Expanding the variety of resources to support group and team coaching conversations is something I
hear from coaches regularly, along with the question, Where can I go to find more?
Today's post zooms into several sites that might provide inspiration for ideas of what to do. At the same time, it can be useful to spend a few minutes thinking more about what you are looking for, or what the groups and teams you are working with need.
As you go to explore resources be sure to ask yourself the following questions:
1. What could this team or group benefit from right now - more support around goals? Action? Awareness? Accountability?
2. What am I doing to meet the different learning needs of the group or team I am working with?
3. What am I doing to make our work more visual, particularly if it is a virtual group?
4. What opportunities am I creating for my group/team members to bring it into their body (more kinesthetic or experiential ways)?
5. What auditory engagement points am I including?
6. Is there enough time between activities, or during exercises, for group/team members to gain as much as they can from the activity?
7. What set up, or pre-work is needed to "prime" people for learning?
8. What follow-up would be of benefit?
9. What is the inquiry or what are some possible inquiries which could connect with this conversation?
10. How else does it connect with other topics?
11. What else is important to consider about this topic?
Several sites which may provide some inspiration for you are:
Coaching Toys.com - Coach Marcy Nelson-Garrison hosts a rich portal of different resources (including our own Conversation Sparker Cards and the 40 Ways to Work with Visual Cards e-manual)
Wilderdom.com - Check out the links to hundreds of group games and activities which can be adjusted for coaching conversations. Think how the activity can support groups/teams in their exploration of goals, action, awareness and/or accountability
Icebreakers.ws - A collection of different ways to "break the ice". Many are great to forming connection.
MindTools.com - Always a terrific place of inspiration and great content. Clients will find it valuable as well.
BusinessBalls.com - Another site with ideas for you to get inspired by.
What's going to make your next conversation a great one?
For those who have any of my books, I'll invite you to check out the following chapters around this important topic of boosting your toolkit:
Effective Virtual Conversations (my newest book out on all things groups and teams in the virtual realm) - Chapter 7 - http://www.EffectiveVirtualConversations.com
From One to Many: Best Practices for Team and Group Coaching - Check out the appendix, as well as the activities included in the digital chapter on Team Coaching In Action (http://www.From12many.com)
Effective Group Coaching - Check out the Appendix
Have a great start to your week!
Best wishes,
Jennifer Britton, PCC, CPCC
Email: info{at}potentialsrealized.com
Phone: (416)996-8326
Join me this fall twice a month for complimentary community calls related to my new book, Effective Virtual Conversations. Calls are usually held on Monday mornings. Pick up a copy at Amazon or a signed copy from the new site - http://www.effectivevirtualconversations.com
Fall programming has just started with several offerings for coaches - Group Coaching Essentials (8.75 CCEs) - next group starts October 16th, Advanced Group and Team Coaching Practicum (10 CCEs ) - join our Friday group - 1:15 - 2:30 pm ET.
There are also a couple of Mentor Coaching Groups running this fall - September 8 and 25th starts
The Virtual Facilitation Essentials will start on Monday October 2nd at 1:45 pm ET. 5 weeks of tips, best practices and ideas to boost your virtual programming.