Saturday, April 03, 2010

Business Booster Shot - Systems for Group Programs and Business

many of you may know that for several years was a part time Business Studies Faculty member and lectured on small business topics including marketing, business planning, business development and others. I continue to assert that coaches need to pay attention to the business side of their work, and hence the new addition of this regular column - the Business Booster Shot, to support those of you who are in business for yourself.

Whether you work for yourself, or someone else, the concept of having systems in place will enable you to leverage your time and resources. Here's an adapted excerpt from my book on Systems:

Systems are streamlined processes which will allow you to replicate core pieces of your business. Systems will also help to institutionalize knowledge and allow others to take on activities as your own work expands. Once in place, systems should be updated on a regular basis (quarterly or annually).

As a group program facilitator and solopreneur, it is important to look at systems on two levels:
1. Systems for group programs
2. Systems for your business

Business systems can help you to leverage your time and resouces, while supporting your business growth, productivity and efficiency. Systems for group coaching will make your program work that much more streamlined and easier to have multiple groups on the go at any one time.

In general there are certain areas where business systems may provide support for you in the short and long term including:

- Sales and Marketing
- Clients
- Invoicing
- Registration systems
- Telephone/Web - bridgeline/webinar platform, and long distance packages
- Program Design Systems

Questions to consider:
What business systems do you currently have in place?

What new systems would boost your efficiency?

What would make your work easier and have more impact?
(Adpated from Effective Group Coaching, Britton, pp 189)

Warm regards,


Jennifer Britton, PCC

Group Coaching Essentials

PS - The 90 Days BizSuccess program provides support for business owners who want more success within their businesses. This spring and summer, I will be continuing to tailor programs for service based professionals such as coaches, trainers and other independent professionals. Our next program starts on Wednesday April 21st at 2 pm ET

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