Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Coaching Toolbox - Time Management

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As coaches we are not content experts AND it's always important to have a number of resources we point our clients to around key issues we are coaching them around. In this new series I will be suggesting a number of my favorite "go-to" resources I recommend to clients  (individuals, groups and teams) when I find myself coaching around.

I'm going to start with time management. Whether our clients are struggling with "doing more with less" or finding better balance (in whatever balance means for them), outside of the coaching conversation clients are often very eager to explore topics around time mangement and priorities.

Several key resources I often refer my clients onto are

The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People - Steven Covey

First Things First - Covey, Merrill, Merrill

Get it Done Guy - Stever Robbins

Overwhelmed - Brigid Schulte

168 Hours: You Have More Time Than You Think - Laura Vanderkam

MindTools.com - They have created so many great resources and articles - from Time Management to Delegation, many of my clients have their "content" needs satiated and create that information as a foundation for our coaching exploration.

In terms of coaching tools, work around the Wheel of Life, priorities and values is part of the terrain we usually explore.

What resources would you recommend to others around time management? As always, please comment below.

Best wishes,

Jennifer Britton, MES, CPT, PCC
Group Coaching Essentials | Potentials Realized

Author of Effective Group Coaching (Wiley, 2010) and From One to Many: Best Practices for Team and Group Coaching (Jossey-Bass, 2013)

Looking to expand your tools for groups and teams? Join us in Toronto the weekend of November 7-8 for the Group and Team Coaching Intensive (19 CCEs). Register with a colleague and each receive a discount on your registration.

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