Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Taking Stock of Your Group Programs at Year End

Happy New Year everyone! I hope that your holiday season has been terrific so far.

In lead up to the start of the new year, and the new decade, I wanted to share some of the year end reflection questions I have included in this month's newsletter, and my 6th Annual Year End Call.

When you sit down to take stock of your work this year, think about the following:

My accomplishments this year have included (insert these)
I am most proud of achieving .....
The opportunities that are facing me/my business/my programs right now are....
The challenges that are facing me/my business/my programs right now are....
I want to keep the following on my radar screen next year (insert these)
I want to put more
attention on ___________ next quarter/month/year.
My priorities for the next six months/quarter are ........
I want to be energized/fuelled by .... in 2010.
By ________(insert date)____________ I will have.........
My next steps are.....
I will be accountable to.....

Wishing You and Yours a terrific start to our new decade.

I look forward to continuing to serve you, and support you in your efforts to design and deliver high impact, top quality workshops, retreats and group coaching programs.

Warm regards,

Jennifer Britton, PCC, CPCC, CHRP

Group Coaching

Phone: 416.996.8326

Email: info{at}potentialsrealized{dot}com

Author of Effective Group Coaching (Wiley, 2010)

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