Wednesday, October 08, 2014

Online/Virtual Facilitation Tips 7 and 8

Today we are going to look at Virtual Facilitation Tips 7 and 8. Whether you are running a webinar, a virtual group coaching program or a teleclass, some tweaks to your usual facilitation style is critical in the virtual environment.

Virtual Tip #7 is an encouragement to simulate the smaller group experience, typical in an in-person environment, through using virtual breakout groups. Paid services such as MaestroConferencing have breakout capability, as does free bridgeline service

Once group members become comfortable moving from "room" to "room" you may find multiple requests for the smaller group process. This also provides participants with the opportunity to experience and practice peer coaching skills, for those who are running group coaching programs.

Clarifying expectiations which learners have, and where possible, co-creating expectations for the virtual learning process can serve to reduce tricky issues and increase engagement. What are your group members expectations? What are your expectations of them and their engagement. Created shared ways of working (or group agreements or ground rules) will support all group members in focusing, really being present, and engaging. This also helps us to mitigate against one of the most common challenges of virutal learning today - the Death By Conference Call Syndrome.

Clarify what your expectations are and discover what group member's expectations are for the entire learning process. This may cover topics such as pre-work, post-work, participation, engagement, starting and ending on time, confidentiality etc.

Jennifer Britton, MES, CPT, PCC
Potentials Realized | Group Coaching Essentials
Author of Effective Group Coaching (Wiley, 2009) and From One to Many: Best Practices for Team and Group Coaching (,ossey-Bass, 2013)
Conversation Sparker Cards(TM) - a visual deck to bring into your coaching, team meetings, workshops and retreats

Join us for an upcoming program -
Virtual Facilitation Skills Intensive - a 15 hour program geared to equip you with virtual facilitation skills and practice. Two days Tuesday November 25 and Wednesday November 26: 8:30 - 4 pm plus 1 hour group follow-up call.
 Mentor Coaching Group - For ACC Renewals and ACC/PCC portfolio - 10 hours (meets  ICF requirement for mentor coaching - 7 hrs group calls, 3 hours individuals). Fridays 9-10 am ET running October 10 - January 9, 2015.
The Group and Team Coaching Intensive - November 1-2: Toronto (15 CCEs) - Register with a colleague and each save $200 off your registration.

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