Friday, November 06, 2009

Executive Coaching and Nonprofits

A large part of my early career as a manager was in the non-profit sector, and as such I continue to be interested in, and work to support a number of non-profit clients.

Many coaches wonder about the impact of the economy on executive coaching. Here's an interesting article first published in's weekly newlsetter on Executive Coaching: Another Tool in the Toolbox in Nonprofits, written by Elisa Burnbaum. There are some good examples of how coaching is being used in non-profits, as well as underscoring the win-win nature of coaching for organization and client.

Another recent book has come out has come out from Wiley on Coaching Skills for Nonprofit Managers and Leaders : Developing People to Achieve Your Mission from Judith Wilson and Michelle Gislason. I have not read it myself but looks like a great resource for nonprofit managers and leaders.

What other books have you recently read about coaching that you've enjoyed? I will be updating my Amazon booklist shortly so stay tuned.

Warm regards,

Jennifer Britton, PCC, CPCC
Group Coaching Essentials
Toll free: 1-866-217-1960
Email: info{at}potentialsrealized{dot}com

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