches struggle with identifying a topic or theme for their group coaching programs. Think about your own practice -- what is your niche? How could you develop a group coaching program for your clients? What are the topics of interest to them?

If you don't have a niche, or haven't identified one, reflect on your own passions and purpose. What are you passionate about? Knowledgeable about? What areas would you like to create a forum for others to explore or discover? Make a list of your responses to these questions. What jumps out at you? Could this be one possible topic area? Now make a list of the possible topics you could offer group coaching programs on.

Creating a group coaching program around a topic or theme can assist you with the development of the program, its marketing, while narrowing in on the impact of the program for your clients.

Here is a list of some of the areas coaches are offering group coaching programs in: life-work balance, parenting, financial issues, team building, leadership, business success, career transitions, single parents, grief, entrepreneurship, retirement, teenagers, and college student success.

What inspires you?

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