Tuesday, August 17, 2010

5 Group Coaching Exercises for Small Business Owners

Coaches who specialize in working with small business owners and may wonder what are some of the group coaching exercises I can use with Small Business Owners?

Over the years I've working with dozens of small business owners groups - from in person groups of women business owners participating in government programs, to groups of business owners part of associations, to the business owners that I work with in my BizPlanning Virtual Retreats, and the 90 Day BizSuccess(TM) Program.

Five of my favorite group coaching exercises for small business owners are:
  • Creating Your Business Vision by either providing business owners with a series of powerful questions to help them refine their own business vision, or taking the more creative and intuitive approach, of having them create a collage or vision board of their work;
  • Identifying limiting beliefs, and coaching around more empowering beliefs;
  • SWOT - yes, that favorite strategic planning tool from the 1990s, can be a great tool to support business owners explore their own strengths and weaknesses, as well as the opportunities and threats facing them.
  • Wheel of Small Business Mastery - Have you ever thought about adapting the Wheel of Life to incorporate small business skills. It can serve as a great self-assessment or intake tool.
  • Identifying core business values - What drives your business? What does your business stand for? What do you stand for as a business owner?

What are some of your favorite group coaching exercises for small business owners? As always, feel free to comment below!

Warm regards,


Jennifer Britton, PCC, CPCC

Author of Effective Group Coaching (Wiley, 2010) which includes an appendix on Group Coaching Exercises

Phone: (416) 996-8326

Email: info{at}potentialsrealized{dot}com

1 comment:

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