Thursday, August 23, 2012

Key Marketing Tips for your Group Coaching Work

My mind is revolving around marketing for group coaching today, particularly as I was speaking about this topic with the Group Coaching Essentials program this morning. Questions around pricing, promotion, social media, positioning are always key topics when I am speaking with both internal and external coaches.

For those interested, I would invite you to check out past posts I have written around business development and marketing. At the moment I am synthesizing some key marketing tips for an upcoming presentation I am giving to a coaching group in September.

Some key tips to keep in mind when you go about marketing (and of course, your related design) for your programs this fall:

1. Don't just consider the program from your vantage point. Really put yourself in the shoes of the group members/clients you are working with. What is most meaningful and relevant to them in terms of marketing communication (language, approach/platform, touch-points). What do they want to know? What language is going to be relevant to them?
2. We learn through action. I continue to see business owners falling into the analysis - paralysis trap. As I mentioned this morning to the coaches participating in today's call, much of what I have learned in the realm of group coaching, and related marketing, has been through trial and error. I am the first to recognize that not everything I have done is a success. AND it's been really useful feedback and learning, which has helped me continue to shape and refine my work.
3. Track It, Track It, Track It - It's really important to notice, and ask for feedback on, when and where people are finding out about your work. Over time, notice what is sticking and what is not. Make adjustments as necessary (and frequently!).
4. Consider the question - "What do you want to be known for?".  What is the work you really want to create? Who are the people you really want to serve? From the 30,000 foot view, what do you want to be known for? How do you want to add value?
5. Remember it's about consistent action - Over time, action creates it's own momentum. A few weeks ago I wrote about the 1% rule to business development. How are your actions coming?

What's going to be your next step around your work?

Have a great week,

Jennifer Britton, PCC, CPCC
Author of Effective Group Coaching (Wiley, 2010)
Phone: (416)996-TEAM
Join us for an upcoming fall program: 90 Day BizSuccess Group Coaching (for Coaches wanting to build their business - Tuesdays 745-845 pm ET starting Sept 11), the Group Coaching Essentials teleseminar (6.75 CCEs starting Thurs Sept 13 at 1030am ET), the Advanced Group Coaching Practicum (Fridays 10:30 am ET starting Sept 14) and  the Mentor Coaching Group (starting Sept 4 and 14)

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