Friday, December 17, 2010

Are you Dreaming Enough with your 2011 Plans?

I'm running my year end Virtual Business Planning Retreat today and am having a blast. Part of the day has been spent on envisioning and planning around where people want their business to go during the course of 2011.

Have you started your planning? Are you dreaming as well as setting goals? Are you really creating a big enough vision for yourself during 2011?

I'm reading a great book right now called the Orange Revolution by Adrian Gostick and Chester Elton. For those who work with teams it is an absolute must-read.
I also really love what they say about the difference between Goals and Dreams:

“Let’s not get confused by the difference between a goal and a dream. A goal is something measurable, trackable and is built on analytics. Goals have realistic timelines, are measured by weighing out the data, the risks, and the current assets. They are essential to success, but they follow dreams. A dream is bigger – it has no boundaries, rules or past history. It’s focused on transforming business as we know it, and approaching from a direction never pursued- or at least never attained. In dreams, we seek the outstanding change – not just within the products we create but in the results those products inspire”

The Orange Revolution, Adrian Gostick and Chester Elton, pp.91 and 92

If you missed today's Year End Virtual Business Planning Retreat, don't worry! I'm going to be running it again in the new year for those who are eager to create some time and focus on their business.

Have a terrific weekend,

Jennifer Britton, PCC, CPCC
Author of Effective Group Coaching

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