Tips, Tools, Information and Insights about Group Coaching and Group Programs for Coaches. Copyright 2006-2022: Jennifer Britton, Potentials Realized. All rights reserved.
Thursday, September 15, 2011
Always have a back up
Whether you run teleclasses, workshops or group coaching it's always a great idea to have a back up. This morning a new Group Coaching Essentials program launched. 20 minutes into our call, and mid-stream into our group introductions, the bridgeline failed. A facilitator/coach's worst nightmare! Luckily I've learned from experience to always have a back up and within five minutes we had easily migrated over to a new bridgeline. Regardless of the beads of sweat that did emerge on my brow for a minute as I located the backup number, it was a great learning experience for the coaches on the call who will be leading their own groups in a short while! I know that they will always have a back-up bridgeline, based on this experience.
Recovery is key when problems emerge. Remember that as the coach/facilitator/leader your tone, energy and composure will have a key impact on if the program goes off the rails, or it swings quickly back on course.
So whether you are running a teleclass/teleseminar/group coaching program by phone and need a back-up bridgeline, or a coach who works in person and may need a back-up hand-out, remote or set of markers, consider for yourself "What back up do you need to put in place in the event that things break down"?.
If you've got an experience to share that others can all learn from around this topic, please email me, and we can feature it on a future post.
Have a smooth rest of your week!
Jennifer Britton, PCC, CPCC
Group Coaching Essentials - Want to learn what to look out for with your own group coaching program? Join me for the October session which starts October 11th from 7-8:15 pm Eastern. 6.75 ICF CCEs.
Recovery certainly is the key to overcoming problems in the group coaching situation. Very well said.