Wednesday, April 04, 2007

April's Program Line Up

We have an exciting line-up of programs this month, to support you in moving your group program ideas into reality for the spring and summer. Our programs include:

Tuesdays 10:30 - 11:45 am(EST): April 10, 18, May 1 and 8th: The Group Coaching Essentials Program.
Are you a coach, looking to add group coaching to your offerings? This program provides you with tips, tools, and templates to make your group coaching program exceptional. A few spaces still remain.

Mondays 7-8:15pm (EST): April 16, 23, 30 and May 7/07: Workshop and Retreat Essentials
This program is for professionals who are looking to create their own workshop and retreat programs for individuals or organizations. The output of this program is your own workshop or retreat program design and marketing. As one of our initial offerings back in 2004, this program has now been taken by hundreds of professionals around the world. The program is delivered by phone.

Friday April 20th (10 - 4 pm EST) - The Creativity Virtual Retreat Day - Are you looking to create the space to Get It Done? This program creates the space for coaches, trainers and other facilitators to dedicate to group program development and marketing. During the six hours of the program we will be retreating from our own homes or offices. We will be meeting for the first 20 minutes of every hour as a group by phone, followed by forty-minutes to work on different components of our own group programs. I have seen outstanding results from this process which creates the space to focus on own work, which is supported by the momentum of the group.

Wednesday April 11th (7-8:30 pm EST): The Engaging Exercises for Teams and Groups Teleclass
Are you looking for some new exercises for your workshops, retreats or group coaching programs? During this one and a half hour call, I will be sharing some of my favorite exercises with you. You will also receive an e-copy of the Engaging Exercises for Teams and Groups Manual, initially published in 2005. It is guaranteed to be a fun, energetic call, rich with many take-aways for you to apply immediately to your own group programs. The cost for this program is $59 US.

Friday May 4th : 12 - 1:30 pm (EST): Tips and Tools for Making Your Workshop or Retreat a Success.
This call focuses on nine areas for making your next workshop or retreat a success. Covering essential tips, tools and templates, you will leave the call with some new ideas for making your programs engaging, impactful and fun. We will cover tips on design, implementation and marketing. The cost for this program is $39 US and includes an E-Workbook.

I hope that you will consider joining me for one or more of these programs. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at 1-866-217-1960 or by email at jennifer[at]potentialsrealized[dot]com.

With best wishes,

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