Tuesday, April 09, 2019

Expanding Your Group and Team Coaching Toolkit - Action (2)

Last week in kick off of this blog series, we started exploring different elements of the coaching
conversation, especially as it relates to tools and questions for teams and groups. If you haven’t read last week’s post, take a look at it here.

Another core foundation of the coaching process is action. Action creates action, and it can feel easy to coach around action.

 There is an elusive belief that to coach someone to do something quicker, faster or better, may be the best thing, but is it? A key question to explore is “is this the right action?”.

In coaching a group it’s likely that each person will have their own action plans. On a team, helping team members get clear on the collective actions which are prioritized, and what success looks like, can be a significant focus.
Questions you may want to explore as a team are:
What are the priority actions right now?
What will success look like?
How do I contribute to this collective goal?
Where might I impact others on the team  - overlap or be in conflict with?

In coaching for action, we’ll also want to keep in mind the varying layers of awareness. What else is possible? Awareness will be our focus next week.

In coaching for action, we can draw on a number of different coaching and related tools including:

  1. Coaching around planning tools such as SWOT Frameworks (this strategic planning tool can provide the backbone to a rich exploration by a team around their STRENGTHS, WEAKNESSES, OPPORTUNITES and THREATS.
  2. If you prefer an appreciative inquiry stance, coaching around the SOAR instead of the SWOT
  3. Identifying what we want to START, STOP and CONTINUE Doing
  4. The Stoplight framework of GREEN (Good, go), YELLOW (Cautiion, proceed slowly) and RED (STOP,  CAUTION/CRISIS)
  5. One page plans
  6. Urgent/important matrix made famous by Steven Covey – What are the actions which are having impact? Which are coming from a crisis mindset – yours or others?

What tools do you use in coaching for action?  Feel free to share one of your favorites in the comments below.

Six Coaching Questions to Explore around Action:
What actions are going to move you towards your goal?
What are the steps which are going to move the team forward collectively? As individuals?
If you knew you would not fail, what would you do?
To move you towards your vision, what do you need to do?
What’s the one thing you want to focus on?
What do you need to stop doing?

Next week we turn our attention to Coaching For Awareness. Stay tuned!
Enjoy the conversation,

Jennifer Britton, MES, PCC, CPCC
Group Coaching Essentials | Potentials Realized
Join us for an upcoming ICF CCE Approved program - the Advanced Group and Team Coaching Practicum (10 CCEs), the Group Coaching Essentials program (8.75 CCEs), or the Virtual Facilitation Skills Essentials (10 CCEs) 
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