Friday, December 13, 2013

Group Programs - What's Different Today, Trends and Future Possibilties

Group Programs - What's Different Today, Trends and Future Possibilities
By Jennifer Britton, MES, PCC, CPCC. All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2013.

I hosted my 10th Annual Year End Group Programs call yesterday, an annual tradition for me in terms of
taking a look at recent trends and looking to the horizon of what's ahead.

As I was preparing for the call, I reflected on what has changed in the realm of group programs and coaching over the past 9-10 years. Here were some of the things that came to mind:
- Ten  years ago we were talking about teleseminars and teleclasses as opening a whole new vista. Today, consider how webinars, Google Hangouts are continuing to create connection and new learning opportunities.
- The growth of mobile learning - being able to really learn just-in-time from so many places - by smartphone, tablet, web etc.
- The continued appetite for connection with others
- Ten years ago group and team coaching were undertaken by only a few, and many in the coaching profession felt that the coaching conversation can only ensue in the individual environment. Anything else was not coaching, but training or facilitation. Today team and group coaching are really recognized as sub-disciplines of our work.

I spoke yesterday about some of the things I see on the horizon, as well as current issues we want to continue keeping an eye on. Briefly they include:

1. A continued need for, and emphasis on, relationship building. What relationships have supported you throughout this year? What new relationships do you want to foster in the new year. Coaching is a highly individualized service. How are people getting to know you, and what you offer? What approaches have you found most effective in building relationships this year?

2. Synergy and blending in our approaches, in service to the clients we work with. Today's business and personal challenges and opportunities require a multi-disciplinary approach. Coaching is one part of any solution. how do we synergize with others, and blend our skills and approaches in the variety of contexts we engage in. Coaching philosophy and approaches are grounded in the client as being the "Expert". With this in mind, what does synergy and blend, look like, and mean, for our clients?

3. Measurement - A critical part of any coaching conversation is having the client, team or group, identify what success is going to look like for them. At the same time, as coaches we need to continue to keep an eye on measuring impact, and capturing client stories (in a way that maintains their confidentiality). One of the conference sessions I enjoyed the most this year, and found most validating, was Lisa Edward's presentation at the ICF Mid-West Regional Conference. She made me realize that I'm already doing many of the things that are seen as best practice.

4. Sustainability - Sustainability is also a key consideration for the work we do. I know that this is an often over-used word. My entire career, especially prior to coaching when I worked with the UN and on international development issues, entailed working with others to create sustainable futures. I have flagged sustainability as an issue to keep an eye on, on a number of levels. First, exploring what sustainability means for our clients and their results? Second, sustainability for the organizations we work with. How can we partner to build additional capacity in the organizations and entities our clients are part of? Finally, sustainability is also key for ourselves as a coaching business. What will enable you to build a sustainable business?

The Brundtland Report provided us with the following definition of sustainable development more than 25 years ago,
"Sustainable development is development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs."

What does sustainability mean for the coaching profession as a whole?

Sustainable development has always been grounded in a systems approach. What is your impact on the web around you.

I hope that you enjoy listening to the entire 50 minute call. In addition to quickly talking about these four areas, I also go into some recent research which has come out from the ICF about what coaches are doing, as well as some key reminders for making your own group programming (whether is it group coaching, or workshops, or retreats,  most impactful. You can listen into the call here.

Each year the call is a way for me to say thank you for your support. I also want to thank you for joining me here at the blog - whterh this is your first post that you read, or your hundredth. As always, I look forward to your feedback and suggestions on what you'd like to see going forward.

Best wishes for a wonderful holiday season!


Jennifer Britton, MES, PCC, CPCC
Potentials Realized | GroupCoachingEssentials
Author of Effective Group Coaching (Wiley, 2010) and From One to Many: Best Practices for Team and Group Coaching (Jossey-Bass, 2013)
(416)996-TEAM (8326)

Our 2014 programming starts on Friday January 10th with the start of the Mentor Coaching Group - ACC Renewals, and ACC/PCC portfolio; The Group Coaching Essentials teleseminar (6.75 CCEs), and the Advanced Group Coaching Practicum (8 CCEs). The 90 Day BizSuccess program starts Tuesday Jan 14th. I hope that you will join us!

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