Monday, January 13, 2020

Expanding Your Group and Team Coaching Toolkit - Presentations (29)

This week we find ourselves at the topic of Presentations as we look at expanding your group and team coaching toolkit.

Today's blog post is a little different in two respects. Number one, earlier this morning I recorded a short six-minute Facebook Live video with more detail about the five bullet points I want to share here.

Second, this week's post is not about what you can do with your groups and teams around their presentations  (perhaps more on this next week), RATHER it's more about your presentations of a business case, and the set up to group and team coaching. This is an area we cover more in-depth at the Group Coaching Essentials program, and at the Advanced Group and Team Coaching Practicum.

In your lead up to coaching many, there are likely to be multiple conversations with those being coached (the group members), as well as sponsors and any others involved in supporting those going through coaching. You'll want to make sure that roles and responsibilities are super clear, as is confidentiality and the role of the client.

As I discuss in this week's video message, five other areas you may want to cover in lead-up to the conversation are:

#1 - What is coaching (in general)?
#2 - How does group coaching differ from a workshop, and/or team coaching differ from team building?
#3 - What are the benefits of group and team coaching - here's where you might share case studies of your work, or benefits across the board. If you are working with a team, for example, it may be useful to share the focus on both results of the team, and building relationships.
#4 - What is the process people can expect
#5 - What are some of the critical success factors - i.e. team leader involvement and allocation of time to have conversations, and make the changes, and also their openness to receiving feedback

What are the elements you include in pre-coaching conversations? Who do you involve.
As I share in this week's video, the pre-conversations can be an important part of creating clarity for an ongoing coaching conversation.

I'm aiming do these short 5-10 minute Facebook LIves this winter (between now and early March) on Monday mornings around 845 - 9 am ET. I hope that you'll join me and you'll see when I go live at my Effective Group Coaching Facebook page.

Here's a link to this week's video


If you are looking for  coaching skills development through CCE approved programs - The first Group CoachingEssentials CCE approved program of 2020 just started on Friday. IT will kick off again on Monadys from 9 - 1015 am ET starting February 3rd (running for 5 week) This 8.75 CCE program also includes weekly 1-1 time with me (15 min each week). We cover the best practices of designing, marketing and running your own group or team coaching processes. Weekly assignments support you in drafting out your own program. Reserve your spot here.

Starting later today is the Virtual Facilitation Essentials  program, geared for those who want to become better in leading virtual calls -like zoom calls, or webinars, or virtual team sessions.  We are meeting for 5 weeks starting today - Monday January 13th from 130 - 2:45 pm Eastern - 5 weeks, 8.5 CCEs.

The Winter 2020 Mentor Coaching Group just started Friday and will be running for 3 months until April 18th. Geared for those applying for ACC/PCC with the ICF.

Looking to grow your business this year? Join me for the 60Day Coaching Business Builder Accelerator where you will be focusing on taking daily steps and consistent action around your coaching business. This program is based on my 2018 work, Coaching Business Builder. You can join the winter session up to the end of this week - January 17. Program runs to March 15th.

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