Friday, December 09, 2022

20 Questions for Group and Team Coaching - 12 Days of Holidays 2022 - Day 2

 Welcome back to Day 2 of the 12 Days of Holidays where I am sharing 12 core elements you can

integrate as a coach into your work with teams as groups. 

Today's focus brings us to one of the core elements of this work - QUESTIONS!

As coaches we can sometimes find ourselves in a rut around questions, yet they form the backbone to our conversations.

Today I wanted to share with you 20 questions I love to use, borrowed from my work as a Mentor Coach, and Coaching Supervisor. 

Keeping in mind the coaching arc I shared back in From One to Many: Best Practices for Team and Group Coaching, we want to think about the "bookends" of coaching - the start and end, as well as what we do to activate new insights, awareness, accountability and action around results and relationships.

Here are 20 questions you may want to consider:

1.   What’s important right now to explore? (Note this may link to the Six Factors of High Performing Teams, relationships, results etc)

2.   How does this goal connect with others? (other team members, KPIs, organizational goals etc)?

3.   What’s really important about that?

4.   What could get in the way?

5.   What additional support will help you be successful?

6.   What perspective are you in around this?

7.   What’s another perspective around that?

8.   What else?

9.   3 adjectives that describe….

1   If you were to make one change that made the biggest difference, what would it be?

     What is the one action you want to undertake in the next 24 hours?

     What impact would it have?

     What’s aligned?

     What’s not? 

     What would “wild success” look like?

     What will help you focus?

17.What’s your vision?

     What’s at the core?

     What’s the flip side? (or What’s an alternative to that)?

    Who is an ally for you in this?

21 What assumptions are you making?

     Imagine it is now 5 months down the road. How will you know you’ve been successful? 

     A reminder that when coaching teams our conversation is more of a collective one, versus in groups where each group member may reflect on each of these questions as it relates to their own pathway.

      Enjoy the Questions.     Have a great weekend!


 Jennifer Britton | Potentials Realized


What is your unique style as a coach? Take 2-minutes to complete the NEW Group and Team Coaching Superpower Quiz. You can find it at Share your style using the comments below and/or follow along on Instagram at our CoachingBizBuilder site.

Join us for an upcoming program including: 

Group Coaching Essentials - Fridays 1015 - 1130 am ET: January 13, 20, 27, February 4 and 11 (with Evana) - 8.75 CCes

Advanced Group and Team Coaching Practicum - 10 CCEs - Fridays 1230 - 145 pm ET: January 13 - mid-Feb (6 weeks) with Jennifer

Reconnecting Workspaces Certified Coach - 24 CCEs - Join us in January for our next 7 week offering on Thursday evenings from 5 - 730 pm ET starting January 19th running to 1st week of March. Build out your specialization for coaching in today's evolving workspaces - hybrid, in-person and remote. 1, 2 and 6 payments available.  With Jennifer.

Team Coaching Essentials (14 CCEs)  - Being asked to coach teams? Equip yourself with the foundations of this quickly evolving field. This program is grounded in our From One to Many methodology PLUS what works right now in today's evolving workspace. 6 week program on Mondays 12 - 130 pm ET  January 9,  23, 30, February 6, 13, 27 2023 with Kathy

Mentor Coaching Group - 10 hours Fridays 9-10 am ET: January 13 - April 13th with Jennifer. 5 spots open. (For ACC renewal or PCC)

Year End Business Planning Retreat - December 13 (1 - 5 pm ET) with Jennifer (4 spots open)

SAVE THE DATE For our 19th Annual Holiday Party - 10 - 1 pm ET on Tuesday December 20th (virtual on zoom)!

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