Thursday, November 05, 2020

Group Coaching - Back to Basics - It's all about the conversation

Welcome back to another week of the Group Coaching - Back To Basics series. This week's focus is "It's all about the conversation".

Having been a coach for many moons now - coming up to almost 19 years next year, I'm always amazed that even with all the changes in the world around us, the foundational principles and practices are just as relevant today as they were when I started. This holds true whether we are working with an individual coaching client, a group coaching client or team coaching client.

One of the things that makes coaching, coaching is the conversation. It's about multiple touch points and providing clients with the opportunity to hold conversations in a way that works for them.

I see this play out all the time in the virtual space. In a group , we may have people who are more comfortable with voice conversation, others with reflective pause and yet others via chat.

As a coach it's important that we meet them where they are at.

What are the different ways you are bringing "voices into the room"?

What are the different ways you are activating all our learning abililities. Consider :

Visual Learners

Auditory Learners

Kinesthetic Learners

At the end of the day, it's also about having space and time for the conversation. Group size needs to be small enough so people can feel like they are connected and not being talked at.  What are you doing to adjust pace throughout.

Finally, remember that for something to be considered group coaching, it needs to have no more than 15 people in the group for ICF Credentialing purposes. 

This week, what's going to be your focus to make sure it's all about the conversation?


With best wishes,


Jennifer Britton - Group Coaching Essentials | Effective Virtual Conversations | Potentials Realized
Instagram @Remote Pathways (for remote workers) and @CoachingBizBuilder (for coaches)
Author of Effective Group Coaching (2010), Coaching Business Builder (2018), Effective Virtual Conversations (2017) and From One to Many: Best Practices for Team and Group Coaching (2013). Check out my author page on Amazon for all publications.

Phone: (416)996-8326

Join us on Monday for one of the last Group Coaching Essentials programs of the year. We'll be meeting on Monday from 9 -1015 am ET on November 9, 16, 23, 30 and December 7th. 8.5 CCEs. 3 spots still open. Click here to learn more and reserve your spot.

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