"You've got to think about big things while you're doing small things, so that all the small things go in the right direction" - Alvin Toffler
Every day coaches, and other service based professionals are bombarded with messages including "You've got to do this", whether it's having a perfect website or spending time on things that are not a priority.
Today's Coaching Business Builder is all about thinking about your business priorities, those big and small tasks and goals taht will move your business forward. In his book, The Seven Habits for Highly Effective People, Stephen Covey talks about the big and small rocks, and the importance of fitting the big rocks in first (our big goals, our vision) so that the smaller rocks (urgent priorities, pressing requests) have space to fit. There's a great clip of him presetning this on YouTube here:
As you move forward with your business development consider the following questions:
1. What are your big goals? What steps will get you to achieve these? What smaller steps do you need to/want to keep undertaking to gain momentum towards these big goals?
2. What is the direction you want to move in over the next quarter? This year? In moving in this direction, what might you need to say NO to?
Have a wonderful week,
Jennifer Britton
New Mentor Coaching Group starts May 13th. Are you a coach who needs mentor coaching hours for their ACCs Re-certification or want to brush up on your core coaching competencies?- 7 hrs mentor calls as a group, 3 individual hours. Hope you will join me!
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