Monday, May 31, 2010

Group Coaching Program Materials

I often get asked what type of materials should I have on hand, or prepare, for my group coaching program? The level of structure, and materials, will often rest on your own style and preferences, and of course, the preferences, and expecations of your participants. Throughout the Group Coaching Essentials program I spend quite a bit of time working with coaches to get clear on what will really benefit their clients.

Some questions you may want to consider are:

  • What do you know about what your clients expect and want?

  • Are they really visually oriented? Is it important to provide them with materials they can follow (refer to my many posts here which stress the importance of providing a takeaway, and the reminder that about 60% of adult learners do have a preference for visual learning/support)

  • Do your clients appreciate handouts and takeaways, or would they want something sent electronically (before or after the session)?

  • The materials you provide may differ between in-person programs versus phone or web based programs. What will be important for you to provide for these different modalities if you are running a similar program.

I go into greater depth in my book, Effective Group Coaching, some of the different materials considerations you will want to take into account for in-person and virtual environments.

Take a look at your current materials, or plans for materials. What's the one thing that will boost the impact of these for your next program?

Have a great start to the week,


Jennifer Britton, PCC, CPCC, CPT

Group Coaching Essentials - next program starts Monday June 7th (12 - 1:15 pm ET)- Space still remains. Accredited for 6.75 CCEs with the ICF.

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