Monday, December 09, 2019

Expanding your group and team coaching toolkit - Team Effectiveness (27)

Team Effectiveness

This week’s Expanding your group and team coaching toolkit brings us into the topic of Team
Effectiveness. In addition to participating in team coaching, it can also be extremely valuable to help a team understand the elements which make them successful. This landscape has been dominated by many excellent researchers and writers including:

Katzenbach and Smith – Wisdom of Teams

A Theory of Team Coaching – Hackman and Wageman

Patrick Lencioni – The Five Dysfunctions (or Behaviors) of A Team

And I really enjoyed Phil Sandahl’s new book – Teams Unleashed

What are the elements which makes teams excel? I like to refer to these as the Six Factors. They often create the backbone for a team to self-esteem the areas they require further attention and focus around, as well as isolating and identifying what they are great at.

I’ve written quite a bit about this topic already over at the Teams365 blog so let me share this high level overview  from this post: #TEAMS365 #1920: Team Development: Revisiting the Six Factors  

“This month's theme here at the Teams365 blog is Team Springboards. Where do you start the conversation about how the team is doing?

​​One of the frameworks I continue to share with teams is what I call the Six Factors of High Performing Teams. These are six things that teams need in order to excel. The ingredients come from the research of professionals including: Katzenbach and Smith (The Wisdom of Teams), Hackman and Wageman (A Theory of Team Coaching) and others.

As you step into the new month, as a team you’ll take the pulse of where you are on a scale of 1- 10 in each of these six areas:

1. Shared purpose or mission (Your WHY)
What is your purpose? Your mission? Why do you exist? Does everyone hold the same understanding? What does this mean practically for your work? What priorities does your purpose or mission naturally create?

2. Shared behavioral norms
How do you do things? What is acceptable and unacceptable on the team? What behaviors and habits exist? Which ones are supportive of exceptional performance? Which ones aren't?

3. Shared commitment
What are team members committed to? What will you get done, no matter what? Is there anything that needs to be dropped off the list?

4. Shared performance goals
What are key goals for the team this year? What are key individual goals? How do your goals align? Overlap? What does success look like for each member? For the entire team? Does everyone have an understanding of the key goals of others on the team and how they feed into them?

5. Shared team practices
Teams that work together effectively share common practices such as a Monday morning huddle, a Thursday night out or some other regular event. What practices support your relationships?

6. Clear Roles
How do our roles overlap, align and connect? What changes, if any, are needed this year around your roles giving your priorities?
If you are interested in learning more or sharing different resources with your team, check out this past Team Leader Café Call I did on the topic of the six factors.

Check out this short video about the six factors.

If you have a copy of my book, Effective Virtual Conversations, check out chapter 11 (Virtual Team Development).”

What might you explore with your next teams or groups?

Enjoy the conversation,


Jennifer Britton
Potentials Realized | Group Coaching Essentials

Thrree things you might be interested in this week -
PlanDoTrack Facilitator Training starts Tuesday at 6 pm Eastern (24 CCEs)
Four hour Year End PlanDoTrack Business Planning Retreat - Friday from 1030- 230 pm ET
The 15th annual year-end group programs call - this Friday from 230 - 3 pm ET. Complimentary - join me in my zoom room 270-302-0415. We'll look at some of this year's trends and future opportunities for 2020 programming around group and team work. Hope you'll come and celebrate!

Join us for a winter 2020 program including:
Virtual Facilitation Essentials (renewing for 8.5 CCEs) - create more engaging and impactful virtual conversations - from coaching, to team development to education and webinars.
Group Coaching Essentials (8.75 CCEs) - starts again Friday January 10th at 1015 am ET
Advanced Group and Team Coaching Practicum (10 CCEs) - starts Friday January 10th
Mentor Coaching Groups - for ACC/PCC : 10 hours (meets ICF requirements) - starts Friday January 10 at 9 am ET

Questions? Reach out by email and/or give me a call at 416-996-8326

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