Tuesday, August 05, 2014

Mentor Coaching Group starts Thursday August 14 at 9 am Eastern/New York by phone

For those working towards their ACC or PCC credential with the ICF I will be starting a new Mentor
Coaching Group starting Thursday August 14th at 9 am ET.

This is a 10 hour small group mentor coaching program, where we explore the elevent competencies of the ICF. Three hours are scheduled individually with me over the three months, and seven of the hours are scheduled by phone for one hour calls in a small group setting (maximum 6 coaches). 

During our group calls we spend half of each class exploring two or three of the competencies each session, also discussing approaches and resources you as a coach utilize. The other half of each of the group call is a coaching practicum, where you on a rotational basis will have the opportunity to coach at least one other participant. You will receive feedback on your skills, and you will also benefit from seeing different styles at play.

Group calls will be held on Thursdays from 9-10 am Eastern on August 14, 21, Sept 11, 26, October 2, 16, November 6.

Each group call is supported by module notes, which include more information about the competencies. 

Here’s what a recent alumni said about the program:
An excellent programme, supporting me to develop my confidence and capability as a coach.  Jennifer is a brilliant facilitator and very generous coach, sharing her comprehensive knowledge and expertise.  The opportunity to work with other coaches in the group calls and practicums was particularly empowering and affirming.  I loved it.  I feel I’ve really grown as a coach.” - Lorna Shaw, www.theheartofcoaching.co.uk

Cost: $1000 US or CDN (plus HST) for the 10 hour program

Click here to learn more or reserve your spot

With best wishes,

Jennifer Britton, MES, CPT, PCC, CPCC, BCC

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